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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Albakov I.U. Youth as a special socio-demographic group in the context of the formation of a social and legal state and civil society
Tyun A.P. Sources of ideas about law enforcement agencies in the civilian environment

Bondarenko N.G., Kovalenko A.A., Gurin M.V. Scientific knowledge as the highest form in the hierarchy of values of the network society
Lukinova I.A. Patriotism and Worldview as a part and a whole: philosophical reflections on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the approval of the Foundations of State Policy for the preservation and strengthening of Traditional Russian spiritual and moral values”
Prokofeva G.P. Ethical and axiological substantiation of the peculiarities of Russian civilization
Ryabchun N.P. The mythological motif of spinning and weaving in the light of string theory
Chebodaeva M.P., Ulturgasheva N.D., Tsukanova O.A. The image of the goddess of fire “Ot Ine” in the decorative art of the Khakas
Zheng Putong Effective approaches of music pedagogy for choir conductors: development of leadership skills, leadership techniques and musical expression
Lykova N.N., Sinitsa D.A. Material heritage as a historical and cultural phenomenon: cultural analysis of the heritage of a multi-ethnic region (on the example of the Republic of Crimea)
Voloshinov A.V., Parshin A.O. German apartment houses as Saratov cultural image’s object: condition, issues, perspectives
Liu Lu Guzel Yakhina in China
Li Pingan The artistic life of Beijing and Moscow – twin cities at the beginning of the XXI century
Noskova N.A. Historical background of the formation of spiritual and moral values in Russian society
Orlova E.M. To the history of roman carnival imagery: il generale Mannaggia la Rocca 95
Furmanov E.D. COVID-19 as a factor of transformation of organizational cultures of Russian companies 101
Jiang Qi Analysis of the influence of polytheism on russian culture 109
Zheng Putong The role and methods of music pedagogy in the formation of the skills of a choir conductor: a study of the techniques of leadership, musical education and the development of collective performing potential 116
Cao Huini Analysis of children’s characters in the paintings of The Peredvizhnik School - by the example of the works of I.E. Repin and V.G. Perov 120
Petrov I.F., Petrova S.I. Society, mass media and social communications
Bagaeva A.V. Communicative imperatives of turning everyday life into a subject of interdisciplinary research






Albakov I.U.

Youth as a special socio-demographic group in the context of the formation of a social and legal state and civil society

The article is devoted to the consideration of youth as a special socio-demographic group in the conditions of the establishment of a social-legal state and civil society. Special attention is paid to the discussion of approaches to understanding the definition of "youth". The rights, obligations and degree of legal responsibility of young people in modern society are also indicated. An example of the active participation of youth in the development of society and the well-being of the population as part of the preparation of the UN Agenda for the period up to 2030 is given.

Key words: status, society, youth, state, development.


Tyun A.P.

Sources of ideas about law enforcement agencies in the civilian environment

The article examines the sources of ideas about law enforcement agencies in the civilian environment. She divides public opinion research into dynamic and static, focusing on a dynamic approach that allows us to consider the formation and transformation of public opinion about the police. Three aspects of the dynamics of public opinion are analyzed: the emergence of ideas about law enforcement agencies, the confirmation or refutation of existing ideas, and the transformation of ideas through their addition and revision.

Key words: public opinion, law enforcement agencies, research, dynamic approach, formation, transformation, representations, civil environment.


Bondarenko N.G.

Kovalenko A.A.

Gurin M.V.

Scientific knowledge as the highest form in the hierarchy of values of the network society

The article highlights the issues of the value of scientific knowledge in the context of the development of a network society. The development of the network society has led to the transformation of the axiological aspects of various types of human activity, in particular scientific activity. The characteristics of the network society and virtual reality are given, which are characterized by simulacra and simulations that distort objective reality. The essence of values as a scientific category is described. The defining role of values at different stages of historical development is shown. The essence of scientific activity and scientific knowledge is revealed from the standpoint of the axiological approach. The role of scientific knowledge as a result of human scientific activity in a network society is shown. The comparative characteristic of information and knowledge, information and scientific activity is presented. The value of scientific knowledge is shown from the standpoint of information and system-activity approaches in the conditions of the Network society. It is concluded that scientific knowledge is the highest form of objective information in the hierarchy of values of the network society.

Key words: network society, virtual reality, science, scientific activity, scientific knowledge, values.


Lukinova I.A.

Patriotism and Worldview as a part and a whole: philosophical reflections on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the Foundations of State Policy for the preservation and strengthening of Traditional Russian spiritual and moral values"

The purpose of this scientific article is to identify and eliminate the existing flaws and deformations in the understanding of the phenomenon of patriotism, which we found in the text of the analyzed document, as well as conceptually restore the dominant connection of the part (patriotism) and the whole (worldview), completely unnoticed by the developers of the Decree. That is why the main subject of this study is the conceptual relationship and interdependence of the phenomenon of patriotism as an important element (part) of the implementation of state policy to preserve and strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, on the one hand, with the essence of a much higher order. - with a worldview, and a worldview in the role of the very whole that contains almost all traditional Russian spiritual and moral values (including the above-mentioned patriotism) in their integral and interrelated embodiment, on the other hand. The article substantiates the author's holistic approach to solving the problem of the connection between patriotism and worldview, which in a philosophical context appears as a classic problem of the general relationship of a part and a whole. 

Key words: spiritual and moral values, patriotism, worldview, part, whole, holistic paradigm, state policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.


Prokofeva G.P.

Ethical and axiological substantiation of the peculiarities of Russian civilization

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of the development of civilization. The main attention is focused on the Russian historical path. At the same time, the significant influence of Russian philosophical thought on the peculiarities of the process is reflected. The conclusion is made about the decisive role of spiritual existence and ethical-axiological components in the formation of modern Russian civilization.

Key words: civilization, values, ethics, morality.


Ryabchun N.P.

The mythological motif of spinning and weaving in the light of string theory

The article discusses the concept of modern physics, called "string theory", which explains the fundamental foundations of the universe, in the light of mythological ideas about the structure of being. Parallels are drawn between the idea that reality does not consist of atoms, electrons and quarks, but of infinitely small, vibrating and twisting "threads" (strings) - and ancient myths that spinning and weaving reflects the structure of being. The author uses general historical and hermeneutic research methods. The relevance of the study lies in an attempt to prove the truth of the physical theory by finding parallels in mythology. String theory has no experimental confirmation in modern physics, it remains only a mathematical hypothesis due to the impossibility of empirical verification due to the extremely small quantities in question.  An indirect proof of the legitimacy of this theory can be an analysis of the symbolism of spinning, weaving, knitting and weaving in the mythological representations of the ancient peoples, which figuratively confirms the intuitions of modern science. The cosmogonic role of spinning, weaving, knitting and weaving has a universal character in mythology and is considered in the article on the example of Hittite, German-Scandinavian, Ancient Greek, Roman and Slavic mythologies.  It is concluded that the ancient people who created myths about goddesses, spinning, weaving and cutting the thread of being, did not have super-powerful microscopes and telescopes, and yet they intuitively imagined a picture of the world that repeated the achievements of modern physics, in particular, string theory.

Key words: string theory, spinning, weaving, science and mythology, fundamental principle of being.


Chebodaeva M.P.

Ulturgasheva N.D.

Tsukanova O.A.

The image of the goddess of fire "Ot Ine" in the decorative art of the Khakas

The article is devoted to the study of the image of the goddess of Fire "Ot Ine" in the mythology and decorative art of the Khakas. The article examines pre-revolutionary and Soviet publications about the goddess of Fire "Ot Ine" among the Minusinsk and Achinsk foreigners, as the Khakass were called in pre-revolutionary times. The research is based on archaeological, ethnographic, folklore and museum materials. The origins of the appearance of the motif of the ornament "flaming pearl", associated with the Goddess of Fire "Ot Ine" in the decorative art of the Yenisei Kyrgyz and refers to the Middle Ages. In 1977, in the burial ground of Nik-khaya, located on the coast of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir in the Bogradsky district of the Khakass Autonomous Region, details of a typesetting belt with the motive of the "flaming pearl" ornament were first discovered, which is also found on objects of toreutics - plaques, buckles, belt tips, T-shaped plaques, bird-shaped clips of decorative art of the "Yenisei Kyrgyz", as well as in the folk embroidery of Khakas on robes-sikpens, sigideks, hats and mittens.

Key words: mythology, decorative art, the Goddess of Fire "Ot Ine", Khakass, the motive of the ornament "flaming pearl", Yenisei Kyrgyz, artistic metalworking.


Zheng Putong

Effective approaches of music pedagogy for choir conductors: development of leadership skills, leadership techniques and musical expression

In modern conditions, methods and approaches in the field of music pedagogy aimed at training choir conductors are becoming highly relevant. The article discusses issues related to the development of leadership skills, leadership techniques and musical expression among conductors.

The author analyzes the peculiarities of the development of leadership skills in a conductor, emphasizes that group management skills, as well as communication skills, are an obligatory quality for the organization of high–quality conducting management. In this situation, a strategic management approach to work planning is necessary, since this will allow not only to form a creative and efficient team, but also to develop the personal abilities of each member of the choir. The issues of the director's own development as a leader, including self-esteem, self-development and introspection, are also considered.

In addition, the author focuses on the analysis of the techniques of leadership in the work of the conductor, since the competent use of various techniques allows him to interpret a particular piece of music at a high professional level. The role of vocal and instrumental exercises in the development of various techniques is also noted, since they allow developing and improving the technical skills of the conductor.

At the end of the work, the author comes to the conclusion that the considered approaches of music pedagogy make it possible to organize complex work within the framework of the development of leadership skills, leadership techniques and musical expression of the choir conductor.

Key words: music pedagogy, conductors, choir, leadership skills, leadership technique, musical expression.


Lykova N.N.

Sinitsa D.A.

Material heritage as a historical and cultural phenomenon: cultural analysis of the heritage of a multi-ethnic region (on the example of the Republic of Crimea)

The article considers the evolution of the study of the problem of preserving material cultural monuments in Russian historiography, regional aspects of the protection of cultural values (on the example of the Republic of Crimea) and the mechanisms of the functioning of Russian legislation in this area.

Key words: socio-cultural situation, dynamics of innovation processes, preservation of cultural heritage, world cultural heritage, experience in the protection of monuments, loss of monuments, legislative framework, сultural and historical heritage.


Voloshinov A.V.

Parshin A.O.

German apartment houses as Saratov cultural image’s object: condition, issues, perspectives

The present article is devoted to the research of the condition of buildings which are considered to be regional cultural image’s objects, on the example of three Saratov’s Apartment Houses, the owners of which were Russian Germans. Geographically these buildings are in the historical city center, within walking distance from each other: O.N. German’s Apartment House, E. Vittenburg’s Apartment House, X. Erfurt’s Apartment House – Volskaya Street, Bolshaya Kazachya Street, P.A. Stolypin Prospect, consequently. All three buildings haven’t been functioning as an “Apartment House” with the aim of getting profit from rental for long; but due to their rich history they represent the unique architectural landmarks and belong to the treasury of Saratov’s cultural heritage, perpetuating the images of the past. The condition of the premises is characterized by such eternal problems as the façade’s dilapidation, the partial loss of decorative elements, and the distortion of the primordial state. If properly cared and early reconstructed these buildings may signify the successful preserving of the architectural city space and restoring of Saratov’s image, the city being the cultural capital of the Volga region. The important role in this process is assigned to the young and initiative members of the Saratov’s community of architects; Anton Bogner – an author and ideologist of the vertical tourist route “Yellow Line” – being one of them.

Key words: Apartment Houses, architectural landmarks, Saratov, regional cultural image’s objects, Russian Germans, O.N. German, E. Vittenburg, X. Erfurt, virtual tourist route, project “Yellow Line”, А. Bogner.


Liu Lu

Guzel Yakhina in China

Guzel Yakhina, a well-known modern Russian writer, has published many books such as Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes, My Children and Samarkand Train, which have so far won a number of domestic and international awards and prizes and caused an extremely enthusiastic response in the field of literature. in Russia and the world. This article, based on the translation into Chinese and the publication of many of Yakhina's works in China and the generalization of literature about her work by Chinese scholars, discusses the current state of translation and dissemination of Yakhina's literary works in China and analyzes the current state of research of this writer and her works in Chinese academic circles to promote deeper research by Chinese scientists in the future.

Key words: Guzel Yakhina, current state of translation, scientific developments.


Li Pingan

The artistic life of Beijing and Moscow – twin cities at the beginning of the XXI century

This article provides an overview of successful cooperation between Russia and China in the XXI century. The main directions in the cultural community of Beijing and Moscow are characterized, the points of interaction and the results of cooperation are described, and the main features of the influence of the artistic culture of Beijing and Moscow on each other are described. As part of the retrospective analysis, it is proposed to get acquainted with the process of formation and development of cultural interrelations and interaction between Beijing and Moscow in the field of developing strategies for the artistic and aesthetic sphere, in particular fine art, which after some time had a huge impact on the formation, enrichment and prospects for further development of the painting traditions of both countries. It should be noted that compositional methods of organization, an analytical approach to their use and reflection in form, position, quantity, color mass and compositional density should also be considered as one of the most important aspects of influence. The appeal to the research topic, which is extensive in its constituent aspects, is due to the importance of continuing to improve mutually beneficial interactions that can enrich the historically developed potential of organizing and implementing art education in both countries.

Key words: Beijing, Moscow, twin cities, artistic life, art.


Noskova N.A.

Historical background of the formation of spiritual and moral values in Russian society

The article discusses the historical stages of the study of the formation of spiritual and moral values. The purpose of the study is to trace the historical background of the formation of spiritual and moral values in Russian society and their influence on the formation of values of the modern younger generation.During the studythe analysis of the peculiarities of spiritual and moral education in Russiawas carried out, the main spiritual and moral valueswere revealed and the historical connection of the values of the Russian peoplewas shown.

Key words: spiritual and moral values, historical background, modern education, formation of values, development of society, spiritual value.


Orlova E.M.

To the history of roman carnival imagery: il generale Mannaggia la Rocca

In the article, a historical and biographical approach is used to describe the little-known Roman carnival mask of Mannaggia La Rocca and the historical events that led to the manifestation of the image in the Roman carnival tradition. The author demonstrates that the carnival mask becomes a means of expressing the actual experiences of reality, a symbol of public opinion and national character traits. 

Key words: Roman carnival, mask, general Mannaggia La Rocca, Italy.


Furmanov E.D.

COVID-19 as a factor of transformation of organizational cultures of Russian companies

Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on organizational culture around the world. The pandemic has forced companies to resort to new technologies that had not previously been used in normal company life, and has also had a huge and rapid impact on workplace culture. The purpose of this study is to identify changes in Russian companies before and after the COVID-19 pandemic by analyzing their organizational culture. This study uses a mixed methodological approach to address this issue. This study will identify trends, tendencies and new directions in the transformation of the values of Russian companies. It will determine whether the pandemic has become a factor in transforming the organizational cultures of Russian companies and identify changes in the social responsibility of business.

Key words: Company organizational culture, pandemic, Covid-19, corporate culture, crisis, anti-crisis measures.


Jiang Qi

Analysis of the influence of polytheism on russian culture

Before the Baptism of Rus in 988 AD, Russians were polytheists. With the introduction of Christianity, the Russian people gradually ceased to believe in polytheism. However, religious beliefs and ideas of ancient Russian polytheism are still present in all layers of Russian society in the form of classical music, literature and folklore, and are inextricably linked with Russian consciousness, thinking and culture.

Key words: polytheism, Russian culture, religion.


Zheng Putong

The role and methods of music pedagogy in the formation of the skills of a choir conductor: a study of the techniques of leadership, musical education and the development of collective performing potential

The article provides a study of the role and methods of music pedagogy in the formation of the skills of a choir conductor based on the study of leadership techniques, musical education and the development of collective performing potential. The author analyzes various methods of teaching conducting skills, including leadership techniques, communication with performers and emotional involvement. The paper focuses on the importance of organizing the process of musical education in the formation of conductor skills, since such education includes the development of auditory perception, the expansion of musical scientific horizons, etc.

The work also focuses on the need to develop communications between the conductor and the members of the choir, since the quality of performance depends directly on the level of organization of this interaction. In general, according to the author, the importance of music pedagogy in the formation of the skills of a choir conductor is quite high, since it makes it possible to hone conducting skills and also allows developing the collective performing potential of the choir.

Key words: music pedagogy, role and methods, choir conductor skills, leadership techniques, musical education, collective performing potential.


Cao Huini

Analysis of children's characters in the paintings of The Peredvizhnik School - by the example of the works of I.E. Repin and V.G. Perov

Corrupt serfdom was abolished in Russia in the mid-nineteenth century, but the people still lived in dire conditions. The rapid growth of the bourgeoisie in Russia led to a change in social thinking and a shift toward plebeianism in art. Artists began to focus on portraits of ordinary people, secular life, and natural landscapes, striving for a realistic reproduction of life and wanting to answer the questions posed by reality through their paintings. The depiction of ordinary people became the main direction, and the objective display of life by artists led to the emergence of a new genre - Russian critical realism. The works of the Itinerants of this period reflected the plight of the lower classes, and the images of children reflected the acute social contradictions of the time. This article analyzes the artistic images of children in painting, using as an example some works of I.E. Repin and V.G. Perov.

Key words: Russian painting, V.G. Perov, I.E. Repin, realism, children.


Petrov I.F.

Petrova S.I.

Society, mass media and social communications

The article is devoted to mass media and social communications. Mass communication is one of the types of public relations. And in this capacity, it acts as a mechanism and as a sphere of public exchange of opinions, discussion of socially significant topics and problems, as well as a platform and sphere of interaction between government and society. Being one of the subjects of management, the media simultaneously act as an object of management. Being the subject of social communications, they are at the same time their objects. Social relations in all their diversity act as a source and final object of influence of mass communication media. The article shows that the media promote interaction, cooperation, coordination between social, political and economic actors on the basis of jointly formed behavioral models. Their activities in the collection, production and dissemination of information objectively correspond to the dynamics of social development. The mass media are a direct participant in social communications, so the analysis of the media outside of communication processes will be incomplete. Communication is the exchange of information, most of which is the production of mass media.

Key words: society, mass media, social communications, information, object, subject.


Bagaeva A.V.

Communicative imperatives of turning everyday life into a subject of interdisciplinary research

The article presents an analysis of a wide range of communicative practices, which from the very beginning of human history was created not in the course of battles, social love spells or scientific and technological achievements, but was formed in the space of everyday life. For a long time, this most important sphere of being remained outside the attention of researchers. However, with the threat of everyday peace from cataclysms that turn into global ones, in the form of world wars, large-scale migration, industrialization and urbanization, experts turned their attention to the everyday side of society. They took the anthropological approach as the basis of the research paradigm. It still remains the most valuable in terms of finding ways to possibly establish understanding, agreement and cooperation.

Key words: communication strategies, science, interdisciplinary research, society, power, everyday life, anthropology.




Albakov I.U., Postgraduate student of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian, Faculty of Journalism Federation, Institute of Public Service and Management.

Bagaeva A.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Bondarenko N.G., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, the Head of the Department of History and philosophy of law of the Pyatigorsk Institute (branch) FGAOU VO «North-Caucasian Federal University» in Pyatigorsk.

Cao Huini, Student, Nankai University, Faculty of Russian Language, Tianjin, China.

Chebodaeva M.P., PhD in Art History, Research Fellow, Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History, AIS member (Abakan).

Furmanov E.D., Master's student. National Research University, Higher School of Economics.

Gurin M.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Oriental Languages and Cultures. Pyatigorsk State University.

Jiang Qi, Postgraduate student of Shanghai International Studies University.

Kovalenko A.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the department of economics, management and public administrations, Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «North Caucasian Federal University» Pyatigorsk Institute (branch) of NCFU.

Liu Lu, Student, Nankai University.

Li Pingan, Graduate student Institute of Design and Arts of Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.

Lukinova I.A., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Ethnology and Philosophy, North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol.

Lykova N.N., Candidate of Culturological Sciences, Docent of the Crimean branch of the Federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education "Russian state University of justice", Simferopol.

Noskova N.A., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Economics, Novorossiysk Institute (branch) ANO VO MGEU.

Orlova E.M., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke.

Parshin A.O., Master of economics, financial analyst, LLC «Retail Park 1».

Petrov I.F., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Academy of marketing and socially-information technologies, Krasnodar.

Petrova S.I., Candidate of cultural studies, Associate Professor. Academy of marketing and socially-information technologies, Krasnodar.

Prokofeva G.P., Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Far Eastern State Transport University.

Ryabchun N.P., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Socio-Political Technologies. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin.

Sinitsa D.A., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professional Educational Private Institution "Crimean Economic and Law College".

Tsukanova O.A., Senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Folk Art Culture, Kemerovo State Institute of Culture.

Tyun A.P., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Legal and Socio-Economic Disciplines, Rostov State Economic University (RINH).

Ulturgasheva N.D., Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor of Kemerovo state Institute of culture, head of the Department of theory and history of folk art culture of Kemerovo state Institute of culture.

Voloshinov A.V., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, History and Culturology Department, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University.

Zheng Putong, Russian State Pedagogical University in the name of A.I. Herzen.