The first meeting of the working group of representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church in Italy in the framework of the Russian-Italian Forum-Dialogue within the framework of civil societies
Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyanskiy Revolution in Cuba
Dannenberg A.N. Modern Catholic ecclesiology: the place of the Church in the world
Shaihov A.G., Chapkin N.S. Interfaith relations in the face of global threats
Razokov S.A. The role of Islam in the process of civil reconciliation in the Republic of Tajikistan
Goncharov O.U. The main provisions of the social teachings of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Russia
Vasneva V.A. Continuing education in the context of modern world trends
Dzutsev K.V., Hetagyrova L.T. Public opinion on the emergence of new religions in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation
Doroshko D. Interсommunion as an attempt to overcome the separation of churches
Levkina L.I. Questions of cooperation between authorities and communities, and their influence on transformation processes in society
Morhard E.N. The value of women's associations and societies in the transformation of the role and place of women in society in Bavaria in the late XIX-early XX century
Yurenkov V.V. Information war as a process of manipulation of mass consciousness and the formation of paradigm-limited thinking
Palamarenko E.V. On the appointment of Archimandrite Vladimir (Sabodan) as deputy head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem
Dannenberg A.N.
Modern Catholic ecclesiology: the place of the Church in the world
The Article is devoted to the modern doctrine of Catholicism about the nature and identity of the Church as a religious and social institution. The author concludes that modern Catholicism continues to consider its institution as the only possible Church Christian organization with ‘over the world’ status. This interpretation produces a model of the relationship between the Church and secular institutions primarily by the state. Distancing itselves from politics, Church, however, reserves the right to influence the secular political space.
Keywords: Catholic Church, Catholicism, ecclesiology, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, the state, politics.
Shaihov A.G.
Chapkin N.S.
Interfaith relations in the face of global threats
The author's vision of inter-confessional relations in modern Russia is being formed in the article. Positive transformations in the life of Russian society should be reflected in efficient, effective interactions of Christian confessions and other traditional and new religions of Russia. The creation of interreligious and interconfessional cooperation requires a different view of the established models of mutual communication of confessions. A comparison of the ongoing intensification of cooperative ties between the countries of an increasingly globalized world calls for the cooperation of confessions, for the sake of upholding traditional moral values and seeking solutions to modern society threats.
Keywords: interreligious, relations, orthodoxy, Christianity, interreligious, relations, traditional, moral, values.
Razokov S.A.
The role of Islam in the process of civil reconciliation in the Republic of Tajikistan
The Signing of the General agreement on establishing peace and national accord in Tajikistan (June 27, 1997, Moscow) opened a new page in the history of the Tajik people, strong will to peaceful construction won, ending a five-year fratricidal war. The problem was solved with political means. The Tajik solution to the problem and participation of the party of a religious nature in the political life of the country can serve as an example for those countries whose governments are in a confrontation with religious organizations and are looking for ways to peace and national harmony.
Keywords: Islam, Tajikistan, popular front, the United Tajik opposition, PIRT (Party of Islamic revival of Tajikistan).
Goncharov O.U.
The main provisions of the social teachings of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Russia
Social activities of religious organizations in Russia are becoming more and more important for the country development. The Russian Federation represented by the President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly appealed to religious organizations calling for active social position in Russian society. Social position of religious organizations has a great impact on their authority in society and hence their development. The religious organization Seventh-day Adventist Church adopted the document "Basics of the social teaching of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Russia" reflecting its social position in the Russian society in 2003. The article analyzes the implementation of the social provisions of Seventh-day Adventist Church for the last 14 years.
Keywords: social position, social teaching, social activity, religious organization, spiritual and moral education, social and political life, state-confessional relations, interfaith relations, military service, family relationships, healthy lifestyle, Christian ethics.
Vasneva V.A.
Continuing education in the context of modern world trends
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of concepts and experience of continuing education that are widely-spread in various countries, including Russia. Taking into account the results of the analysis the main trends in continuing education are identified and described. The attention is emphasized on the promising forms of this type of education.
Keywords: continuing education, lifelong learning, personnel training, interdisciplinarity, forms of education.
Dzutsev K.V.
Hetagyrova L.T.
Public opinion on the emergence of new religions in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation
Religious picture of modern Russia is largely represented by proavoslavnymi, so today we can talk about the orthodox orientation media as a main source of information competence of the Russians in religious matters. The consequence of this has been the formation and development of a specialized “orthodox segment in the overall socio-cultural picture of Russian society, which is significantly superior in terms of” Muslim “segment”. In this situation, a special interest is the study of the views of representatives of various faiths living in the North Caucasus Federal District with respect to all possible sources of religious information. The Article is based on ethno-sociological studies conducted in the summer of 2016 in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation: North Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Ingushetia, Dagestan, CBD. Number of people who participated in the survey was 1,200, including 50 experts (journalists, scientists, government officials, members of political parties, cultural workers). The respondents and experts expressed their opinion on such sources of information about the faith and religious issues as radio and television, audio CDs, cassettes, MP3 players, video tape, a DVD-drives, printed sources (magazines, books, brochures) mobile phones text messages, Internet social networks such as Facebook, Twitter etc., other Internet resources (blogs, websites, websites for sharing video), religious services, or group meetings. Also, the respondents evaluated the credibility of information on religious matters received from family members, acquaintances and friends, religious leaders, scientists, group / political / community leaders, journalists, radio or TV presenters, bloggers.
Keywords: sect, Wahhabism, Sufism, Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baptists, "converts," unemployment.
Doroshko D.
Interсommunion as an attempt to overcome the separation of churches
The article deals with the problem of intercommunion as an effort of reunion of the churches; the Anglican-orthodox dialogue is taken, which is the most fruitful example, when the reunion is considered as a real historical perspective. The author assumes the wholeness of the church-life regarding the so-called lex credendi, lex orandi and lex vivendi. Therefore, some possible efforts of the reunion could be implemented according to the common basements of the faith as well as the searching of the common basements in the prayer. The Intercommunion is considerd as an effort of overcoming the schism by means of the “lex orandi”. The article demonstrates the argumentation of such an approach and the reasons why it couldn’t have been implemented.
Keywords: Anglican-Orthodox dialogue, Intercommunion, Church life, Schism, Fellowship.
Levkina L.I.
Questions of cooperation between authorities and communities, and their influence on transformation processes in society
The researches of the society transformation structure regarding the problems of interaction between authorities and communities, transformation of the structures of power and control and local communities in historical and socio-political aspects are of great importance for understanding of the mechanism of the formation of modern communities. The proposed work focuses on the representation the theory of the leading scholars on this issue and foreign practice of its implementation.
Keywords: communities, social life, governance, the functioning capacity of communities, the anomalous facts of world politics, the gap of the research process, the paradigm "shift", multiculturalism.
Morhard E.N.
The value of women's associations and societies in the transformation of the role and place of women in society in Bavaria in the late XIX-early XX century
The level of development of a society is measured at a modern European scale of spiritual values as a "highly developed" countries with legalized equality of women, women's trade union movement and tolerant social attitudes towards feminism and women's emancipation. Changing the moral compass in the public consciousness of Bavaria took place in the middle of the XIX - first half of XX century. The woman got the same socio-cultural status, the same moral and ethical standards of conduct, the same value judgment on it as an individual, as the man only at the beginning of the XX century and only in the urban socio-cultural environment.
The article deals with questions of occurrence of preconditions, formation and activities of women's associations and societies of Bavaria and their importance in the transformation of the place and role of women in German society in the late XIX-early XX century.
Keywords: Bavaria, Bavarian society, women workers, public women's movement, women's society, women's associations.
Yurenkov V.V.
Information war as a process of manipulation of mass consciousness and the formation of paradigm-limited thinking
This article deals with the problem of the emergence of the concept of "information war", its definition, conceptual-categorical apparatus and types, and also by what means and in what dimensions this type of confrontation can be applied. The ways and tasks of using information wars as a process of the mass consciousness manipulating and the formation of paradigm-limited thinking are defined. The article outlines the main goals and means of shaping public opinion as one of the forms of mass consciousness, the formation of which is influenced by social institutions, among which mass communications are particularly effective, which means have become a powerful tool for consolidating society and using numerous methods of the mass consciousness manipulating. The article highlights effective methods of the mass consciousness manipulating and the formation of paradigm-limited thinking.
Keywords: information war, information space, geopolitical confrontation, mass communication, public opinion, mass consciousness, manipulation of mass consciousness, paradigm-limited thinking.
Palamarenko E.V.
On the appointment of Archimandrite Vladimir (Sabodan) as deputy head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem
The article, based on archival materials, examines the period of residence of Archimandrite Vladimir (Sabodan) as deputy head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem with his stay in Jordan. His activities in Jerusalem, his relationship with the representatives of the Jerusalem Patriarchate and the state authority of Jordan are analyzed. Some consequences of the establishment of his office are considered, as well as the materials of the reports describing the events that took place in Jerusalem in March-April 1966.
Keywords: Archimandrite Vladimir (Sabodan), Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, Israel, Jordan, Holy Land.
Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyanskiy
Chapkin N.S., Teacher of the Plekhanov Russian Economic University, Leader of the Regional public organization to support social city programme “The city in the XXI century”.
Dannenberg A.N., Associate Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences.
Doroshko D., post-graduate student in Ss Cyril and Methodius School of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies, Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow).
Dzutsev K.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Head of the North Ossetian Social Research Center, Institute of Socio-Political Studies, Head of the Department of sociology of the K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University, Vladikavkaz.
Goncharov O.U., Member of the Council of Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation, Secretary General of the Russian Association of Religious Freedom Protection, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences.
Hetagyrova L.T., Researcher of the Institute of Social and Political Studies, Vladikavkaz.
Levkina L.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctorant, Associate Professor of the Chair of Public Relations and Media Policy of the Department of Journalism, the Institute of State Service and Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).
Morhard E.N., Candidate of cultural sciences, Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, cultorologist.
Palamarenko E.V., Graduate Student, Ss Cyril and Methodius School of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies.
Razokov S.A., Doctoral Student in church-state relations Department of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Candidate of Historical Sciences.
Shaihov A.G., Graduate Student of the Department of National and Federative Relations of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Vasneva V.A., Graduate Student of the Department of Sociology and Management of Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University.
Yurenkov V.V., Aspirant, Department of Philosophy, Moscow City Pedagogical University.