Dannenberg A.N. Organizational foundations of Latin American Catholicism: history and present time
Voznesenckiy I.S. Religion and time: the origins of confessional time management
Meng Xiangyun Islamic fundamentalism in the PRC and the current state of Muslims
Ternovaya L.O. Ancient gods around us: theonyms in everyday life, marketing and geopolitics
Kamova R.M. The genesis of culture
Lezhneva T.M. The essence of sacred musical art in contemporary domestic culture
Matveychev O.A. Plato as a plagiarist
Frolenkova I.Y. Preservation of cultural heritage means of cultural and spiritual and informative tourism
Chuev K.G. Trust in the relationships of employees of the organization in the sociological dimension
Baymuhametova R.S. State youth policy and socio-political activity of Kazakhstan youth
Kamova R.M. The role of culture in inter-international communication on the example of the North Caucasus
Dannenberg A.N.
Organizational foundations of Latin American Catholicism: history and present time
Latin America is not the first century is the largest "diocese" of the Catholic Church. To date, most Catholics live in the Latin American subcontinent. Nevertheless, for a long time the Catholic Church did not have special bodies for governing church life in Latin America. The article analyzes the history of the emergence of institutionalized centralized ecclesiastical authorities governing the diocesan-parish life of Latin American Catholics, reveals the specificity of their present state.
Key words: Catholicism, Catholic Church, Christianity, Latin America, CELAM, the Episcopal Council of Latin America.
Voznesenckiy I.S.
Religion and time: the origins of confessional time management
The most important stage in the formation of human society has become people's awareness of the importance of time. This was largely helped by mythological and early religious ideas. Religious practices of prayer, fasting, and celebration ensured the organization of people's lives in accordance with the cyclical nature of the flow of time, creating a measured order not only of economic work, but also social interactions. However, social needs increasingly went beyond the cyclical course of time, which gave rise to the assumption by the church of examples of parallel and linear types of perception of time. The explosive growth of industrial production has led to the fact that the linear nature of the measurement of time, connected with the idea of progress, has turned into the predominant one. The development of production and the theory of labor organization caused the emergence of the concept of time management - time management. But in his provisions, one can find references to the sources of religious time.
Key words: time, mythology, religious time, organization of time, time management.
Meng Xiangyun
Islamic fundamentalism in the PRC and the current state of Muslims
The Constitution of the PRC guarantees the right of citizens to freedom of religion. Islam is one of religions from the outside, which has a history of 1,300 years in China. Islam began spread from Arabia to China in the VIII century. Through mixed marriages between Persian or Arab merchants and Chinese Han people, new nationalities of believing Islam were formed. With the spread of Islam in Central Asia, Islam entered Xinjiang in the 10th century. So, the Muslims of China have formed 2 cultural groups. Although the criteria for the division of nationality in China have been controversial for many years, according to the results of the current ethnic group, Chinese Muslims have a very clearly national character. This article describes the national characteristics and distribution of Muslims in China. Excluding Muslims of the first group with Chinese traditional culture, Muslims of another group with the culture of Xinjiang national minorities are associated with Islam in Central and West Asia. This article analyzes the reasons for the spread of Islamic fundamentalism and extremism among Muslims in the north-western region of China due to historical, cultural, economic and social factors.
Key words: China, Chinese Muslims, national minority, economic backwardness, Islamic fundamentalism, extremism.
Ternovaya L.O.
Ancient gods around us: theonyms in everyday life, marketing and geopolitics
Among the many variations of the identification of objects one of the oldest and most stable is to assign it a name. Often the names are borrowed from various fields, including the theological. Theonyms of Greco-Roman pantheon spread not only to the names of people, planets, days, months, but are also used in marketing, space exploration, organization theory and geopolitics.
Key words: Greco-Roman mythology, pantheon, marketing, space program, organizational culture, system of international relations.
Kamova R.M.
The genesis of culture
The current stage of development of cultural knowledge and the modernization of culture causes a definite interest in establishing the place and role of the Genesis of culture, which is a consideration of the motion of the original cultural processes that led to the emergence of what can be called human culture. The increased interest of many researchers to the problem of the origin of culture due to the important place that culture occupies in the context of fundamental changes in social institutions and way of life.
Key words: Genesis, the concept of culture, cultural Genesis, man, human activity.
Lezhneva T.M.
The essence of sacred musical art in contemporary domestic culture
The most important component of the spiritual culture of the society is religion. The musical art containing religious sacred images is called sacral. The category "sacred" is one of the most important philosophical concepts that represent a value for a person. Appeal to the values of religion allows you to change the worldview of a person, his attitude to himself, to surrounding people. The genres of sacral music of the Catholic and Orthodox Christianity lines have always been and are the source of creativity of Russian composers in different historical epochs. The author's interpretation of the spiritual and moral and value-semantic reference points in musical works emphasizes the ambiguity of the decision to reproduce sacred images and deliver them to the listener. At the turn of XX-XXI centuries contemporaries hear sacred music not only in churches, temples and cathedrals. Losing its ritual belonging, it sounds from the scenes of secular institutions of culture, carries the function of enlightening and familiarizing listeners with the spiritual and moral knowledge of religious meaning. Liturgical (liturgical) direction largely preserves the traditions of choral singing. Peace, the sublimity of prayerful fulfillment are conveyed by simple harmony, simple rhythm, quiet dynamics. In the sacral choral music that transcends the church rituals and represents extra-bogus (non-liturgical) direction, the composers use the genres of both Catholic and Orthodox worship, change the canonical text, introduce instrumental accompaniment, bright contrast dynamics, complex rhythmic organization, etc., Emphasizing the ambiguity and diversity of the transmission of the sacred meaning. Liturgical and extramural services continue to preserve sacred religious traditions to the present day and to fulfill the function of familiarizing the modern society with the ideals of the Christian faith.
Key words: spiritual culture, religion, worldview, Christianity, musical art, acronym, cut music, choral genres, ritual.
Matveychev O.A.
Plato as a plagiarist
The article is dedicated to the study of the problem of plagiarism in the works of Plato in connection with ancient Greeks' beliefs about "intellectual property". Possible sources of a number of Platonic ideas and complete texts are defined, among which the most obvious are Philolaus (and also other Pythagoreans), Protagoras and Democritus. Plato's possible motives for the improper borrowing of fragments of works by his contemporaries and predecessors are uncovered; our paper also describes ways of "masking" by Plato of such borrowings.
The author emphasizes that Plato's accusations of plagiarism were often an instrument of unfair competition between philosophical schools, and he analyzes several cases of falsification by the Neopythagoreans of Plato's "ancient sources". The role of accusations of plagiarism against Plato in the ideological war waged with Hellenism by Jewish and Christian apologists is demonstrated.
The author draws attention to the fact that Platon's borrowing of other people's ideas was often accompanied by their distortion and vulgarization, moreover, the original sources themselves disappeared from everyday life, which contributed to the very popularity of Plato. His plagiarism was an event that changed the course of world history - all subsequent philosophy, science, culture developed under the sign of Platonism
Key words: history of philosophy, Ancient Greece, Plato, authorship, plagiarism, intellectual property.
Frolenkova I.Y.
Preservation of cultural heritage means of cultural and spiritual and informative tourism
Definitions of cultural, spiritual and informative tourism are given, the value of objects of cultural heritage as bases of cultural identity is considered
Key words: cultural tourism, objects of cultural heritage, pilgrimage, spiritual and cognitive tourism.
Chuev K.G.
Trust in the relationships of employees of the organization in the sociological dimension
The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted by the author at the enterprises of JSC "Holding Company Energomash-Story" (Belgorod). We consider the general level of trust in the team, the level of trust in horizontal and vertical relationships, the causes of mistrust, the general level of trust in the organization (society).
Key words: trust, organization, employees of the organization, social relations in the organization, vertical relations, horizontal relations.
Baymuhametova R.S.
State youth policy and socio-political activity of Kazakhstan youth
In the article problems of social activity of youth in various spheres of life and participation in migration flows are analyzed, socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural factors of its social activity are revealed. Socio-political activity of young people today is one of the most important directions in the development of state, civil society, constitutional state, in ensuring dynamics and stability of the political system. Experience of the last decades convincingly proves that political and economic success is achieved by those states that pay much attention to youth; and stable development demonstrate societies, that reconsider system of traditional views on new generations, on the system of relationship between generations and on their importance for political and socio-economic development.
Key words: youth, social activity, youth policy.
Kamova R.M.
The role of culture in inter-international communication on the example of the North Caucasus
The most important role of culture in interethnic communication is manifested in its influence on the constructiveness of intercultural dialogue, in the ability to promote mutual respect for people of different nationalities, to strengthen their friendship and cooperation, and to integrate nations residing in such a poly-national region as the North Caucasus.
Key words: culture, national and cultural specificity, ethnos.
Baymuhametova R.S., Director of LLC “Center of Psychology and personal development “RUH”.
Chuev K.G., Department of Sociology and Management Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University.
Dannenberg A.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy.
Frolenkova I.Y., Institute of Public Administration and Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Kamova R.M., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of philosophy and humanitarian disciplines of North Caucasian state humanitarian-technological Academy.
Lezhneva T.M., Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia the Department of choral conducting).
Matveychev O.A., Candidate of Philosophy, Professor of the National Research University – Higher School of Economics.
Meng Xiangyun, The Department of Comparative Politics People's Friendship University of Russia.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Voznesenckiy I.S., Lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Management, Business coach, specialist in personal and collective effectiveness.