Archpriest Dimitry Leskin Onomatosis as a necessary condition of Christian philosophy in the works of Alexey Fedorovich Losev
Zavgorodniy T.O. Consciousness and its metamorphoses: temporality and belonging of experience
Dyachenko L.I., Gilyazeva E.N. Some aspects of a philosophical approach to analyzing the phenomenon of artificial intelligence
Ryabchun N.P. The philosophy of national costume in the work of designer Madina Saralp
Polich V.V., Sashkova E.I. Technologies for improving human potential: a socio-philosophical aspect
Rudakova I.V. Corporality as a constitutive factor in everydayness
44 |
Ardashev R.G., Kitaev N.N. Combat magic of the Third Reich: myths and reality
53 |
Danh Huu Giang, Nguyen Thuy Thom Features of the rituals of “pabbajja” and “upasampadā” in Khmer Theravada Buddhism of Vietnam
Danh Huu Giang Architectural features of Khmer Theravada Buddhist pagodas in Vietnam
Drok O.V. Methodology for functional design of sofas: from traditional forms to modern cozy solutions
Meng Jiang, Yong Liu Development and reliability and validity testing of college students’ nostalgia proneness questionnaire
Li Meng Principles of design and technology of wallpaper application on the example of a Chinese factory: art criticism analysis
Svyatogorova S.B., Bormotova T.M. Theoretical approaches to assessing the human potential of an organization: a sociological aspect |
Kravchenko V.I. Pros and cons of contextual advertising in the context of digitalization of modern society |
Maltseva I.V., Fedyukina T.V. Social design as a tool for changing the social environment and disseminating sociological knowledge |
Korobkina M.A., Klimov N.S. Improvement of the organizational and managerial structure of the hotel business enterprise based on a system-functional analysi
Dayanova D.P. Traditional and modern approaches in the formation of personal value orientations in the dialogue of generations
129 |
Alnurov D.Yu. Civilization: the evolution of the concept and the diversity of approaches in historical thought of the 18th-20th centuries
134 |
Schelokov D.V. Metamorphoses of management practices in the context of a system of urgent problems
143 |
Eidemiller D.D. Sports diplomacy in China’s foreign policy: tools, forms, mechanisms
150 |
Archpriest Dimitry Leskin
Onomatosis as a necessary condition of Christian philosophy in the works of Alexey Fedorovich Losev
The doctrine of the name and word occupies a central place in the system of A.F. Losev. The thinker assigns it a fundamental role in philosophy, theology, science and, in general, human existence. Through it, he comes to the key themes of Russian religious metaphysics - all-unity, the concept of integral knowledge, conciliarity, finding in "onomatodoxy" the core of his worldview, the "secret secret" that he did not abandon until his death.
Key words: philosophy, creativity, condition, Christianity.
Zavgorodniy T.O.
Consciousness and its metamorphoses: temporality and belonging of experience
The article is an attempt to understand such structures of the experience of consciousness as temporality and subjectivity in their interconnection. The assumption that the location of experience in time and the belonging of experience to a specific subject should be interpreted as invariant characteristics of the experience of consciousness is questioned. The author explores the counter-assumption: these characteristics are not considered necessary for every state of consciousness. This assumption is tested using a phenomenological analysis of such states of consciousness as the psychotic experience of schizophrenic patients and the meditative experience of advanced practitioners. The similarity of these states of consciousness lies in the fact that both can be characterized in terms of the deformation of the subject's experience of living in time and in himself. Specifying the parameters that make up the habitual experience of the subjectivity of everyday experience, the author puts forward a hypothesis: the key factor in temporal-personal changes are shifts in the subject's affectation, the extreme values of which lead to the elimination of subject-object dualism and the temporality of the experience of consciousness. The arbitrariness of these shifts is understood as the main condition of the traumatic nature of the indicated changes in the experience of consciousness. The question is raised about the phenomenological status of the state of non-dual and atemporal consciousness, which, due to its devoid of any intentional content, is likened to a state of sleep without dreams and is conceptualized in modern cognitive sciences as “pure consciousness”. The resulting state of consciousness is proposed to be thought of as a “zero point” of consciousness, over which, as a result of affectation, the usual structures of temporality and subject-object dichotomy are built.
Key words: subjectivity, temporality, affectivity, psychopathology, meditation, pure consciousness, phenomenological psychiatry, phenomenological psychology, passive synthesis, intentionality.
Dyachenko L.I.
Gilyazeva E.N.
Some aspects of a philosophical approach to analyzing the phenomenon of artificial intelligence
The pace of development of «artificial intelligence» (AI) forces people involved in the development to seriously think about artificially suspending progress in order to prepare for possible risks. «Artificial intelligence» is a new reality, the comprehension of which requires an integrated approach – the combined efforts of engineers and scientists, including philosophical discourse. Philosophical analysis will solve the problem of AI identification and will allow predicting possible risks of its use. If a person loses control and a sense of responsibility for scientific progress, the consequences will be unpredictable.
Key words: «artificial intelligence», philosophical analysis, AI identification, definition, progress.
Ryabchun N.P.
The philosophy of national costume in the work of designer Madina Saralp
The topic of the article is the phenomenon of appeal to traditional culture and ethnic identity in the context of globalization and informatization. As an example illustrating this trend, the theoretical and practical activities of the Madina Saralp Institute of Cultural Heritage and Development, which is located in Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, are considered. Madina Saralp studies the Adyghe costume from the perspective of history and modernity. The topic of familiarization with national identity through interest in national clothes is raised.
Key words: ethnic culture, ethnic identity, tradition, personality, collective identity, costume philosophy.
Polich V.V.
Sashkova E.I.
Technologies for improving human potential: a socio-philosophical aspect
In the article, the authors attempt to determine further prospects for the application of the achievements of the sciences of new technologies for the purpose of biotechnological improvement of humans. In the course of the study, the authors carried out a comprehensive analysis of various forms of activity to change/improve human characteristics; the ideas of "bioconservatism" and "transhumanism" were considered; the main advantages and fears associated with the invasion of the human body created in the image of God were listed. Based on the results of the study, new conclusions have been formulated that can contribute to enriching ideas about the direction of development of modern humanity.
Key words: human potential, society, technology, bioconservatism, transhumanism, God, man, improvement.
Rudakova I.V.
Corporality as a constitutive factor in everydayness
The issue of corporality as a signature element in the everydayness formation is considered. The main constitutive elements оf everydayness corporal establishment are observed.
Key words: everydayness, corporality, corpora, object.
Ardashev R.G.
Kitaev N.N.
Combat magic of the Third Reich: myths and reality
The article shows the inconsistency of a number of publications devoted to the combat magic of the Ahnenerbe organization ("Ancestral Heritage") of Nazi Germany. The analysis of literary sources and archival information is given. The fruitlessness of the development of "psychotronic weapons", which is a derivative of irrational mass consciousness, is noted.
Key words: The Third Reich, combat magic, psychotronic weapons, Nazi occultism.
Danh Huu Giang
Nguyen Thuy Thom
Features of the rituals of “pabbajja” and “upasampadā” in Khmer Theravada Buddhism of Vietnam
The purpose of the study: reveal the features of the rituals "pabbajja" and "upasampadā" in Theravada Buddhism of Vietnam. Research methods: generally accepted research methods, historical method, cultural and religious studies methods, study and generalization of information. Object of the study: rituals of Khmer Theravada Buddhism. Scope of the study: southern Vietnam. Research results: the practice of Theravada Buddhism is of great importance to the Khmer people. "Pabbajja" and "upasampadā" are traditional rituals, and the Khmer people attach special importance to these rituals. All family members participate in the ritual, they dance, play drums, wear masks, and decorate trees. For the Khmer people, Theravada rituals symbolize folk holidays.
Key words: pabbajja, upasampadā, samanera, bhikshu, Vietnam.
Danh Huu Giang
Architectural features of Khmer Theravada Buddhist pagodas in Vietnam
Objectives of the study: To reveal the architectural features of the Khmer Theravada Buddhist pagodas in Vietnam. Object of the study: Khmer Theravada Buddhist pagodas in Vietnam. Research methods: generally accepted scientific methods, namely the historical method, cultural and religious studies methods, systemic representation of the object. Research results: The southern Khmer pagodas in Vietnam are beautiful religious structures, they combine many styles, myths and cultures, mainly dominated by Indian elements and Angora Theravada roofs. All the structures, motifs and elements in the pagoda are erected by the Khmer people in Vietnam, so the pagodas combine the cultural characteristics of the Vietnamese and Khmer people. The traditional features of the lines in the pagoda are based on the Khmer way of life. The Khmer people consider the pagoda as a cultural, religious and educational center.
Key words: Khmer Pagodas, Theravada Buddhism, Vietnam, Southern Khmer Pagodas, religious buildings, Indian Elements, Angora roofs, Khmer lifestyle.
Drok O.V.
Methodology for functional design of sofas: from traditional forms to modern cozy solutions
The article examines the current situation in the modern furniture industry in the field of upholstered furniture production, in particular sofas. The author analyzes a number of the most relevant and popular trends characteristic of modern sofa design, decoration and decoration. A special role in the work is given to the combination of established traditions and experimental searches in the design of upholstered furniture. An important importance in the article is given to the consideration of innovative methods (virtual modeling, smart technologies, 3D printing) used by specialists in the development of projects. In preparing the work, the author studied current scientific research in the field in question in recent years.
Key words: design of modern sofas, traditional and innovative methods, trends in design and decoration, current upholstered furniture, digital technologies.
Meng Jiang
Yong Liu
Development and reliability and validity testing of college students' nostalgia proneness questionnaire
To develop a questionnaire to measure the college students’ nostalgia proneness and to explore the structural model of nostalgia emotion in the Chinese cultural situation. Methods: Collecting data by in-depth interviews, the data was used for content analyzing, from which the key words and sentences were extracted in order to develop the items of college students’ nostalgia proneness questionnaire. The data used for examining the reliability and validity were collected from 1067 subjects. Results: The scale consisted of 20 items. The exploratory factor analysis indicated that the questionnaire had four factors, including object preference factor, figure preference factor, reflection and exploration factor, sentiment factor. The confirmatory factor analysis showed the fit indexes: 2/df=2.832, CFI=0.919, TLI=0.902, SRMR=0.053, RMSEA=0.057. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the total questionnaire was 0.888, and for the four factors ranged from 0.734 to 0.846. The split-half coefficient for the total questionnaire was 0.874, and for the four factors ranged from 0.527 to 0.779. The test-retest reliability coefficient for the total questionnaire was 0.828, and for the four factors ranged from 0.646 to 0.760. The correlation coefficients between the total score of the questionnaire and four factors scores ranged from 0.592 to 0.857. The correlation coefficients among four factors of the questionnaire ranged from 0.293 to 0.518. Its criterion-related validity coefficients for self-rating nostalgia proneness item, SNS and UCLA Loneliness Scale were 0.617, 0.731 and 0.215. Conclusion: The questionnaire of college students’ nostalgia proneness has satisfactory reliability and validity, which can be used in the measurement of college students’ nostalgia proneness.
Key words: Nostalgia proneness, Validity, Reliability, College students, Loneliness.
Li Meng
Principles of design and technology of wallpaper application on the example of a Chinese factory: art criticism analysis
The article is devoted to the study of the principles of design and technology of wallpaper application on the example of a Chinese factory, from the standpoint of art criticism analysis. The paper examines the historical aspects of the development of the wallpaper industry in China, starting with traditional production methods and ending with modern innovations. A detailed analysis of the design solutions used in the creation of wallpapers is carried out, with an emphasis on the cultural and aesthetic features of the Chinese visual tradition.
The research focuses on the technology of wallpaper application, describing the materials and methods used in the production process, as well as the latest technological advances, their impact on the final product and resistance to various environmental factors. The author analyzes how modern technological processes are combined with traditional artistic techniques, creating unique wallpapers that meet the requirements of both the domestic Chinese market and international standards.
An important part of the work is to consider the interaction of artistic and functional aspects in wallpaper design. Special attention is paid to the analysis of color solutions, ornaments and textures typical of the Chinese wallpaper industry, as well as the interpretation of traditional Chinese symbols and motifs in the context of modern design.
The article also includes a study of the wallpaper market, trends and preferences among consumers, which allows us to formulate recommendations for designers and wallpaper manufacturers focused on creating competitive products. The research is based on field material collected directly at the factory, as well as on the analysis of catalogs and interviews with designers and technologists of the factory.
The work contributes to the science of art, revealing little-studied aspects of the Chinese wallpaper industry and allowing a better understanding of not only technological processes, but also the cultural contexts of wallpaper production.
Key words: wallpaper, Chinese wallpaper, interior design, Chinese style, art history analysis, wallpaper production, wallpaper application technology, design principles, oriental design, art criticism.
Svyatogorova S.B.
Bormotova T.M.
Theoretical approaches to assessing the human potential of an organization: a sociological aspect
This article examines the concept of "human potential" from the point of view of different authors and in the context of different concepts, in particular in the concept of human capital and network human capital. The transformation of the concept is considered, as the emphasis on certain characteristics of human potential changes in different periods of time. In addition, having considered the features of the concept, the most important characteristics and their correlation with the challenges of the time, the importance of human potential in the development of small and medium-sized businesses, its importance as a strategically important force in the development of the economy is considered. The purpose of the study is to identify the most important features of human potential in the modern economy. Leading research methods: analysis and synthesis of information from scientific articles by various authors.
Key words: human potential, human resource, human capital, small and medium-sized businesses, economic development, human resource management.
Kravchenko V.I.
Pros and cons of contextual advertising in the context of digitalization of modern society
This article examines the relevance and effectiveness of contextual advertising in modern society. Exploring the importance and platforms for placing contextual advertising, the author shows the pros and cons as markers of the natural course of development of advertising activities. Particular attention is paid to the advantages of using contextual advertising, such as a quick start of an advertising campaign, increased brand awareness, conversion and sales. As an example of the effectiveness of contextual advertising, the article provides links to the work of such companies as: Google AdSense,, Outbrain, and Adsterra.
Key words: contextual advertising, efficiency, target audience, pros and cons, advertising campaign, sales, brand, platform, advertisement.
Maltseva I.V.
Fedyukina T.V.
Social design as a tool for changing the social environment and disseminating sociological knowledge
The article examines the features of the application of social design as a tool for disseminating sociological knowledge, in particular, in the field of higher education, with the aim of ensuring positive social changes. As a mechanism for disseminating sociological knowledge, the innovative educational approach «Service Learning» is considered.
Key words: social design, social project, sociological knowledge, social change, service learning.
Korobkina M.A.
Klimov N.S.
Improvement of the organizational and managerial structure of the hotel business enterprise based on a system-functional analysis
This article discusses the basics of building organizational management structures in the hospitality industry. The purpose of the study is to identify the key factors that must be taken into account when creating an effective organizational structure in the hotel industry.
The article analyzes the following aspects:
Key factors in the creation of an organizational management structure: the study of internal and external factors influencing the formation of a management structure, such as the size and type of a hotel company, its strategy, culture, technology and the external environment.
The process of creating an organizational management structure: description of the stages of designing an organizational structure, including analysis of the current state, definition of goals and objectives, selection of the type of structure, distribution of responsibilities and powers, as well as the development of control and coordination systems.
Recommendations for choosing the best organizational structure: identification of the most universal and effective structure for
Key words: organizational management structure, hotel business, key factors, effective structure, internal and external factors, structural design, size and type of enterprise, analysis of the current state, flexibility, competitiveness.
Dayanova D.P.
Traditional and modern approaches in the formation of personal value orientations in the dialogue of generations
The article examines the issues of formation of behavioral strategies of a personality in the cultural space of society, defines the stages of formation of a worldview expressing ethical values and norms, moral motivation and ethical assessments. A comparative analysis of the system of figurative perception and thinking of characters is carried out, not only their masks, faces (from Latin. «persona»), but also the spiritual core of the personality, his mental position, the range of vital interests, his emotional world, volitional energy, forms of consciousness and behavior, which may allow us to find ways out of the bifurcation point.
Key words: sociocultural system, culture of life self-determination, value orientations of the individual, imaginative and associative thinking, fairy-tale characters, independence of artistic thinking of the individual.
Alnurov D.Yu.
Civilization: the evolution of the concept and the diversity of approaches in historical thought of the 18th-20th centuries
This study will use the method of scientific-historical analysis, which involves a thorough study of the evolution of scientific ideas, concepts and theories over time in order to identify their influence on the formation of a modern understanding of the subject area being studied.
Key words: century, history, meaning, civilization, evolution.
Schelokov D.V.
Metamorphoses of management practices in the context of a system of urgent problems
Society is a consequence of the numerous interactions of elements of social reality with each other. Social management is carried out to streamline them and achieve a meaningful result. Being a system of means, it includes a set of practices regulating relations between subjects of social reality. At the same time, common values and norms based on them are formed. The mechanism of implementation of these elements, based on significant needs, is undergoing changes in the direction of achieving balance in the existing conditions. Its subsequent institutionalization contributes to the stability of society. The order of social relations that arises at the same time allows us to achieve significant goals in the most rational way.
Key words: social practices, metamorphoses, social reality, order, social management, current needs, management cycle.
Eidemiller D.D.
Sports diplomacy in China's foreign policy: tools, forms, mechanisms
The paper examines the role of sports diplomacy in China's foreign policy, focusing on its instruments, forms, and mechanisms. Sports diplomacy has become an important tool for strengthening international ties and promoting national interests. In the context of globalization and increasing competition, China utilizes sports as a means to enhance the country's image, shape positive public opinion, and strengthen bilateral relations with other states. Key events such as international sporting competitions, cultural exchanges, and cooperation programs are analyzed, which contribute to creating platforms for dialogue and mutual understanding. Examples of successful initiatives, including hosting the Olympic Games, are discussed. Additionally, the article explores the mechanisms through which China integrates sports diplomacy into its foreign policy, including interactions with governmental and private organizations, as well as the influence of sporting events on public perception. In conclusion, it is emphasized that sports diplomacy plays a significant role in shaping China's strategies on the international stage, helping to strengthen the country's position in the global context.
Key words: sports diplomacy, sports mega events, soft power, stadium diplomacy, ping-pong diplomacy.
Alnurov D.Yu., Postgraduate student. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Archpriest Dimitry Leskin, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of theology, Rector St. Alexius Orthodox Institute of Volga region, Togliatti.
Ardashev R.G., Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Law, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines at the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Professor of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration at the Institute of Social Sciences of Irkutsk State University.
Bormotova T.M., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Russian State Social University.
Danh Huu Giang, PhD student. Institute Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
Dayanova D.P., PhD, Associate Professor of the Kazan Federal University, Kazan.
Drok O.V., Designer. Individual entrepreneur. Corona-Home Company.
Dyachenko L.I., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor. «Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI», KNITU-KAI, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.
Eidemiller D.D., Postgraduate Student, Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Saint Petersburg.
Fedyukina T.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University.
Gilyazeva E.N., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor. «Kazan (Volga) Federal University», KFU, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.
Kitaev N.N., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Honorary Professor of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University.
Klimov N.S., Magister. Kuban State University, Krasnodar.
Korobkina M.A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kuban State University, Krasnodar.
Kravchenko V.I., Doctor of Philosophy Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Li Meng, PhD student, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design, Institute of Business Communications (IBC), Department of History and Theory of Design and Media Communications.
Maltseva I.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University.
Meng Jiang, Psychology Counseling Center, Suihua University, Suihua, Heilongjiang, China.
Nguyen Thuy Thom, Part-time teacher. Institute Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
Polich V.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Deputy Head of Academic Affairs, Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Order of Zhukov named after General of the Army I.K. Yakovlev of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk.
Ryabchun N.P., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University).
Rudakova I.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History and Sociology, PhD in Philosophy, Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University, Bryansk.
Sashkova E.I., Siberian Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Novosibirsk.
Schelokov D.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, State University of Management.
Svyatogorova S.B., Postgraduate student. Russian State Social University.
Yong Liu, 2 School of Jiamusi University Education Sciences, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi, Heilongjiang, China.
Zavgorodniy T.O., Postgraduate student, Saint Petersburg State University.