Pope Francis described the main features of Vatican diplomacy
Ternovaya L.O. Omne vivum ex ovo
Vlasov V.I. The Holy Spirit is holier than all
Buyanov V.S. Spiritual Security of Russia
Doroshko D.S. Interсommunion as an attempt to overcome the separation of churches
Kabidenova Z.D., Shamshi S.R. Islam and National Identity: women’s view
Pelevin A.V., Lovetsky G.I. Basic philosophical approaches to the essence of the religious and philosophical tradition
Conference Evandro Agacci “How science and art explain the world”
Subbotina M.A. Axiology of space-time relations of “screen reality”
Ilukhin V.V. Moral - ethical foundations of the social doctrine of Catholicism
Orcuev S-M.H. Atheism in the Soviet State as a Factor of Youth Policy
Naumova O.V. Relativism and fundamentalism from the perspective of the problems of intercultural interaction
Kasatkin P.I. Education in the context of the philosophy of culture: from the ancient world to the Renaissance
Rakhimova M.V. Conditioned Soul vs. Genetic Polymorphism, or Gunas of Nature as Driving Force Behind Genetic Predisposition
Ternovaya L.O.
Omne vivum ex ovo
Among many bright and unforgettable holidays stands out the Easter holiday. It is marked not only by its deep religious meaning, but also by the varied rituals. In their center of them is the Easter egg. Simultaneously, this symbol is noted in various fields, including science and geopolitics. The universal character of this symbol allows to speak of a single origin and interconnection of all organisms and phenomena.
Keywords: customs, traditions, holidays, Easter, egg.
Buyanov V.S.
Spiritual Security of Russia
Conceptual foundations of spiritual security. Culture in the spiritual life of the individual, society and the state. Ideology as a phenomenon of politics and spirituality. Religion in the context of spirituality and morality. Spiritual life of modern Russian society. In search of a national idea. Formation of Russian patriotism and historical consciousness.
Keywords: Russia, clergy, ideology, phenomenon, state, politics, society, personality, security.
Doroshko D.S.
Interсommunion as an attempt to overcome the separation of churches
The article deals with the problem of intercommunion as an effort of reunion of the churches; the Anglican-orthodox dialogue took place, which was the most fruitful example, when the reunion was considered as a real historical perspective. The author assumes the wholness of the church-life regarding the so-called lex credendi, lex orandi and lex vivendi. Therefore, some possible efforts of the reunion could be implemented according to the common basements of the faith as well as the searching of the common basements in the prayer. The Intercommunion is considered as an effort of overcoming of the schism through the “lex orandi”. The article demonstrates the argumentation of such an approach and the reasons why it couldn’t have been implemented.
Keywords: Anglican-Orthodox dialogue, Intercommunion, Church life, Schism, Fellowship.
Kabidenova Z.D.
Shamshi S.R.
Islam and National Identity: women’s view
This article explores women’s attitude to the religious transformation that has been taking place in the Kazakh society during the independence period. Drawing on a pilot qualitative research, we present an in-depth analysis of interviews and a focus group survey with a number of women participants. This study touched upon the issues of ethnic and religious identity, and religious conversion in Islamic community. The data highlight the fear of new religious cults, a strong support to the state as a societal protector, conservatism and reluctance to accept new forms of Islamic identity, as a certain degree of Islamophobia. The latter is despite the fact that the interviewed participants identify themselves as Muslims. The majority of interviewed participants adopted faith and had their sense of religious belonging strengthened.
Keywords: Kazakhstan, identity, Islam, women, religious conversion.
Pelevin A.V.
Lovetsky G.I.
Basic philosophical approaches to the essence of the religious and philosophical tradition
The article considers the variety of approaches, developed in historical retrospective of the development of philosophical knowledge on the problem of determination of the essence of the phenomenon of religious traditions. Similarities and differences between them, the conclusions about the feasibility of their application of the essence of the phenomenon of religious traditions are identified. Sociocultural approach is recognized as the most promising.
Keywords: religion, tradition, public consciousness, Sociocultural approach.
Ilukhin V.V.
Moral - ethical foundations of the social doctrine of Catholicism
The article analyzes the social programming of the Catholic Church during the period of the pontificate of Benedict XVI. The author reveals the basic moral and ethical elements of the modern social doctrine of Catholicism, concluding that for Benedict XVI the basic categories by which this pontiff evaluated reality were «love», «truth», «charity», «justice», «Hope».
Keywords: Benedict VI, encyclicals, love, justice, hope.
Orcuev S.-M.H.
Atheism in the Soviet State as a Factor of Youth Policy
The article examines the atheistic ideology of the Soviet state in a philosophical and legal aspect based on the experience of educating young people in that historical period. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the ideological orientation of Soviet youth in the context of historical events of the era.
Keywords: youth, youth policy, state, Soviet power, atheism, ideology.
Naumova O.V.
Relativism and fundamentalism from the perspective of the problems of intercultural interaction
This article examines the phenomenon of the formation in Europe of the field of interaction of representatives of cultures with traditional fundamental cultural attitudes with representatives of cultures with relativistic culture values. The author has tried to reveal the essence of contemporary processes of intercultural communication, their development and the causes of conflict.
Keywords: fundamentalism, culture, relativism, communication.
Kasatkin P.I.
Education in the context of the philosophy of culture: from the ancient world to the Renaissance
The article attempts to understand the cultural and phylosophical evolution of the concept of «education» from the period of its beginning in ancient Greek philosophy to new views on the problem of education in the Renaissance. The author concludes that over the centuries education has received a different cultural philosophical connotation. This concerned both the praxeological and axiological aspects of education. The interpretation of the concept of «education» and the meaning invested in it directly depended on the historical era and, most importantly, on the values embedded in it. The analysis conducted in the article showed that during the period under review, within the framework of the philosophy of culture, several stages of understanding have passed through education - from the philosophical-idealistic, through the Christan-pragmatic, to the humanistic.
Keywords: education, philosophy of culture, Plato, Aristotle, Christianity, culture, Renaissance, Renaissance, the evolution of education.
Rakhimova M.V.
Conditioned Soul vs. Genetic Polymorphism, or Gunas of Nature as Driving Force Behind Genetic Predisposition
The article is devoted to an issue of human textuality as an interdisciplinary problem. The author argues that humans are textual by nature, and suggests that human textuality derives not merely from human genome and its structure, but also from inherent spirituality of human being, both correlated and interlinked and accomplishing similar function.
The author assumes that spirituality considered as constituent element of human textuality may be captured and interpreted through Indian philosophy, therefore the author endeavours to contemplate and compare gunas of nature as determinant element of spirituality and human genome as a system of structured text components, independently and in their interrelation.
Keywords: gunas of nature, conditioned soul, textuality, karma in action, genetic polymorphism, genetic mutation, pseudogenes.
Buyanov V.S., Doctor of Philosophical Siences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Doroshko D.S., Post-graduate Student in Ss Cyril and Methodius School of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies, Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow).
Ilukhin V.V., Post-graduate student of the chair of state-confessional relations of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Kabidenova Z.D., Graduate Student (Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi).
Kasatkin P.I., Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of World Political Process, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), MFA of Russia.
Lovetsky G.I., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Science of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga Branch.
Naumova O.V., Postgraduate State, Academic University of Humanities.
Orcuev S-M.H., Postgraduate student of National and Federative Relations of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Pelevin A.V., Graduate Student of the the Department of philosophy and political science of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga branch), The head of the Church charity and social service of Kaluga eparchy, superior of the Church of the Nativity of the Holy virgin, Kaluga.
Rakhimova M.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian, Psychological and Pedagogical Disciplines of the Tchaikovsky South Ural State Institute.
Shamshi S.R., Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, The Republic of Kazakhstan.
Subbotina M.A., PhD student, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of Russia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Vlasov V.I., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor.