Vlasov V.I. The penetration of philosophy into religion and religion into philosophy
Rybakov S.V. Sources, main attributes and specific features of Armenian Christianity
Ilukhina V.V. The Catholic Church and Marxism: Pontificate of Benedict XVI
Chekmezov V.I. Social state: the foundations of spirituality
Muzychenko E.A. The philosophical - theological foundation of the concept of Christian socialism in the history of classical Protestant philosophy of Western thought
Klimkov O.S. The Simbol and the Theosis in the Palamite Conception of Knowledge of God
Gertsiy V.M. The analytical psychology of С.G. Jung as a method of rationalizing of the guilt and the formation of judicial discretion
Kulinina E.M. Creative aspects of calligraphic process: the influence of the Eastern traditions in the modern world
Kurbakova S.N., Ismaylova l.K. kyzy To the problem of studying of the national and cultural specifics of the categorization of reality (on the example of phraseological units of the Azerbaijani language)
Aushev K.O. Genesis of the concepts of «crime» and «punishment» in the history of philosophy
Yashonkov V.V. The specific organization of social and cultural activities, supervised by the structures of state and municipal management
Kulanina E.M. Valuable aspects of the art of calligraphy in the communicative traditions of the East
Mishchuk R.V. The doctrine of the legal space and time in the domestics philosophy (based on the teachings of V.S. Soloviev, O. Paul Florensky and O. Sergius Bulgakov)
Kashitsyn I.D. The strategy of ISIS and other extremist groups against Christians in Syria and Iraq in 2011-2015
Rybakov S.V.
Sources, main attributes and specific features of Armenian Christianity
The article is devoted to the attributes and specific features of the Armenian version of the Christian religion. Since ancient times, Armenian Christianity has carried in itself peculiar, only its inherent features. Armenia is the first country in the world to accept Christianity. This fact has given its culture the features of uniqueness and vivid identity.
Keywords: Armenia, Christianity, the Bible, the story of Noah’s Ark, Echmiadzin, khachkars, Christology.
Ilukhina V.V.
The Catholic Church and Marxism: Pontificate of Benedict XVI
The article analyzes the views of Pope Benedict XVI on the left ideology. The author concludes that, following the social doctrine of Catholicism, the pontiff did not accept the provisions of the communist doctrine in its Marxist variant, as contradictory to Christianity. At the same time, modern Catholicism is forced to take into account the socio-economic realities. It leads to the inclusion in the social teaching of the Church of the criticism of capitalism, condemnation of excessive enrichment and calls for balanced development.
Keywords: Catholic Church, Catholicism, Marxism, Benedict XVI, «liberation theology».
Chekmezov V.I.
Social state: the foundations of spirituality
The article is devoted to problems of formation of the social state and development of local government in our country. It points out the specific psychological susceptibility of the population to these types of public authority with the perspective of administrative and municipal reforms.
Keywords: social state, local government, social justice, social charity, municipal reform.
Muzychenko E.A.
The philosophical - theological foundation of the concept of Christian socialism in the history of classical Protestant philosophy of Western thought
The article deals with the philosophical - theological foundation of the concept of Christ socialism in the history of the Protestant philosophy of Western thought. Formation of the Christian Socialist concepts based on the idea of building the City of God on earth, the main task of which was to create a «new religion», a-Nova on the evangelical norms. Official Church, defending the existing economic system has become itself a state attribute. But it was from the circles of the state church that the propaganda of Christian socialism began to proceed. Therefore, the idea that Protestantism linked economic fates of Western Europe, is undeniable.
Keywords: philosophical - theological foundation, Christian socialism, Protestant philosophy of Western thought.
Klimkov O.S.
The Simbol and the Theosis in the Palamite Conception of Knowledge of God
This article is concerned with the analysis of the meaning of simbol and theosis in the conception of knowledge of God, that were in time of the hesychast discussion in the context of the Byzantine culture. Spiritual and mystical phenomenon of the hesychasm is presented as an integral whole which has been developing in the lap of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The tradition of hesychasm (or keeping silent) has existed since the first ages of Christianity in the East but it received its theoretical comprehension only in the Fourteenth Century - in the works of St. Gregory Palamas. The man and the profound problems of his existence as expressed in the doctrine of hesychasts are regarded in conformity with the historical and cultural circumstances of the epoch of the beginning of the so called «Palamite controversy».
Keywords: hesychasm, anthropology, gregory palamas, palamism, existence, personalism, theosis, heart, religious experience, psychology of religion, asceticism, person.
Gertsiy V.M.
The analytical psychology of С.G. Jung as a method of rationalizing of the guilt and the formation of judicial discretion
In this article the author proves a method of evaluating identity of the perpetrator of a criminal act. The importance of analyzing the problems of formation of judicial discretion in criminal proceedings in the court caused by: a) the requirements of the criminal procedure law, b) dictated by the need to justify such philosophical categories as conscience, c) on the basis of the analytical psychology of C. G. Jung, the author attempts to formulate a legal concept of «conscience» and its work in assessing the guilt of the person of deviant. In addition to the legal aspects of the concepts of guilt and conscience of the individual, the author discusses philosophical implications of these concepts for analysis of the existential situation of a person-deviant.
Keywords: Wine, conscience, judicial discretion, C.G. Jung, deviant.
Kulinina E.M.
Creative aspects of calligraphic process: the influence of the Eastern traditions in the modern world
The article deals with the calligraphic process of writing texts as an integral work on calligrapher’s potential capabilities. Also the interaction of the philosophical, cultural and psychological aspects of the creative activity of calligraphers is analyzed, which requires from participants of creative activity to include both the internal concentration and the external organization in its individual or collective forms. The author of the article compares historical traditions with modern realities, based on methods of self-regulation, creativity, development of abilities, harmonization of the creative process. More over collective calligraphic practices during the flowering season in gardens, originated in China several centuries ago are described, and the active preservation of these traditions nowadays, which aim to improve the communication between creative intellectual communities, to share working methods in calligraphy and expand the additional knowledge with people who could become members of the traditional Chinese Society of «people of culture» are discussed. The article also analyzes similar modern experience of calligraphic practices in the West.
Keywords: creative process, practical process of calligraphy, cultural similarities, calligraphy art traditions, «people of culture», holiday of hieroglyphs, calligraphy exhibition.
Kurbakova S.N.
Ismaylova l.K. kyzy
To the problem of studying of the national and cultural specifics of the categorization of reality (on the example of phraseological units of the Azerbaijani language)
According to the authors of the article, phraseological units express national cultural values, and in this context they are analyzed as the basis for research of the cultural national identity, i.e. Azerbaijani. Comparing of phraseological units helps study common and specific features of national categorization of the outer world by various cultures. It promotes research of the role of phraseological units in modern discourse.
Keywords: Phraseological units, national language, linguistic consciousness, intercultural communication, cultural traditions, semantic components, folk rites, people’s history, the native speaker, ethnic invariants, the deixis concept, the core of linguistic consciousness, religion, toponyms, anthroponyms, hydronyms.
Aushev K.O.
Genesis of the concepts of «crime» and «punishment» in the history of philosophy
In this paper, we will consider the genesis of the concepts of crime and punishment in the history of philosophy. Crimes are accompanying the human community throughout its history. If it were not for the system of norms worked out for many centuries, humanity would not be able to function and develop steadily. The study of the institution of punishment is complicated by the fact that it intersects three different forms of sanctions: legal, moral and religious. It is important to note that in view of the format of the work, it is not possible to describe in detail the interpretation of these concepts according to all available trends, so an attempt will be made to identify the key ones.
Keywords: crime, punishment, state, humanism.
Yashonkov V.V.
The specific organization of social and cultural activities, supervised by the structures of state and municipal management
A paradigm shift of scientific knowledge, a very noticeable transformation of the culture and its universals, radical pluralism and polycentrism have an unprecedented impact on the contemporary socio-cultural environment. It requires awareness and acceptance of the fact that the modern world is a total multiplicity, class, racial, ethnic, cultural and civilizational.
The research will focus on the dialogue of cultures and a variety of theoretical concepts, revealing in this invariant content, productive for understanding its forms in the context of socio-cultural design. Innovation of intercultural dialogue «provides a «supra-ethnic» nature of its desire to foster social convergence of modern diversified cultural environment.»
Taking diversity as the basis of its viability, the intercultural dialogue aims to achieve interaction of Autonomous identities, providing no isolation between them.
In light of the above, the aim of this article is to study the specifics of the organization of social and cultural activities, supervised by the structures of state and municipal management.
Keywords: socio-cultural activities, culture transformation, polycentricity, organs of state and municipal management, the principles of tolerance and equality.
Kulinina E.M.
Valuable aspects of the art of calligraphy in the communicative traditions of the East
The subject of the study is the value aspect of the calligraphy art, presented in the communicative traditions of the East from the ancient times. The object of the study is calligraphy as the art of «beautiful writing» and at the same time a method of communication. The author examines in detail the value bases of calligraphy, based on the interpretation of fundamental points of ancient Chinese philosophy. Among them - the concept of «person», the idea of connections between external and internal, the demand for respectful detail oriented attention, the unity principle of emotional and intellectual experience in the symbolic space of culture. Particular attention is paid to descriptions of their roles and significance in the translation of practical aspects in the communicative culture of the East. The methodological foundation of the study is the cultural analysis that allows to compare the data of modern communicative studies, history, philosophical axiology, literary criticism, psychology, and pedagogy, corresponding to the subject field of research. This method allows to systematize the material accumulated in these areas, and to present a three-dimensional cultural model of the object of research. The originality of the study is in considering the value bases of the Eastern calligraphy in terms of its potential in the field of modern intercultural communication. This approach made it possible to clarify why calligraphy found recognition among our contemporaries: on the one hand, a strict canon of sociocultural interactions is realized here, on the other, opportunities are opened up for the creative self-realization of the «person». A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the analysis of the role of handwriting in the formation of the culture of the individual, as well as the spectrum of the educational impact of calligraphy. The main conclusion of the study is the explanation of the connection between the fact of the demand for the Eastern calligraphy in modern culture and its high communicative value. The value is determined by setting the acceptance of different angles describing the same event, as equivalent.
Keywords: valuable aspects of calligraphy, communicative tradition of the East, high-context culture, calligrapher’s personality, traditions of calligraphy, hieroglyphic writing, image-based communication, educational impact of calligraphy, modern intercultural communication.
Mishchuk R.V.
The doctrine of the legal space and time in the domestics philosophy (based on the teachings of V.S. Soloviev, O. Paul Florensky and O. Sergius Bulgakov)
In this article world view generalization - the legal space and legal time in the domestic philosophy are explored. The conclusion of the author that the internal thought is closely connected with creation of a uniform legal space and time of Russia is substantiated. This creation was not accomplished with the help of tearing off from classical philosophical and cultural traditions. The senses of reverence front of life, then, a feeling of «shame» determined the religious and moral search of domestic thinkers. Also in the article the idea of «holiness» of the body, which eschews the rigid space - time forms, is investigated. Domestic philosophy is aware of the relativity and interdependence of the transcendent and immanent. The author justifies the idea according to which «self-determination» of a person is not something final, but leaves room for creativity, where moment, in which the love to the eternal is realized, plays a decisive role. The author of this article in his study of the legal space and time in the domestic philosophy, relies on the ideas of V.S. Solovyov, Fr. Pavel Florensky, Fr. Sergius Bulgakov.
Keywords: legal space, legal time, legal culture, linear and cyclic legal time, spirituality and culture, domestic philosophy, interdependence of the transcendent and immanent, moment, love to the eternal.
Kashitsyn I.D.
The strategy of ISIS and other extremist groups against Christians in Syria and Iraq in 2011-2015
The article is dedicated to the analysis of role and place of Christians in ideology of extremist groups such as ISIS and Jebhat Al-Nusra during the so-called Arab Spring in Syria and Iraq. The delicate usage of the fails and achievements of the predecessors adjoins the speculations about historical events in history of the Islamic Caliphate, the Crusades, etc. The extremists offer to their members the idea of fighting for «pure» faith. The death in this struggle guarantees a good retribution in life beyond the grave. Christians are seen as a serious threat, despite their defenselessness in the face of militants. The doctrine of extremists includes a special dislike for the objects of Christian worship: crosses, icons, statues. Relations with Christians are regulated by radical interpretations of the Sharia law, that leads to discrimination and payment of tax. Christians are used as «human shields». They are taken captives in order to get ransom. Modern persecutions against Christians have similar historical examples.
Keywords: persecution of Christians, destruction of churches, Iraq, Syria extremism, ISIS, Jebhat Al-Nusra.
Aushev K.O., Graduate student of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Chekmezov V.I., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Scientific advisor of the Municipal Training Center of the Institute of Economics and Law (branch) of Educational Institution of Higher Education Trade Unions of Labor and Social Relations Academy in Sevastopol.
Gertsiy V.M., The applicant for the Academic Degree candidate of Philosophical Sciences of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Ilukhina V.V., Post-graduate student of the chair of state-confessional relations of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ismaylova l.K. kyzy, Senior lecturer of the department № 6 of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
Kashitsyn I.D., Graduate student of the faculty of external church relations of Ss Cyril and Methodius School of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies.
Klimkov O.S., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Doctoral student, Saint-Petersburg State University - SPbSU, RF, St. Petersburg.
Kulanina E.M., PhD student of Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, event-manager at the Contemporary museum of calligraphy.
Kurbakova S.N., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the English Language Department, Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Mishchuk R.V., Graduate student (external PhD candidate) of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science (Bashkir State University).
Muzychenko E.A., Graduate Student of the Kuban State University (Krasnodar).
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of History of Russian Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg).
Vlasov V.I., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, State Advisor of the 3rd class.
Yashonkov V.V., Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Institute of public service and management, Scientific and educational center «Civil Society and Social Communications», Graduate student (UNESCO).