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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Vorobieva E.S. Culturological components of the thinking style of the reenactor
Sorokina N.V., Lukyanova E.V. Peasant social utopia in England in the XIIIth – XIVth centuries
Vorobieva E.S., Malinina N.L. Transformation of classical arts in the media environment
Danakin N.S., Sologub O.O. Reinstitutionalization of system of life of orphans
Sonina L.A. Typology of consumers behavior: reflections on the concept of V.A. Kurennogo
Gajiyev Akif Measuring the level of political instability using public opinion methods
Galiakhmetov R.N., Pagulych V.A. The theory of social stratification as a methodological basis for the study of legal roles
Litvinova G.A., Pitka S.N. Problems of young specialists’ employment: experience of sociological analysis
Evstropova S.V. Problematization of interdepartmental interaction in the system of medical and social assistance to the disabled
Zimovets L.G., Iskrina A.V. Changes in the stratification systems of the west and Russia in the XXI century
Klevtsov I.A. Competitive working environment and ASD diagnosis
Trofimova G.P. The specificity of ethno-confessional interactions in the border city
Schelokov D.V. Dynamics of institutional transformation processes in modern Russian society: main trends and metamorphoses
Mutalimov A.E. Interethnic communication as a socio-cultural problem






Vorobieva E.S.

Cultural components of the reenactor's thinking style

People spend their free time in different ways. Part devotes its leisure time to historical reconstruction. In the last period, an increasing number of reenactors are busy restoring the events of Russian history. The relevance of the research topic is due to how the mental essence of the individual affects the choice of the type of historical reconstruction.

Key words: cultural studies, hobbies, everyday life, leisure, reconstruction, festival, worldview.


Sorokina N.V.

Lukyanova E.V.

Peasant social utopia in England in the XIIIth – XIVth centuries

This article presents several aspects of peasants’ social utopia in England in the XIIIth- XIVth centuries. The study is based on the fourteenth century poem The Land of Cockaigne. After close examination the author highlights both general problems of peasant’s consciousness, moral and ethical issues, as well as precise peasants’ perceptions of an ideal world, their social aspirations and longings for a better life. 

Key words: peasants’ social utopia, The Land of Cockaigne, peasants’ paradise, peasants’ social consciousness, English medieval folklore.


Vorobieva E.S.

Malinina N.L.

Transformation of classical arts in the media environment

On the basis of elements of systemic analysis, the question is raised about the development of traditional forms of art such as literature, painting, music in media culture. New technological communication capabilities appear in the media environment, up to dependence on the media environment. A certain segment in media culture is occupied by classical arts: literature, painting, music. In modern culture, these types of creativity fell into the media environment, initially uncharacteristic for them. Various forms of communication gave rise to their user, who differs from the reader, viewer, listener in superficial, shallow, utilitarian, accelerated perception. Everything is available to the media culture user, but he gravitates not to classical forms and works of art, but to communication about classical works.

Key words: media environment. media culture, art, literature, painting, music, aesthetic and profane, digitalization, blog, blogger.


Danakin N.S.

Sologub O.O.

Reinstitutionalization of system of life of orphans

The article highlights the problem of optimizing the system of life of orphans through its significant renewal (reinstitutionalization), which involves the renewal of certain elements and trends of the old (current) system and the introduction of new elements. It is important that as a result of this two-way process were provided improved system quality and integrity.

Key words: orphans, life, reinstitutionalization, system, target subsystem, structural sub-system, functional subsystem, instrumental subsystem, normative-technological subsystem, operational-procedural subsystem.


Sonina L.A.

Typology of consumers behavior: reflections on the concept of V.A. Kurennogo

Various typologies of consumption based on the socio-economic characteristics of consumers are distinguished. Despite the fact that the philosophical understanding of this phenomenon is also underway, there are very few philosophical typologies of consumer behavior. One of these typologies is represented by the Russian philosopher V.A. Kurennoy. The author of this article believes that, despite the fact that the typology is not presented in a strictly scientific format (and such concepts are not presented in the scientific format at all), it requires reflection and controversy. This article analyzes in detail the types of consumer behavior identified by V.A. Kurenny, comprehends their definition, and gives polemical examples to each type. The author's position is that in the modern environment of consumption, such types of consumer behavior (with all the undeniable dignity of the typology) have not clear boundaries, so there is a need to supplement them with more rigid framework.

Key words: consumerism, consumption typology, consumer society.


Gajiyev Akif

Measuring the level of political instability using public opinion methods

The article analyzes the existing methods for measuring the level of political instability, as well as practical approaches to the operationalization of the concept of political instability into its constituent parts. Specific sociological studies aimed at measuring specific components of the concept of political instability, including protest potential, the level of dissatisfaction with the authorities, approval of the activities of state institutions, are highlighted.

Key words: political instability, protest potential, approval of state institutions, legitimacy, participation in power processes.


Galiakhmetov R.N.

Pagulych V.A.

The theory of social stratification as a methodological basis for the study of legal roles

The theory of social stratification is designed to describe the system of inequalities between groups of people and assumes that certain social differences in society acquire the character of hierarchical ranking and structuring. Every person occupies many positions in society. Each of these positions, providing for certain rights and responsibilities, is a "status. Stratification is a reproducible and changeable phenomenon, which results in the formation of resource-intensive groups, under the influence of which an order of social inequality is established. Pluralism of opinions and a huge number of definitions, close relationship of this concept with the concept of "legal roles" do not allow its clear conceptualization, which requires a separate philosophical reflection and analysis, which predetermines the essential content of this article. In view of the above, the aim of the article is to consider the features of the theory of social stratification as a methodological basis for the study of the legal roles of people in society. The methods of systemic, logical, concrete-historical, congruent and comparative analysis were used in the process of research. They provided, on the one hand, a holistic perception of social statuses and legal roles in the whole system of their links and interdependencies in society, and on the other - their awareness in several dimensions. As a result of the study it was found that each social status determines not the only possible social role, but a whole set of them. The concept of plurality of social roles concerns the question of correspondence of social properties and signs of status subjects to those requirements which produce social relations. Legal role in the system of social stratification is determined by a specific type of environment of social interaction, in which the definition of expected lines of behavior is normatively set. Thus, the role - expresses the "procedural aspect" of social inequality in society, namely, how an individual acts in relations with other people, taking into account the functional value of his role for the social system.

Key words: inequality, society, role, status, stratification.


Litvinova G.A.

Pitka S.N.

Problems of young specialists’ employment: experience of sociological analysis

One of the problems of modern Russian youth is the of young specialists’employment. According to statistics, approximately every fifth unemployed citizen is a young specialist. This problem is associated with many factors, in particular, with a slowdown in the process of renewal of the labor force, a widening gap between the labor aspirations of young people and the op-portunities to satisfy them, discrimination against young professionals without work experience, relatively low wages for young professionals, their lack of market competencies, and the lack of long-term relations of many universities with specialized enterprises, the low quality of training of young specialists, their overestimated and sometimes unreasonable requirements for future work and its conditions.

Key words: problem, employment, young specialist, Russian youth, factor, labor claims, discrimination in the labor sphere, wages, market competencies, quality of training.


Evstropova S.V.

Problematization of interdepartmental interaction in the system of medical and social assistance to the disabled

The article discusses controversial issues in the implementation of state policy in the system of medical and social assistance for the disabled and suggests ways to solve them. The problem of fragmentation of the system of medical and social assistance for a disabled person is revealed, which combines a number of problems of lack of continuity between departments, the predominance of medical rehabilitation between other types of rehabilitation, the formality of work, low work efficiency. As practice shows, the lack of continuity between departments is manifested in the fact that each department (medical, cultural, educational, social) works without interacting with each other, so it becomes unclear what contribution each department has made, how much it is necessary and effective. Hence the predominance of the medical department over other types of rehabilitation, because the disabled themselves may not know about other services they rely on.

Key words: legal regulation, social work, health care.


Zimovets L.G.

Iskrina A.V.

Changes in the stratification systems of the west and Russia in the XXI century

The subject of the article is the stratification system of the West and Russia in the XXI century. The article reveals the concepts of stratification systems and its transformations on the example of Russian and European society. In addition, the transition from the theory of Marxism to the theory of stratification, which offers different criteria, is touched upon. The theories of R. Darendorff and L. Warner are considered. The transformation processes taking place in Russian society over the past 30 years are traced according to the works of domestic scientists. The general problems that the countries of the West and Russia are experiencing at the present stage are revealed.

Key words: social differentiation, transformation processes, social inequality, class structure, stratification system.


Klevtsov I.A.

Competitive working environment and ASD diagnosis

Successful integration into the workforce is a pressing issue for people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The main obstacle to successful employment is the inability to cope with the social demands of work, as people with ASD are more likely to experience increased levels of stress and anxiety. The aim of this stage of research was to explore how the global research community responds to and deals with young people and 'early' adults with the condition, helping them to cope with stress and anxiety in a competitive employment environment. 

Key words: employment, sociology, autism, ASD, stress, anxiety.


Trofimova G.P.

The specificity of ethno-confessional interactions in the border city

The article presents some results of research on the state of interethnic and interfaith relations in the city of Orsk, located in the border zone. Research has been carried out regularly since 2018. The article reflects the main problems on which the study was built and their dynamics for 2019-2021. The sample of respondents was 250-300 people. Particular attention was paid to the state of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional moods of young people, the most susceptible to nationalist and extremist influences.

Key words: polyethnicity, polyconfessionality, cultural interactions, ethnic interactions, confessional relations, tolerance.


Schelokov D.V.

Dynamics of institutional transformation processes in modern Russian society: main trends and metamorphoses

Social institutions are one of the elements that form and support society. For this reason, they experience the same impact of external factors as society as a whole. This was clearly manifested in Russia in the 1990s. The existing norms and values have come into conflict with the new conditions. This has affected the state of social structures, the social processes taking place in them and between them. This actualized the practical necessity of purposeful influence on these elements of society in the context of the conditions of their emergence and development.

Key words: transformation, social structures, content, mechanism, consequences.


Mutalimov A.E.

Interethnic communication as a socio-cultural problem

This article deals with the problem in which the author tries to prove that there are no ethnic communities in the polyethnic community that are not influenced both by the cultures of other peoples and by the broader socio-cultural environment that exists in individual regions and in the world as a whole. In the process of its existence, each ethnic group feels the need to turn to the experience of other cultures and peoples. The interaction of cultures is primarily due to the objective needs of development, the need to borrow or exchange experience. Research on interethnic communication and interaction of cultures shows that the desire to understand someone else's culture, the ability to build a dialogue and make the necessary compromises is of great importance.

Key words: culture of interethnic communication, ethnic dignity, cultural and historical values, patriotic consciousness, functions of language, culture, religion, spiritual needs, exchange of feelings, emotions, needs, principles of internationalism.




Danakin N.S., Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.

Evstropova S.V., Post-Graduate Student of Lobachevsky National Research University.

Gajiyev Akif, Master student, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Galiakhmetov R.N., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport - branch of the Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Krasnoyarsk.

Iskrina A.V., Postgraduate student, Sochi State University.

Klevtsov I.A., Assistant in the Department of Economics of the private educational institution of additional education Moscow Multidisciplinary Institute head of the forensic expert organization “Institution of Forensic Examination”.

Litvinova G.A., Postgraduate Student of Department of Sociology and Management Belgorod State Technological University.

Lukyanova E.V., Associate Professor, Belgorod State University.

Malinina N.L., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of art and design, School of arts and Humanities, Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education. Far Eastern Federal University.

Mutalimov A.E., Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines. North Caucasus Institute (branch) All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) in Makhachkala.

Pagulych V.A., Master's student. Siberian Federal University Institute of Pedagogy Psychology and Sociology.

Pitka S.N., Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.

Schelokov D.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, employee of ANO “Kryshtanovskaya Laboratory".

Sologub O.O., Postgraduate Student of Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.

Sonina L.A., Senior Lecturer, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University.

Sorokina N.V., Teaching Assistant, Belgorod State University.

Trofimova G.P., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Orsk Institute of Humanities and Technology (branch) OSU.

Vorobieva E.S., PhD in Cultural Studies. Docent at the Department of Art and Design School of arts and humanities, Federal state Autonomos educational institution of higher education. Far Eastern Federal University.

Zimovets L.G., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Sochi State University.