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Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general.
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University.
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Dannenberg A.N., Associate Professor of Church-State Relations of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation, candidate of historical sciences.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
Klimenko D.A.,  Candidate of Philology, Public Project Manager.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Smirnov I.P. Old Faith and the district council (1898-1901)
Akhinova L.G. Islam in the art as a factor of integration of Muslim immigrants in Paris today
Klintsova M.N. The problem of interethnic marriage as an indicator of interethnic interaction in the republic of Crimea at the present stage
Rizoev S.H. Religion - a resource of Russia’s domestic policy (review of academic debate - spring 2016)
Tkacheva N.A., Baymuhametova R.C. Ethno-confessional situation in the social and political field of Northern Kazakhstan
Kasatkin P.I., Ibragimova K.A., Bobrova M.V. The American civil religion values in public rhetoric and political practice of J.W. Bush. and B.Obama: comparative analysis
Klimovich A.P. Substantiation of moral philosophy
Afanasiev S.G. Identification of concept and theory of empathy
Frantsev F.S. George Sand, Pierre Leroux and Franco-Russian Literary-Philosophical Dialogue in 1840’s




Smirnov I.P.

Old Faith and the district council (1898-1901)

The article is written on materials of fund «Ethnographic Bureau of V.N. Tenishev (1898-1901)» of Archive of the Russian Museum of Ethnography in St. Petersburg. From the archives of correspondence, those which describe the way of life and customs of Old Believer communities from 23 provinces of Central Russia are selected. The conclusions of the article can be related both to traditional methods of economic management, labour ethics and norms of social behaviour of Old Believers, reflecting their ethno-cultural identity, and to no less extent to the system of socio-political views of representatives of the Russian zemstvo, from which the bulk of correspondents of ethnographic survey was.

Keywords: Old Belief, zemstvo, ethnography, economy ethics, community, tradition, stereotypes, religious tolerance, ethnocultural identity.


Akhinova L.G.

Islam in the art as a factor of integration of Muslim immigrants in Paris today

The subject of this article is the review of artistic culture in contemporary Paris. The objects are museums and mass cultural events in the city. The aim of the article is to discover where the Islamic Art is shown and how the state uses culture as an integration tool. To achieve these aims we are going to trace the origin of the Department of Islamic Art in Louvre and review state programs of introduction of the immigrants to the French culture.

Keywords: Paris, Islam, culture, integration, migration.


Klintsova M.N.

The problem of interethnic marriage as an indicator of interethnic interaction in the republic of Crimea at the present stage

In this article the author proposed the analysis of the problem of modern ethno-political situation in the Republic of Crimea and the features of interethnic and interconfessional relations in the given conditions. Interethnic marriages are analyzed by the author as a result and a mirror of interethnic cooperation in the Republic of Crimea at the present stage.

Keywords: interethnic interaction, interconfessional interaction, ethno-political situation, marriage, interethnic marriages, interconfessional marriages, mixed marriage.


Rizoev S.H.

Religion - a resource of Russia’s domestic policy (review of academic debate - spring 2016)

The article presents an overview of major events in the academic level of theological and ethno-religious spheres of life in Russia, where the development issues of priority and strategic importance were discussed.

Keywords: religious, situation, system, complex, ethno-politics, state-religious relations.


Tkacheva N.A.

Baymuhametova R.C.

Ethno-confessional situation in the social and political field of Northern Kazakhstan

The article is devoted to the religious situation in the North-Kazakhstan region. The author examines the historical and social aspects of the ethno-national relations, analyzes the methods of interethnic interaction which are necessary to preserve ethnic and religious stability.

Keywords: Religion, ethnicity, denomination, Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region.


Kasatkin P.I.

Ibragimova K.A.

Bobrova M.V.

The American civil religion values in public rhetoric and political practice of J.W. Bush. and B.Obama: comparative analysis

Civil religion in the United States historically had a special significance for the formation and development of this state. In today’s world, the United States play a significant role in world politics, relying in particular on the values of civil religion. In the XXI century US began to pursue an active foreign policy and interference in the internal affairs of other states has become a regular and sustained act. American presidents often claim in their speeches that the United States act in accordance with their own confidence and American exceptionalism. Giving speeches in public, they appeal to God, who gives them and the American people the right to be the main agents of God’s will on Earth, blessing their decisions pursuant to that will, and American presidents engage themselves with the interpretation of the will of God, thus taking on the role of the prophets . For example, George. W. Bush, giving order to start the war in Afghanistan and then in Iraq under the pretext of protecting the rights and freedoms of the Iraqi people from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, decided that his duty to the nation and to God is keeping the fight against terrorism on a global scale, because terrorism threatens the basic human values. We have analyzed the phenomenon of the US civil religion, revealed its basic characteristics at the present stage, studied how it is embodied in the activities of US presidents - George. W. Bush. and Barack Obama. To do this, a comparative analysis of the speeches of George. W. Bush and Barack Obama and their appeal to religion took place. Conducted content analysis included searching for certain words and expressions related to the American civil religion in the speeches of the two presidents. We were able to show that George. W. Bush and Barack Obama continued the tradition of speaking to American people as the prophets of American civil religion, manifested in their belief that they can and have the right to explain to American people the will of God; In their view, the founding fathers of the American state were considered as Prophets, who integrated the divine values and ideals for the future generations; their ritual appeals to God with a prayer to bless the American people, to bless the United States.

Keywords: civil religion in the United States, American exceptionalism, the ideology of expansionism, Barack Obama, George. W. Bush., political institutions, the founding fathers, values, ideals, rituals.


Klimovich A.P.

Substantiation of moral philosophy

In this article we present a review of the problem of moral philosophy substantiation. Various approaches to solving this very problem are being considered. The leading representatives of the general approaches in this sphere are listed and the fundamental principles of these approaches are formulated. In the introductory and concluding parts of this article the importance of moral justification in considering the role of morality in a socially philosophical context is explained.

Keywords: Morality, ethics, substantiation, cognitivism, non-cognitivism, subjectivism, objectivism, sociological diagnostics.


Afanasiev S.G.

Identification of concept and theory of empathy

The article deals with practical aspects of the theory of empathy in the context of Western theories of art education. Pedagogical conceptions of identification of Lounfelda and Braytten, Ragg’s "imperatives for the theory of education", as well as the views of Barrow, Doltu, Mukhina, Vygotsky on pedagogical predicates in the context of empathic motives of creativity are shown.

Keywords: Empathy, the theory of art education, the concept of identification.


Frantsev F.S.

George Sand, Pierre Leroux and Franco-Russian Literary-Philosophical Dialogue in 1840’s

The article is devoted to the influence of the ideas of the French philosopher Pierre Leroux, who was still relatively poorly studied in Russia, who was originally a follower of A. Saint-Simon; and also to the perception of Pierre Leroux’s philosophy indirectly, through Sand’s works, by Russian thinkers and public figures of the XIX century, such as F.M. Dostoevsky, V.G. Belinsky and V.S. Pecherin.

Keywords: philosophy of history, Saint-Simonianism, transformation of the religious discourse, the Great French Revolution, Georges Sand, Pierre Leroux, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.A. Nekrasov, V.S. Pecherin.




Afanasiev S.G., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Doctoral student of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy Department of Aesthetics, Chairman of the Board of the International Union of Public Associations «World Perspective» (UN and UNESCO programs).

Akhinova L.G., Graduate student of the faculty of History of The Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Baymuhametova R.C., Director of «Center of psychology and personality development ‘Ruh’».

Bobrova M.V., Graduate Student of Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Frantsev F.S., Graduate student, Department of Philosophy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Ministry of Forеign Affairs.

Ibragimova K.A., Leading Expert of the Bureau of Scientific Secretary of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Graduate Student of the Department of integration processes, European Studies.

Kasatkin P.I., Candidate of Political Sciences, Head of Science Policy, Associate Professor of the Department of World Political Processes of Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Klimovich A.P., Postgraduate student of Lipetsk State Technical University.

Klintsova M.N., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social philosophy, Tavricheskaya Academy of the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University.

Rizoev S.H., Graduate student of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Smirnov I.P., Leading Researcher of the faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Tkacheva N.A., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Marketing and Municipal Management of the Institute of Management and Business of the Tyumen State Industrial University.