Archpriest Dmitri Leskin Church-state interaction in education. Experience of the Samara region
Nesterchuk O.A., Romanova D.Y. Freedom of conscience and religion as a problematic field of religious and political processes
Zhmilevskii V.D. The concept of general agnosticism and the problem of the knowledge of absolute truth
Dzutsev K.V., Dibirova A.P. The percentage of believers among the population of the Republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation
Ulyanova N.B. The art of Italy as the connecting link in the culture of peace
Ryazancev A.P. Forming the personality of Francis of Assisi
Ryabova E.L., Bessonov E.G. Some preventio of antisocial values of mass culture
Bondarenko N.G. The problem of daily in the conditions of social reality
Vorobeva E.S. Why do young people like anime?
Akifi Shah Sultan Prerequisites for the development of a competence approach to state and municipal management
Verveiko O.I., Danakin N.S., Mohammad Z.A. Social stereotype as a hindrance in the recognition
and regulation of organizational conflict
Ternovaya L.O. Social globalization sins
Nesterchuk O.A.
Romanova D.Y.
Freedom of conscience and religion as a problematic field of religious and political processes
This article provides an analysis of the issues - the importance of freedom of conscience and religion in the context of religious and political processes in Russia. The article deliberates on different understandings and political basis of the right of freedom of conscience and religion in the modern world. Noted the compliance and lack of implementation of the rights to freedom of conscience and religion with consideration of the religious factor in the political process.
Keywords: right, freedom, conscience, religion, politics.
Zhmilevskii V.D.
The concept of general agnosticism and the problem of the knowledge of absolute truth
In this article the main points and historical views on agnosticism are considered. It provides information on its position in relation to religious teachings and atheism. Also in the work are given specific examples related to the problem of cognition of truth in the final instance. Separately, the article focuses on the subjectivity of each individual opinion following the author's example. The main result of the work is the definition of a universal term for a complete set of directions in agnosticism.
Keywords: agnosticism, truth, attitude, problem, term.
Dzutsev K.V.
Dibirova A.P.
The percentage of believers among the population of the Republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation
This article is based on materials of the ethno-sociological researches conducted in the summer of 2016 in the republics of the North Caucasian Federal District of the Russian Federation: in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Republic of Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkar Republic. The volume of selection was 1200 people, including 50 experts (journalists, scientists, officials, members of political parties, cultural workers).
Keywords: variability, traditional beliefs, social relations, morals, law, mountaineers, constitutional state, market, religious intolerance, family.
Ulyanova N.B.
The art of Italy as the connecting link in the culture of peace
The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of Italian artistic culture, the Renaissance period, on the example of the work of the outstanding artist Michelangelo Buonarroti. Attention is paid to the significance and influence of the Italian culture of the Renaissance period on the world artistic culture. An analysis is made of the patterns of the further development of cultural relations based on the principles of the aesthetics of humanism.
Keywords: art, Renaissance, mutual influence of cultures, heritage of Italy, socio-cultural mission of art.
Ryazancev A.P.
Forming the personality of Francis of Assisi
This article presents the analysis of the main events related to the childhood and youth of St. Francis of Assisi, the factors that influenced the formation of his personality. Also, it presents the analysis of the nature of this historical character and his influence on the culture of Italy and the whole Medieval epoch.
Keywords: personality, formation, influence, culture, Italy, mission, youth.
Ryabova E.L.
Bessonov E.G.
Some prevention of antisocial values of mass culture
The article describes the axiological analysis of some contemporary phenomena of mass culture associated with relationships between men and women. Discusses the moral component of same-sex marriage in process of development of civilization. Examines the role of the Christian Church in these processes. The conclusion about the need to prevent anti-social phenomena generated by mass culture.
Keywords: society, values, gay marriage, spirituality, development, Christian, Church.
Bondarenko N.G.
The problem of daily in the conditions of social reality
The problem of everyday life, which is relevant today is explores in the article, because throughout the twentieth century it was possible to observe a steady growth of interest in studying everyday life in the most diverse areas of socio-humanitarian knowledge from sociology and anthropology to history and linguistics. This gave rise to an acute need for conceptual and methodological reflection using the cognitive means of social philosophy. The reasons for the ineffectiveness of social projection of the previous decades and the ways of developing social technologies that take the place of the main resource of social development are considered. The goal set will be achieved only if the nature of the main changes in social reality is understood. If the object is reflected in consciousness, then it can be adapted in social life. An analysis is given of the current state of many sciences that study society, man and culture. The mechanisms for creating a universal rationality model are considered; analytical points reflecting the new quality of knowledge functioning are identified, as well as basic cultural universals and factors that act as a catalyst for the communication process in the world's language picture.
Keywords: life, social reality, social projection, society, knowledge, language, information, culture.
Vorobeva E.S.
Why do young people like anime?
The number of questions in regard of anime is studied in the article. The latest resources contain not much information on this subculture. The importance of the present paper is determined by the fact that the author while making survey among young people identifies the range of questions dealing with anime as if with fenomenon of subculture and the author aims to analyze the results of survey. Nowadays many people known about anime. The Japan multiplication becomes part of Russian culture. Such words as «anime», «otaku», «cosplay», are well known among young people. Why do young people choose exactly this subculture? What force them to be dedicated to anime TV at cosplay? To find answers at the above questions the following survey was made among young people of Primorsk. The analysis of questionnaires on anime identified young people’s choice. However, the range of questions on this topic is under examination and discussion.
Keywords: anime, Naruto, Pokemon, otaku, cosplay, senen, komodo, sedze.
Akifi Shah Sultan
Prerequisites for the development of a competence approach to state and municipal management
The article reveals the contradictory tendencies of modern management practice, which are the sources of the formation and dissemination of a competence approach to state and municipal management.
Keywords: state management, municipal management, prerequisites, competence, competence approach, contradiction, motivation, abilities.
Verveiko O.I.
Danakin N.S.
Mohammad Z.A.
Social stereotype as a hindrance in the recognition and regulation of organizational conflict
The article reveals stereotypes of recognition and regulation of organizational conflicts, namely stereotypes of "negative conflict", subjectification of sources of conflict, "alien guilt", positional passivity, "incompatibility of culture and conflict", "uncontrolled conflict".
Keywords: conflict, organizational conflict, regulation, recognition, social stereotype, social perception.
Ternovaya L.O.
Social globalization sins
In the complex periods of world development exacerbated all social problems and appear new problems, reflecting the characteristics of the time. Globalization has caused the emergence of new risks and challenges. They linked the emergence of behavioral patterns, which can be attributed to social sins. Reflections on their nature, as well as the elimination of the possibilities of devoted care of the church, works of theorists of non-violence, the study of modern scientists in various fields, including geopolitics and marketing.
Keywords: civilization, globalization, deadly sins, non-violence, the Catholic Church, geopolitics.
Akifi Shah Sultan, Post-graduate student of the Department of Sociology and Management of Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University.
Archpriest Dmitri Leskin, Doctor of Philosophical Science, Candidate of Theology, Professor, Rector of the Volga Orthodox Institute of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Bessonov E.G., Candidate of Philosophic Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Systemic Initiatives Center.
Bondarenko N.G., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, the Head of Department of history and philosophy of law of the Institute of service, tourism and design (branch) FGAOU VPO «North-Caucasus Federal University» in Pyatigorsk.
Danakin N.S., Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management (Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University).
Dibirova A.P., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the North Ossetian Institute for Social Research Center of the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala.
Dzutsev K.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Head of the North Ossetian Social Research Center, Institute for Socio-Political Studies, Head of the Department of sociology of the Khetagurov North Ossetian State University, Vladikavkaz.
Mohammad Z.A., Post-graduate student of the Department of Sociology and Management (Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University).
Nesterchuk O.A., Doctor of political sciences, professor, professor of department of political analysis and management.
Romanova D.Y., Applicant (Russian social state University).
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of political sciences, Professor, Chief Editor of “Etnosotsium” international publishing house.
Ryazancev A.P., Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Universita’ degli Studi di Torino - exchange consultant. Project Manager - "Russia-Italy. Dialogue of Cultures". (Il Responsabile del progetto «Russia-Italia. Il dialogo tra le culture»).
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Ulyanova N.B., Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, painter, designer, member of the Union of Artists of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Verveiko O.I., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Sociology and Management (Shukhova Belgorod State Technological University).
Vorobeva E.S., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History (School of Art), Far Eastern Federal University.
Zhmilevskii V.D., Student (Petrozavodsk State University).