Storchak V.M., Avakyan D.A. The mechanism of awakening, conversion and rebirth of the personality in the secular and religious tradition (experience of reading religious and revolutionary literature)
Shaposhnikova N.A. Church-historical direction in the works of N.K. Roerich
Nguyen Van Binh The essence of the virtue of «generosity» in Buddhist teachings on the example of the history of Vietnam
Petrova S.I. On the crisis of representation in culture and its causes
Akishina E.M., Olesina E.P., Ovchinnikov R.A. Choral art as a way of introducing students to the traditions of Russian culture
Liu Shusheng, Martynova N.V. About the character of Chinese watercolor art in the context of the development of the traditional painting language of the Celestial Empire
Shindel S.W., Shindel W.W. Special military operation zone as a space of military and cultural confrontation
Sinelshchikova O.D. Tactical approaches to the development of the Russian film industry through the involvement of runaway productions
Saratovsky S.V. Interpretation of the social concepts of the archetype of the road in modern genres of short prose
88 |
Kochesokov R.K., Bizheva A.P., Mairova M.Z. Levels of ideology
Korobitsina O.A. Technique of writing a literary work in the direction of philosophical lyrics
Bozhenkina S.A., Marukhno V.M., Triandafilova S.S. Dialogue in medicine: approaches to building relationships between doctors and patients
Lyubomudrov A.A. On a possible approach to correcting the climate of planet Earth: philo-sophical analysis
Ryabova E.Y. Ethics of consumption: philosophical understanding of responsibilities and choices
Salimgareev D.V., Solodukho M.N. Russian ideology in cultural and educational practices of modern Russia during the transition from postmodern to post-postmodern
Danakin N.S., Konev I.V. Life arrangement of orphans: status and problems |
Konev I.V., Znakharchuk F.R. Internet communications in the sphere of territorial public self-governme |
Kravchenko V.I., Pazovsky A.M. Profiling and verification as tools in the system of ensuring information reliability of mass media |
Glazkova L.A., Danakin N.S. Management of post-boarding school supportfor pupils of social institutions
Barkovskii E.S. Life arrangement of orphans: problems and technologies of resolution
177 |
Blinnikova A.V. Comparative analysis of tourism products of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia: adaptation to the changing social reality
184 |
Gerasimova O.Y. Conflict between doctor and patient in the modern healthcare system
194 |
Glazkova L.A., Starostova E.A. The state and problems of development of territorial public self-government
201 |
Gorsky A.A. Charitable organizations as an element of civil society and their social significance
207 |
Ivanov M.S. Directions of transformation of state migration policy in Russia
213 |
Kolodka L.V. Interconfessional mission of the mass media in the conditions of global conflicts: sociological aspect
220 |
Kravchenko V.I. Social networks as a tool for re-evaluating values within the framework of Maslow’s pyramid
227 |
Luzhina E.N. The impact of social space on career aspirations of university graduates in the Republic of Karelia | 237 |
Lukmanov A.H. The crisis of modern historical education | 248 |
Malinovich E.V., Makarova K.K., Ananchenkova P.I. The perception of artificial intelligence technologies by older scientists and teachers | 257 |
Moryakov S.V. Trends of changes in military personnel’s management culture under conditions of uncertainty: an empirical analysis
264 |
Tkachenko E.N. Education in modern society: social elevator or lost time?
271 |
Shoismatulloev S.S., Subkhonov A.I. Active longevity of aging generations as a goal of the socio-demographic policy of the state | 277 |
Kravchenko V.I. The role of social media in shaping traditional family values | 286 |
Storchak V.M.
Avakyan D.A.
The mechanism of awakening, conversion and rebirth of the personality in the secular and religious tradition (experience of reading religious and revolutionary literature)
The article is devoted to such a unique social phenomenon as religious awakening, conversion and rebirth of a religious and quasi-religious personality. The authors analyze the causes and features of this transformation. Much attention in the article was paid to the work of the famous American philosopher and psychologist of the second half of the XIX century. James, who is considered one of the representatives of the humanistic field of psychology. In line with his approach to the causes of personality conversion from one faith to another, the article examined this process in the context of Maxim Gorky's novel "Mother". In particular, the mechanism of gradual awakening, conversion and rebirth of a new person in the paradigm of a social hero of a new revolutionary type was presented.
Key words: James W., religion, quasi-religion, awakening, conversion, rebirth, the novel "Mother".
Shaposhnikova N.A.
Church-historical direction in the works of N.K. Roerich
The world-famous artist Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich was born in St. Petersburg in 1874 and died in Naggar, India in 1947. He painted thousands of paintings, which are now kept in famous museums around the world. Roerich is the author of many literary works. He founded such international movements as "Peace through Culture" and "Banner of Peace". Nikolai Konstantinovich is the author of the idea and initiator of the Roerich Pact. Artist, thinker, archaeologist. A powerful and multifaceted personality. But what do we know about the contribution he made to the development of church art in the early 20th century? There is little information, after the Great Patriotic War many works were destroyed. But evidence, photographs and several surviving works have been preserved. This is what our current research is about.
Key words: Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich, icon painting, iconostasis, church, mosaic, fresco.
Nguyen Van Binh
The essence of the virtue of "generosity" in Buddhist teachings on the example of the history of Vietnam
Research objectives: to identify the essence of the virtue of "generosity" using the history of Vietnam as an example. Research object: the virtue of "generosity" in Buddhist teaching. Research methods: generally accepted scientific research methods, amount the methods for analyzing and collecting information, the unity of the logical and historical, epistemological and sociological. Research results: The virtue of "generosity", as one of the paramitas, is an integral mechanism in the development of society, the history of Vietnam and is also one of the teachings of Buddha. For many centuries, the virtue of "generosity" has brought people joy, happiness, and freed them from greed and stinginess. Vietnamese Buddhism is "active" Buddhism. The teaching of Buddhism "generosity" has developed and "cultivated" throughout the process of penetration and existence of Buddhism in Vietnam. Vietnamese Buddhism is always interested in the issue of introducing Buddhist teachings into public life and how to develop them for the benefit of all living beings.
Key words: Generosity, Buddhism, Vietnam, giving, virtue.
Petrova S.I.
On the crisis of representation in culture and its causes
The crisis of cultural representation reflects the profound social, political, and economic transformations that modern society is facing. The crisis of representation impoverishes culture itself, depriving it of a variety of voices and stories. The lack of diversity of perspectives and experiences slows down cultural development, hinders the emergence of new ideas and forms of artistic expression. The article provides a brief overview of the reflections of foreign thinkers on the crisis of representation in culture. It shows that, despite the difference in positions and areas of professional interests, scientists consider the crisis of representation in culture as a multifaceted and multilevel phenomenon reflecting the profound shifts and transformations taking place in the modern world. The crisis of representation in culture is not only a problem of ethics and justice, but also a question of the relevance and viability of culture. Overcoming this crisis requires constant critical rethinking and redefinition of the ways of cultural representation. In a modern world characterized by mobility, pluralism, and information saturation, culture must be flexible, open, and responsive to the demands of different social groups, as the demand for diversity, inclusivity, and authenticity in representation increases.
Key words: culture, representation, crisis of representation, media, simulacra, society, information.
Akishina E.M.
Olesina E.P.
Ovchinnikov R.A.
Choral art as a way of introducing students to the traditions of Russian culture
The article actualizes the potential of choral art in introducing students of different ages to the traditions of Russian culture. Taking into account the analysis of the results of modern research and empirical data, the conditions and ways of realizing the potential of choral art in the formation of students' aesthetic and general culture of personality are determined.
Key words: choral art, choral singing, traditions of Russian culture, musical culture, aesthetic culture, students, performing repertoire, value attitude to culture, potential of choral art in personal development.
Liu Shusheng
Martynova N.V.
About the character of Chinese watercolor art in the context of the development of the traditional painting language of the Celestial Empire
The article discusses how regional characteristics have influenced the development of Chinese watercolor, including traditional painting language, philosophical concepts, and the people's spiritual interests. The authors highlight that watercolor painting was not originally from China but has been developed on the foundation of traditional Chinese painting. Unlike other types of painting that have been involved in Chinese history, watercolor has not been very active in all periods of Chinese history and is of interest because of its little study. The flourishing of contemporary watercolor painting is based on the research and innovation of generations of Chinese watercolor artists who have mastered the refined techniques of Western watercolor painting and shaped their aesthetic experience, in which the integration of Eastern culture and Western artistic concepts is evident, which is a hallmark of their country's times reflected in their watercolor creations. This article examines the distinctive characteristics of the evolution of watercolor art since its inception in China. It provides a comprehensive overview of the developmental phases of watercolor art in China during the 20th century. The authors provide an analysis of the principal cultural and philosophical concepts that have shaped the evolution of Chinese watercolor art. The article examines traditional artistic practices, such as Chinese painting and calligraphy, and their role in shaping the style and techniques of Chinese watercolorists. It also considers the language of the form of modern watercolor painting through an analysis of the history of the development of watercolor in China, with reference to the works of famous masters. Finally, it discusses the trends of watercolor art development at the present stage, in the context of multicultural innovations of the time.
It can be concluded that the character of contemporary watercolor art in China is the expression of the authentic experience of the emotions of life in modern society. This is achieved by focusing on realism, modeling the texture of traditional painting concepts in accordance with cultural ideas and aesthetic concepts based on the uniqueness of regional characteristics. Additionally, the interpretation of the language of painting form is diverse and constantly changing in accordance with the advancement of the historical development of the country. This has greatly enhanced the flavor of watercolor painting.
Key words: watercolor, northeastern and southern schools of watercolor painting, culture, philosophical concepts, regional and national color.
Shindel S.W.
Shindel W.W.
Special military operation zone as a space of military and cultural confrontation
The article studies the zone of special military operation (hereinafter referred to as SMO) as a space of not only military but also cultural confrontation. And if the military confrontation largely depends on the technical equipment (long-range artillery, use of drones, prohibited ammunition, etc.) of the armed forces of the opposing sides, the cultural confrontation forms the difference in the mentality of the fighters. The latter is manifested in negative attitudes towards both “their own” and “strangers” (alive, dead, wounded, captured). The purpose of this paper is to analyze and state the inseparable connection between the material and cultural components of military affairs, especially in the extremely risky situation of the SMO zone. It is also intended to identify the differences in the mentalities of the combatants, caused by the differences between military and secular cultures. An example is the fact that the Russian military, despite significant losses, unlike representatives of the Ukrainian national battalions are not prone to violence, much less sadism. Our fighters do not shoot civilians, do not abuse prisoners and do not drive forward their own with the help of barrier troops. All these features of mentality and military culture are determined by the specifics of social and cultural development. Russia has long been a strong centralized state with its military elite - officers. Ukraine, located on the territory of the Wild Field, was originally formed as a free militia, but not as a state. The free Cossacks, of course, had quite a peculiar character. In particular, the authors demonstrate the significant role of religious-magical rituals in the consciousness of representatives of informal paramilitary communities and in Ukrainian culture in general.
Key words: technical equipment, drones, spiritual culture, Cossacks, Wild Field, state, mentality.
Sinelshchikova O.D.
Tactical approaches to the development of the Russian film industry through the involvement of runaway productions
In the context of the processes of global economic transformation and the crisis of the modern international system, the relevance of a comprehensive scientific assessment of the state of the Russian film industry reflects the need to develop national cinema in Russia, as a country with rich and distinctive traditions in the art of cinema.
It is obvious that the production of world-class films requires the continuous development of an integrated infrastructure, as well as a joint material and technical base and the availability of investment funds for the creation and realization of joint film productions.
A method called «runaway production» is also used to develop the film industry. This term is used by the U.S. Hollywood industry to refer to film and television productions intended for initial release/exhibition or television broadcast in the United States, but actually filmed outside the immediate Los Angeles area (including Hollywood), whether in another country, another U.S. state, or another part of California.
The purpose of the article is to characterize tactical approaches to the development of the Russian film industry through the involvement of Runaway productions.
The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the development of approaches to the development of the Russian film industry can affect the improvement of its efficiency and competitiveness.
Key words: Russian film industry, tactical approaches, ways to attract Runaway productions.
Saratovsky S.V.
Interpretation of the social concepts of the archetype of the road in modern genres of short prose
The article explores the importance of the archetype of the road in the context of modern literary trends. In the context of growing interest in this symbol and the dynamic development of small prose, the article analyzes how the archetype of the road, as a frame element of human existence, continues to reflect the themes of self-knowledge, the search for the meaning of life and overcoming difficulties. It is noted that in the context of globalization and high social mobility, the concept of "path" undergoes metaphorical changes, which entails a new perception of the inner world of a person and his social context. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the interpretations of the archetype of the road by modern authors, to identify changes in its symbolic content and functional role. Methodologically, the article is based on comparative and hermeneutic analysis, as well as structural analysis of artistic images, which allows for a deeper understanding of the interaction of the road with personal and social identity. Examples from the works of modern writers show how the road is a multi-layered symbol that reflects the complexity of existence in the modern world.
Key words: archetype of the road, social concepts, small prose, self-knowledge, search for the meaning of life, globalization, modern literature, mythology, literary criticism, interpretation, symbolism, literary analysis, existential themes.
Kochesokov R.K.
Bizheva A.P.
Mairova M.Z.
Levels of ideology
The article notes that in the Russian (Soviet) philosophical tradition it is customary to distinguish ideology as a level of social consciousness and political ideology as a form of social consciousness, while in the Western philosophical tradition ideology is actually reduced to political ideology. A comparative analysis of these two approaches was carried out. It is concluded that it is more correct to consider ideology as a special form of social consciousness (sphere of spiritual life), in which two levels should be distinguished: (1) national ideology and (2) ideologies of various social groups. The common and differences of the two levels of ideology are shown.
Key words: philosophy, ideology, levels of social consciousness, spiritual life, science.
Korobitsina O.A.
Technique of writing a literary work in the direction of philosophical lyrics
The manifestation of philosophy in literature is most often seen in the presence of problems of man and the world, which are of great professional interest not only for literary scholars, but also for theoretical philosophers, who see forms of manifestation of philosophy in aesthetic phenomena in such objectification of generally significant ideas. Noting this, it is important to emphasize that literary creativity is a means, a way of non-theoretical philosophizing, in which the enormous cognitive potential of art is fully revealed. But the "ontological status" of a work of art is a qualitative characteristic of only those phenomena of creativity that fully meet the criteria of artistry. For writers who create such works, a sense of the "philosophical essence of the world" is characteristic. Specific ways of existence of meanings in theoretical and non-theoretical forms of philosophizing have recently become the subject of comparative study in both Western and domestic humanities. To write a literary work, writers need to study theory in order to become more competent specialists in this field. In this article, we will provide a technique for writing a literary work in the direction of philosophical lyrics in order to help authors improve their skills, which, in turn, will lead to the emergence of higher quality literature.
Key words: philosophical lyrics, literary work, technique of writing poetry, literature.
Bozhenkina S.A.
Marukhno V.M.
Triandafilova S.S.
Dialogue in medicine: approaches to building relationships between doctors and patients
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the approach to building a doctor-patient relationship differs among doctors and the patients. This article examines the results of a sociological interrogation in which 488 respondents were interviewed. Questions posed in the article help medical practitioners to choose the type of relationship between doctor and patient leading to the creation of the most productive therapeutic alliance. It was found that most doctors use a different approach during an appointment than they prefer when acting as a patient. In communication with patients, doctors are prone to a certain pattern of behavior, a more paternalistic approach, but when acting in their own role, they tend to establish equal interaction.
Key words: doctor, patient, equal interaction, paternalistic model, medical ethics, therapeutic union, medical necessity, bioethics.
Lyubomudrov A.A.
On a possible approach to correcting the climate of planet Earth: philosophical analysis
The purpose of the work is to assess the possibility of climate correction on planet Earth in order to establish favorable climatic conditions for human existence on the planet. To achieve this goal the research method is used in the work which involves conducting research with the joint application of the provisions of natural sciences and Holy Scripture. When applying this research meth-od, an assumed physical factor was determined under the influence of which in the twentieth century the average temperature of the surface air layer on the plan-et Earth increased by about 10 C and in the last decades of this century a decrease in the total ozone content in the atmosphere of the planet was observed. This fac-tor is the presence on planet Earth of some little-studied form of life, the vital activity of which is accompanied by the synthesis of atomic-molecular substance with concomitant heat release in the bowels of the planet. The knowledge of the existence of the mentioned life form on the planet and its properties indicated in the Holy Scriptures allowed us to form a practically acceptable approach to correcting the climate on the planet. According to this approach, in order to create the most favorable climate for human existence on the planet, it is enough that in one or more countries of the World Community, the organization of human life most fully corresponds to the provisions of the Holy Scriptures.
Key words: planet Earth, global climate warming, depletion of the ozone layer, natural sciences, Bible, life forms, synthesis of atomic and molecular matter, approach to climate correction.
Ryabova E.Y.
Ethics of consumption: philosophical understanding of responsibilities and choices
The article explores current issues of consumer ethics in modern society, emphasizing the relationship between individual choices, lifestyle and consequences for society and the environment. The philosophical understanding of consumer ethics is analyzed, revealing the values and principles that form the basis of consumer practices. Questions about what it means to be an "ethical" consumer and what moral obligations arise in the process of choosing goods and services are discussed through the prism of literature by authors both foreign and domestic. The problems of consumption are considered as a phenomenon that arose in the conditions of modern society, when the process of consumption became a goal, not a means of achieving survival. The article also focuses on the role of ethics in consumer decisions, noting that companies are forced to take ethical aspects into account when implementing corporate social responsibility concepts.
Key words: ethical consumption, social innovation, consumer behavior, consumption scale, values, social and environmental factors, consumer society, social responsibility.
Salimgareev D.V.
Solodukho M.N.
Russian ideology in cultural and educational practices of modern Russia during the transition from postmodern to post-postmodern
The authors substantiate the need for ideological consolidation in Russia in the context of geopolitical transformations. The importance of using the mental and creative potential of its population for the development and prosperity of the country is emphasized.
The text highlights the existential problem of the quality of geopolitical consciousness in Russia, which must correspond to the strategic goals of the country. An assessment is made of the emerging information war aimed at the minds of Russians.
The authors believe that in the context of global geopolitical changes, there is a need to rethink the internal image of Russia as a state-civilization with its deep cultural significance, unique social traditions, spiritual values and rich historical heritage.
The text discusses the project "DNA of Russia", which, in his opinion, poses the task of formulating a common methodology for a multidisciplinary view of Russia.
It is concluded that modern challenges require the solution of a complex task - the creation of a unified national ideology that will clearly define its national contours, corresponding to modern realities and the centuries-old historical experience of Russia. The new ideology should be described by three key questions: “What is Russia as a civilization?”, “What is Russian society?” and "What kind of state do we want?".
Key words: post-postmodern, sustainable development of the country, mental resources of Russian youth, educational environment, traditional spiritual and moral values, humanitarian sovereignty of Russia, educational technologies, civic identity.
Danakin N.S.
Konev I.V.
Life arrangement of orphans: status and problems
The article reveals the state and problems of life arrangement of orphans in modern Russia. The main forms of life arrangement, their features are identified and described. Attention is focused on the trends of integration of models and forms of life arrangement of orphans. The characteristics of living and upbringing conditions in children's social institutions are given. Three basic technologies of life arrangement management are identified and considered: preventive technology, re-institutionalization technologies and post-boarding school support.
Key words: life arrangement of orphans, life arrangement problems, main forms of life arrangement, life arrangement models: preventive, foster, restorative, partnership; preventive technology, re-institutionalization, post-boarding school support.
Konev I.V.
Znakharchuk F.R.
Internet communications in the sphere of territorial public self-government
The article examines the state of readiness of the leadership and public activists of the city of Belgorod to use Internet technologies as a means of communication between the Councils of the territory and the population. An assessment is given of the need and effectiveness of using various channels of information interaction
Key words: public administration institutions, citizen awareness, communication channels, Internet technologies, territorial councils, city government, social networks, messengers, factors of online interaction efficiency.
Kravchenko V.I.
Pazovsky A.M.
Profiling and verification as tools in the system of ensuring information reliability of mass media
The article examines the problem of overcoming the crisis of modern professional journalism and the media due to the influence of global flows of post-truth in its characteristic manifestations – manipulative and fake journalism from the standpoint of the analysis of socio-psychological and media psychological approaches. As one of the possible options for overcoming the decline of domestic journalism, the authors propose the introduction of a comprehensive media information security system created on the basis of already well-known, proven methods of argumentation of information reliability and fact-checking as a technology for verifying the actual accuracy of messages, on the one hand, and new, not yet mastered in high-quality mass media techniques for the rapid recognition of false information at the stage field work of a journalist.
Key words: argumentation, verification, authenticity, post-truth, manipulation, profiling, fake, fake journalism, factchecking.
Glazkova L.A.
Danakin N.S.
Management of post-boarding school supportfor pupils of social institutions
Post-boarding school support for graduates of social institutions for orphans and children left without parental care is aimed at socializing graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions (under 18 years of age, unable to live independently due to the lack of social skills, experiencing difficulties in finding a job, obtaining housing, and arranging their daily life). Preparing pupils of social institutions for orphans and children left without parental care for independent life and post-boarding school support for graduates is one of the main areas of the state's social policy.
Key words: post-boarding school support, regional system, pupils, children's social institutions, adaptation of orphans, monitoring, consulting, holding consultations, establishing primary contacts, psychological correction, social and psychological prevention, legal assistance.
Barkovskii E.S.
Life arrangement of orphans: problems and technologies of resolution
The article presents social technologies aimed at solving problems of life placement of or-phans. Technologies of diagnostics, social patronage, control, monitoring, social support, emergency assistance, as well as accounting, program-targeted, rehabilitation, anti-crisis technologies are identified and considered. Systematic use of these technologies is a guarantee of successful resolution of problems of life placement of orphans.
Key words: orphans, life arrangements, technologies, problems, monitoring, social support, diagnostics, rehabilitation, patronage, registration.
Blinnikova A.V.
Comparative analysis of tourism products of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia: adaptation to the changing social reality
The social institution of tourism is considered in the context of the concepts of “sociology of emotions” and “economy of impressions”. The development of these concepts happened at the end of the last century, by now they have received a wide response all over the world. The theoretical conceptualization of the mentioned directions continues in connection with the changing general system of economic consumption. The sociology of emotions and the economics of impressions are reflected in the management of emotional design of events in the institutionalization of tourism. Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia border Lake Baikal. Information from these regions is examined through content analysis, generalization, synthesis and analysis. The article systematizes information about major events that attract tourists to the regions and Baikal. Festivals and events of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia are briefly described. Both regions do not have event calendars, information about the events is scattered. There are no state or public structures coordinating events and summarizing information.
Key words: sociology of emotions, emotion management, management in tourism, sociology of regions, travel, tourism, winter tourism, festival, Siberia, Baikal, psychological unloading, economy of impressions.
Gerasimova O.Y.
Conflict between doctor and patient in the modern healthcare system
Communication between a doctor and a patient when providing medical care is associated with emotional and psychological stress, which can lead to conflicts. The article examines conflicts that arise between medical workers and patients, analyzes the causes of conflicts and factors that influence the patient's behavior, causing aggression directed at the medical worker. Despite the fact that in this situation not only the patient may need to protect his rights, but the injured party may also be a medical worker, the latter rarely turn to law enforcement agencies for the protection of their rights. The reasons for this are distrust of law enforcement agencies, their inaction, impunity of the conflicting patient, refusal to accept the application, refusal to initiate a criminal or administrative case. Lawyers and the medical community are talking about the creation of new laws and tougher punishment for conflicting patients. At the same time, medical workers, being the same citizens of the Russian Federation as patients, are protected by a number of articles in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The main causes of conflicts and factors influencing aggressive behavior of patients in domestic healthcare have been identified. The situation is aggravated by healthcare reforms, the decline in the prestige of the medical profession, the spread of self-medication, and the expansion of paid medical services. In addition, doctors do not have psychological and communicative methods and tactics, and do not know medical law. All factors influencing the emergence of conflicts in modern healthcare can be divided into manageable, conditionally manageable, and unmanageable today.
Key words: conflict, doctor, patient, physical and mental violence, honor and dignity of the individual, slander.
Glazkova L.A.
Starostova E.A.
The state and problems of development of territorial public self-government
This article presents the results of a selective sociological survey conducted among the population of the city of Belgorod, as well as activists of territorial councils, employees of the city administration, budgetary and commercial organizations. The conducted research made it possible to identify: the state of awareness of the population about the system of public self-government operating in the city, directions for its improvement. The prerequisites for social involvement of the population in the affairs of local communities are also identified. Practical recommendations for the development of the public self-government system in Belgorod are presented, which may be of interest to the leadership and public activists of other cities.
Key words: TOS (territorial public self-government), population activity, involvement, civic participation, strategic development, territorial councils, local communities.
Gorsky A.A.
Charitable organizations as an element of civil society and their social significance
Charitable organizations play an important role in the civil society system, acting as intermediaries between the state, business and the public. Their activities are aimed at solving social problems, eliminating inequality and supporting vulnerable groups of the population. Charitable organizations promote volunteerism, encourage the redistribution of resources, create jobs and invest in human capital, which has a significant impact on social cohesion and economic stability. They also strengthen the third sector of the economy, promote the development of civic initiatives and provide a platform for interaction between sectors of society. However, in order to maximize their potential, it is necessary to overcome a number of challenges, including ensuring transparency, sustainability of financing and an even distribution of resources. Strengthening partnership with the government, business and citizens will become the basis for building a more inclusive and sustainable society.
Key words: charity, civil society, social justice, volunteerism, human capital, economic inequality, transparency, financial sustainability.
Ivanov M.S.
Directions of transformation of state migration policy in Russia
This article examines the concepts of state migration policy in the post-Soviet period. The goal is to develop proposals for improving the state migration policy of the Russian Federation. On the basis of the comparative method, a brief analysis of the normative and legal foundations of the migration policy of modern Russia was carried out, the peculiarities of the concepts of the state migration policy were revealed, and proposals for improving the migration policy of the Russian Federation were formulated.
Key words: migration, migration processes, migration policy, Concept of state migration policy.
Kolodka L.V.
Interconfessional mission of the mass media in the conditions of global conflicts: sociological aspect
The article examines the features of the implementation of the interfaith mission of the media in offline and online interreligious dialogue. The key areas of implementation of the interfaith mission are analyzed, including education, the formation of a common cultural identity, the prevention of radicalization and extremism, promoting cooperation between supranational structures, instilling the values of civil society, instilling social responsibility, creating a positive image of the future. The importance of implementing the interfaith mission of the media for the socialization of youth and the formation of public opinion among older people is substantiated.
Key words: media, religion, confession, interfaith mission, society, global conflicts.
Kravchenko V.I.
Social networks as a tool for re-evaluating values within the framework of Maslow's pyramid
A brief description of the impact of social networks on young people and their traditional ideological values is given. Changes in the process of socialization of young people caused by digitalization and the use of social media are described. The role of influencers, the problems of information bubbles and polarization of opinions, as well as the impact on consumer culture and political activity are considered. Ways to solve emerging problems to minimize negative consequences through the development of media literacy, critical thinking and reasonable consumption are proposed.
Key words: youth, internet, social networks, values, media, worldview, values.
Luzhina E.N.
The impact of social space on career aspirations of university graduates in the Republic of Karelia
This article analyzes the formation and realization of career aspirations among graduates of universities in the Republic of Karelia, within the context of rapid changes in the contemporary labor market. The study explores the influence of unique regional factors, such as natural resources, cultural heritage, and historical context, on the strategic career aspirations of young professionals. Key challenges are identified, including limited employment opportunities, a gap between graduate qualifications and employer expectations, and insufficient career guidance for students. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the regional environment's impact on career choices and emphasizes the necessity for reforms in educational programs, career counseling systems, and strengthened partnerships between universities and employers. These measures are crucial for successful professional integration of young professionals and regional economic development. The article utilizes statistical data and empirical research focused on career preferences among graduates of Karelian universities.
Key words: youth, social space, career plans, employment, Republic of Karelia.
Lukmanov A.H.
The crisis of modern historical education
Modern historical education is at the intersection of profound institutional, socio-economic and technological changes. The article examines the main aspects of the crisis of historical education, including a decrease in interest in the discipline, the problems of adapting educational programs to new conditions, the impact of digitalization and globalization, as well as challenges related to the social and political significance of history. Based on theoretical analysis and empirical data, the key causes of the crisis are identified and ways to overcome it are proposed, including reforming curricula, developing digital tools and strengthening an interdisciplinary approach.
Key words: historical education, globalization, digitalization, politicization, social change, academic freedom, program reform, humanities.
Malinovich E.V.
Makarova K.K.
Ananchenkova P.I.
The perception of artificial intelligence technologies by older scientists and teachers
Modern technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), have a significant impact on education. However, the introduction of new technologies into the educational and research process faces a number of barriers, especially among older teachers. Understanding their attitude to AI and their willingness to use technology in their work is becoming an important task for creating an inclusive scientific and educational environment.
Given the variety of applications of AI, it is important to consider whether, how, and to what extent AI technology can be used to assist researchers and teaching staff in overcoming the difficulties they face in their professional activities.
This article examines the factors influencing the perception of artificial intelligence technologies by older scientists and teachers, and identifies the main barriers and prospects for their use in educational practice. The work is a review of empirical studies conducted by foreign authors and published in open scientific and peer-reviewed publications.
Key words: artificial intelligence (AI), scientific and scientific teaching staff, educational process, digital literacy, technology perception, administrative burden, individualization of learning.
Moryakov S.V.
Trends of changes in military personnel’s management culture under conditions of uncertainty: an empirical analysis
The article provides a generalized analysis of trends in the change of the military personnel management culture in conditions of uncertainty based on empirical data. As it turned out, adaptation to it makes the request for the ability to create and maintain "human relations" when performing tasks associated with danger as pronounced as possible. Individuals are much less willing to tolerate disrespectful attitudes, such as insults, personal attacks. There is a transformation of values, beliefs, and norms. This is perceived as an important condition for maintaining the effectiveness of management influences. This is largely due to the practice of using small autonomous groups in modern combat situations. The norms and rules of mutual influence in such groups make this particular version of the management culture relevant, as the most functional and appropriate.
Key words: management culture, uncertainty, values, humanity, professionalism.
Tkachenko E.N.
Education in modern society: social elevator or lost time?
The text is devoted to the analysis of modern education as a tool of social mobility, its role and the challenges it faces in the context of digitalization, globalization and automation. Education is traditionally considered as a mechanism for achieving social and economic success, but in modern realities its importance is being transformed. The main theoretical approaches are considered, including the concept of meritocracy and the theory of social exchange, which explain the processes of interaction in the educational sphere. Special attention is paid to the problem of the discrepancy between educational systems and the requirements of the labor market, the glut of the market with graduates with higher education and the growth of social inequality in access to education. Recommendations are offered on reforming educational systems to adapt to new economic and social conditions, including the development of digital technologies, retraining and increasing access to education for socially vulnerable groups. The author emphasizes the need to transform the education system in order to preserve its role as an effective social elevator.
Key words: education, social mobility, digitalization, social inequality, theory of social exchange, labor market, retraining, education reforms.
Shoismatulloev S.S.
Subkhonov A.I.
Active longevity of aging generations as a goal of the socio-demographic policy of the state
The aging of the population is one of the key demographic trends of the 21st century, requiring a review of the state socio-demographic policy. The article explores the concept of active longevity, aimed at preserving the health, social activity and safety of the elderly. Its theoretical foundations, main directions of implementation and foreign experience are analyzed, including examples from Japan, Scandinavian countries and Canada. Special attention is paid to the role of the state in creating conditions for active longevity through the development of healthcare, support for labor activity, educational programs and ensuring the safety of senior citizens. The main challenges of implementing the concept are considered, including financial constraints, cultural barriers and lack of awareness among the population. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of active longevity for the sustainable social and economic development of society, strengthening social stability and improving the quality of life of the elderly.
Key words: active longevity, social policy, health, labor activity, social integration, government support, sustainable development.
Kravchenko V.I.
The role of social media in shaping traditional family values
The article discusses the formation of the institution of family and marriage, its evolution from primitive communities to modern family structures. Changes in social, economic and cultural conditions that influenced the development of family relationships are analyzed, including the transition from group marriage to monogamy and patriarchal models. It also discusses the functions of the family in various historical contexts, the impact of social networks on marriage and changes in the perception of family values in modern society, including the emergence of new forms of relationships and the desire for equality between partners.
Key words: social networks, emotional connection, institution of marriage and family, system model of worldview.
Akishina E.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Нead of the Center for Improving Methods of Teaching Disciplines of the Russian Academy of Education.
Ananchenkova P.I., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Head of the Department of Economics and Sociology of Healthcare at the N.A. Semashko National Research Institute.
Avakyan D.A., PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor. National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute".
Barkovskii E.S., Postgraduate Student. Belgorod State Technological University.
Bizheva A.P., PhD, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy Department, Kabardino-Balkarian State University.
Blinnikova A.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk.
Bozhenkina S.A., PhD in Philosophy Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar.
Danakin N.S., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.
Ivanov M.S., Applicant. Institute of Demographic Studies of the Federal Scientific Research Sociological Research Institute center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Gerasimova O.Y., PhD in Biology, Associate Professor. Institution of Higher Education South Ural State Medical University, Department of Clinical Psychology, Chelyabinsk.
Glazkova L.A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Belgorod State Technological University.
Gorsky A.A., Senior Lecturer at the A.N. Kosygin Russian State University.
Kochesokov R.K., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Philosophy Department, Kabardino-Balkarian State University.
Kolodka L.V., Head of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the Pridnestrovian State University.
Konev I.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.
Korobitsina O.A., Member of the Russian Union of Writers, member of the Writers Union of North America, member of the International Union of Writers, member of the International Union of Russian-Speaking Writers.
Kravchenko V.I., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Saint Petersburg State University of Space Instrumentation.
Liu Shusheng, Postgraduate student, Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok.
Lukmanov A.H., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. National Research University "MEI".
Luzhina E.N., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Senior Lecturer. Petrozavodsk State University.
Lyubomudrov A.A., PhD in Technics, Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University.
Mairova M.Z., Lecturer, Philosophy Department, Kabardino-Balkarian State University.
Makarova K.K., Postgraduate student of the ANO VO "Moscow University of the Humanities".
Malinovich E.V., Candidate of the Department at the N.A. Semashko National Research Institute.
Martynova N.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok.
Marukhno V.M., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar.
Moryakov S.V., Post graduate sociology chair. Military University named Prince Alexander Nevsky Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Nguyen Van Binh, Phd student. Institute Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
Olesina E.P., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Chief Analyst of the Center for Improving Methods of Teaching Disciplines of the Russian Academy of Education.
Ovchinnikov R.A., Chief Specialist of the Laboratory for the Development of Additional Education of the Russian Academy of Education.
Pazovsky A.M., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.
Petrova S.I., Candidate of cultural studies, Associate Professor. Academy of marketing and socially-information technologies, Krasnodar.
Ryabova E.Y., Postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy, Ogarev Mordow State University.
Salimgareev D.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan.
Solodukho M.N., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan.
Saratovsky S.V., Postgraduate student, Saratov National Research State University.
Shaposhnikova N.A., Associate Professor. Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Shindel S.W., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor. Engels Technological Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Saratov State Technical University, Engels.
Sinelshchikova O.D., Producer, AN Media.
Shindel W.W., Master's student. Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov.
Shoismatulloev S.S., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, A.Bakhovaddinov Institute of Philosophy of Political Science and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Starostova E.A., Editor-in-chief of the media center, аpplicant, Belgorod State Technological University.
Storchak V.M., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Subkhonov A.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Institute of Economics and Demography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
Tkachenko E.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Triandafilova S.S., 5th year student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar.
Znakharchuk F.R., Postgraduate student of the Belgorod State National Research University.