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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Ivakin G.A., Ivannikov S.I. Bishop Porfiry (Uspensky) as a harbinger of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society mission
Odintsova D.D. The problem of the nature of religious consciousness in modern philosophy and culture: the theistic approach and its alternatives
Arsenina O.V. Updating the religious potential of Christian denominations in the process of reducing social acceptance of abortion with context of demographic development opportunities

Ashnokova L.M., Dadashev A.A. Correlation between the categories «mentalitet» and «mentality»
Mutalimov A.E. The influence of Aristotle’s teachings on the subsequent development of science, culture, and education
Tishchenko N.V., Semenova T.V., Zrazhevskaya E.O. «Russian civilization» and «national self-consciousness»: a critical analysis of concepts
Hassan Ali Molinism and Early Christianity
Zhang Donghui, Xu Ping The role of the Confucian concept of «nobleman» in modern China
Schwarz O.K. Modern perception of the rainbow body phenomenon in Tibetan Buddhism
Bushueva V.V., Grishnova E.E., Laminina O.G. Philosophical analysis of engineering activities
Mutalimov A.E. Philosophical and legal views Confusion
Kravchenko V.I., Petrova A.Yu. Philosophical and anthropological prerequisites for the formation of a modern educational paradigm in the context of digitalization of society
Mikhalev S.V. The importance of the humanities course in ensuring the strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation

Zhuravskaya E.A. The influence of literature on the formation of moral values
Dai Xiaodan The energy of the spirit of industrial heritage in urban culture: experience of Shenyang (PRC)
Petrova S.I. Sociocultural determinants of human needs: a Marxist concept
Tan Tong The cultural background of the modern design of Japanese animated characters
Yu Bohan American vocals. Jazz Soul. Rock. Country music. Reality or illusion
Bormotova T.M. Juvenile crime: status and social factors
Barkovskii E.S. Criteria for the solvability of a social problem
Gryaznova Vera Transformations in personnel policy in the context of the development of professional capital in public administration
Baklanov I.A., Shcheka N.Y. General overview of the main scientific and theoretical approaches to modern penitentiary social work
Logacheva E.A. Self-realization of a young person through social networks
Vasilyeva O.A., Ovsyannikova K.D. The evolution of children’s games and their impact on different generations
Ren Lingling Family in conditions of transformation of the social structure of CPR society
Korzhova D.A. Institutional features of regulating the social development of Russian youth in regional labor markets
Mylnikova E.M., Kudina M.V., Yakupova O.V., Shardakova I.S. Features of work motivation from the position of sociological analysis
Karakhanov E.H. The social context of Russian-Turkish families as an ethnocultural component of the development of relations between Russia and Turkey 223
Zhao Hui Social differentiation of the urban and rural population of modern China 232
Apanasyuk Yu.V. Managerial technologies in the system of strategic public management 237






Ivannikov S.I.

Bishop Porfiry (Uspensky) as a harbinger of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society mission

The article deals with the biography of Porfiry Uspensky, the founder of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem. The implementation of the strategy of the Holy Synod - Church Presence of Russia in the Middle and Far East regions through the prism of the activities of Porfiry Uspensky and his assistants. The organization and development of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem. Church-state relations, inter-religious and inter-Christian interaction within the framework of the activities of the Russian Spiritual Mission and its first employees. The scientific and theological contribution of Porfiry Uspensky to the study of the Middle East region and Christianity.

Key words: Porfiry Uspensky, Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem, Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, religion, Orthodox spiritual mission, enlightenment, education, theology, science, religious organizations, Orthodoxy, inter-religious dialogue, Russian Orthodox Church.


Odintsova D.D.

The problem of the nature of religious consciousness in modern philosophy and culture: the theistic approach and its alternatives

In the modern multicultural and multi-religious space, more and more attention is paid to the problem of religious consciousness. Religious traditions play an important role at the social level. Religion shapes human behavior not only in the area of everyday life, but also in the intercultural and interethnic sphere. The nature of religious consciousness is of interest to philosophers and theistic scientists. Many representatives of the naturalistic approach offered alternative points of view in the study of the issue under consideration. Currently, there are many concepts about the Divine principle, which have their origins in the history of the philosophy of religion. This article analyzes the main theories about the existence of the Divine principle that support religious identity and refute them. The main approaches to religion of scientists of the Anglo-Saxon world and the Orthodox Fatherland Society are outlined. Identical and opposing points of view of the presented authors are revealed.

Key words: religious consciousness, faith, pure reason, religious traditions, goodness, perfection, immortality, Divine manifestation, experience of the Divine presence, natural philosophy, materialism, epistemology, ontology, hermeneutics.


Arsenina O.V.

Updating the religious potential of Christian denominations in the process of reducing social acceptance of abortion with context of demographic development opportunities

The article deals with the opportunities for the potencies of social Christian denominations adore, representing an additional institutional resource, in generating a conservative position acceptance of social abortion, with context of the demographic development Russian’s society, which substantiates the relevance of the problem under consideration. The purpose is to assess the role and degree spiritual values influencing on the creating the motivational feature of an individual’s reproductive behavior objectively.

It is shown and empirically proven that Christian religious attitudes broadcasted by clergymen represent a coordinate system which can reflect reproductive behavior in childbearing. To present the proposed hypothesis, the following methods were used: philosophical reflection (in justifying the semantic load of Christian sources); synthesis and generalization (to analyze the degree of influence of clergy on reproductive instructions); collecting and processing information (quantitative and qualitative in empirical research); systemic, integrative approaches (in determining the main directions, the dynamism of the potential resource of Christian denominations).

The scientific novelty lies in substantiating the increasing importance of forming a conservative position of the individual regarding abortion, through updating and activating the potential of social service, which is one of the mechanisms of demographic stabilization.

The practical significance lies in the application of the research results to intensify social service, making a dialogue on the issues of the inadmissibility of abortion in the context of preserving the life of an unborn child, and stabilizing the demographic situation.

Key words: conservative position, Christian religious attitudes, demographic crisis, religious potential, abortion, motivating factor, reproductive instructions.


Ashnokova L.M.

Dadashev A.A.

Correlation between the categories «mentalitet» and «mentality»

The article analyzes various definitions of mentality and mentality. It is concluded that the mentality of an individual, a social group, and an entire people is influenced in the modern world, first of all, by economic, social, cultural, and political factors. It is substantiated that the concepts of “mentality” and “mentality” are not identical. Mentality is subject to change to a greater extent than mentality, since it is determined by the socio-economic, political, cultural conditions of formation characteristic of a certain historical period. The mentality is more resistant to external influences, although it is also influenced by the social environment. Along with a more static mentality, various dynamically changing mentalities can be formed within a social group.

Key words: mentality, mental traits of the people, functions of mentality, many mentalities.


Mutalimov A.E.

The influence of Aristotle's teachings on the subsequent development of science, culture, and education

The relevance of this topic is explained by the inexhaustibility of the philosophical heritage of the great thinker of Antiquity. The systematic philosopher left behind a huge legacy of philosophical ideas and other special sciences, which later became independent scientific directions, which are used not only by humanists, but also by representatives of the natural sciences to this day. During the study, inductive-deductive and historical methods were used. The result of the analysis indicates that for followers of Aristotle’s ideas, it is of great importance to understand the meaning of the contribution of the great scientist and thinker to science and education. The results obtained and conclusions of Aristotle's scientific heritage continue to have a huge impact on modern education and science, the fundamental scientific strength, which serve, in particular, for the construction and development of science as a productive force of society.

Key words: education, science, practice, formal logic, quality, quantity, beginning, reason, deprivation, identity, previous, subsequent, incomplete, soul, good, causes, element, nature, necessary, united, existing.


Tishchenko N.V.

Semenova T.V.

Zrazhevskaya E.O.

"Russian civilization" and "national self-consciousness": a critical analysis of concepts

Introduction. Critical analysis of the concepts mentioned in the title, i.e. their definitions, seems to be the next step towards the development of solid ideological foundations in order to achieve greater cohesion among Russian citizens. Theoretical analysis. The bulk of definitions given to the above concepts contain the same formulations and, accordingly, errors. 1) The concepts of "Russian" and "Russian" are not identical: the latter includes all people with Russian citizenship, not just Russians. 2) Most definitions show a straight line of identifications: "Russian" = "Russian" (mogonational) = "Orthodox". 3) When giving definitions of Russian civilization, authors rarely include socio-political and technical-technological components, limiting themselves to the "spiritual" content. 4) Often a significant characteristic of Russian civilization is "closedness", which does not correspond to reality. The concept of national (ethnic) self-consciousness seems to be more developed at the level of an individual, but not the corresponding social community. The very reality of the objects designated by the concepts of Russian (Russian) civilization and national self-consciousness is not obvious, but their socio-political usefulness is beyond doubt. We propose to fix for them the status of "socially and politically useful scientific abstractions".

Key words: civilization, culture, nation, ethnos, Russia, Russian, consciousness, self-consciousness, material, spiritual.


Hassan Ali

Molinism and Early Christianity

The sociocultural mechanisms that are responsible for the formation of Christianity began with the simplest concept of thought. Through the process of thought, many considerations were adapted to the social and cultural awakening and adaptations of society that would drive the conformity of religious thinking, particularly along the lines of Christian persuasions from its beginning. These methods consist of the way that society regards monotheism and how concepts such as impassibility, immutability, divine foreknowledge, providence and human freedom” all effected the relevance of a creator for humanity’s sake, because these ideas would in turn be used to address various dilemmas of how cultural and social concepts ought to deliberate constructions for conformity, special collaborations and even oppression to further confound the average person. Nevertheless, Molinism served as one such model that provided a new mindset to negotiate the problematic alternatives that were incurred by ideas that already supported widely accepted Christian themes such as divine foreknowledge and human freedom, for instance.

Key words: knowledge, molinism, Christianity, necessary, contingent, natural, god.


Zhang Donghui

Xu Ping

The role of the Confucian concept of «nobleman» in modern China

The term «nobleman» is a traditional cultural symbol shaped and polished by Confucianism. Particularly in the teaching “Loon Yu” Confucius thought painstakingly and did not tire of detailing. It can be said, that in itself the term «nobleman» reflects the basic concept of Confucianism, deeply reflects the pursuit quest of the Chinese people. In this regard, it is necessary to understand the substance of the meaning «nobleman», to understand the way of cultivation of «noble personality», correctly interpret the social significance of «culture of nobleman». All of these are of relatively great value in the modern development of outstanding traditional culture - the secret code of the eternal youth of the Chinese nation lies precisely in the continuous improvement of the culture of one's high moral qualities.

Key words: confucianism, confucian concept, confucius, traditional cultural symbol, «nobleman», humanity, human actions, goodness, kindness, oddity, Chinese nation.


Schwarz O.K.

Modern perception of the rainbow body phenomenon in Tibetan Buddhism

The author examines in detail the phenomenon of the “rainbow body” (Tibetan: འཇའ་ལུས་), which is an important religious and cultural feature of Tibet. Based on the literature of teachers of Buddhism and the Bon religion, modern Western research and eyewitness testimony, author classifies the phenomenon, and also identifies a list of signs that distinguish the process of a yogi’s realization of the rainbow body. The opinions of both modern bearers of the tradition and Western authors are studied regarding historical discussions on the sources of knowledge about the rainbow body, scientific studies of the phenomenon and archaeological finds. Contemporary references to the highest practices of the Dzogchen teachings, such as trekchö and tögal, used by masters to achieve the corresponding state are considered. The types of dematerialization and their connection with the posthumous states of Buddhist monks are briefly described.

The main conclusion of the study is that the phenomenon of the “rainbow body”, which arouses interest from Western researchers, in the modern intellectual tradition is unique specifically to the Dzogchen, despite the fact that the teaching may have a syncretic nature, as well as the fact that dematerialization or the emergence of the light body is described in many world religious and spiritual traditions. It has been determined that the concepts of “rainbow body” and “body of light” are not equivalent in the Tibetan understanding. The factors necessary for the formation of a full-fledged methodology for studying the phenomenon and determining its authenticity have been identified. The results of the study are important both for a more complete understanding of one of the key phenomena of Tibetan Buddhism, and for studying the relationships between religious practices of different traditions.

Key words: Tibetan buddhism, Tibet, dzogchen, bon religion, rainbow body, light body, trekchö, tögal, bardo, nyingma.


Bushueva V.V.

Grishnova E.E.

Laminina O.G.

Philosophical analysis of engineering activities

The relevance of this work lies in the analysis of the basic, most significant principles in practical activities of the development and functioning of engineering activities. The importance of environmental responsibility and orientation in the process of developing technical systems is highlighted. The connection between environmental and economic factors is also considered. The statement of V.V. is given. Putin on this issue. The importance of methodological approaches is highlighted - interdisciplinary, integrated, systemic, etc. in engineering activities. The importance of collective forms of engineering activity, which are used in all areas in foreign practice, is emphasized, which represents a certain novelty of the article. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are given.

Key words: engineer, engineering activity, environmental worldview, environmental safety, system effects, harmful impacts, technical systems, methodological approaches, collective activity.


Mutalimov A.E.

Philosophical and legal views Confusion

This work is devoted to the study of the philosophical and legal views of Confucius. The doctrine of Confucius is based on philanthropy, a manifestation of respect for traditions and rituals, since Confucius himself, "who loved antiquity with all his heart," paid great attention to moral and ethical standards. The center of the philosophical system of Confucius was the problem of ethics and education, and the main concept was humanity. The essence of Confucius's philosophical reflections can be formulated in the following words: “What you don’t wish for yourself, don’t do that to others.”

Key words: view, values, Confucius, China, Confucianism, state, law, family, civilization, modernity.


Kravchenko V.I.

Petrova A.Yu.

Philosophical and anthropological prerequisites for the formation of a modern educational paradigm in the context of digitalization of society

Introduction. The modern information world, which gave rise to the digital era, poses new challenges for the higher education system today, when the development of technology should ensure the emergence of a new learning paradigm. In its most general form, it is supposed to revolutionize the creation of a new knowledge matrix, as well as expand and enrich the traditional learning environment of students. Thus, the modern status of the higher education system acquires a multidimensional meaning on the way to the formation of a civil society and information culture of the future. At the same time, the very "digital" revolution of the educational environment causes a gap between the traditional learning process and a change in personality behavior due to the introduction of new technologies. The authors of this article have attempted to define new ideological and epistemological boundaries between the existing (real educational process) and the necessary (formation of a new personal model), in order to define a new vector of modern education. 

Soder. The modern system of anthropological education is becoming the dominant factor in understanding the interrelationships between a person-personality and the educational process itself. The "anthropology of education" is understood as "a two-phase epistemological system that includes knowledge about practice: its origins, history, subjects, foundations, etc. and knowledge of the practice itself, i.e. ways and means (technologies) of its cultivation" [25, p. 12]. This means that existing knowledge is considered both within the framework of a new paradigm of education and through the prism of existing practices. At the same time, an important aspect is also the fact that the anthropology of education considers the ideological and theoretical and methodological foundations, the patterns of the education system itself in the context of its evolution. Thus, each historical stage from ancient Greek to modern times, having a significant impact on the educational process, dialectically

Conclusions. Thus, today there are many problems in the Russian education system that affect the effectiveness of the educational process. The most important thing in creating a new system of Russian education, in our opinion, is a "return to the forgotten old", the Soviet past, the methodology of which remains permanently relevant in the educational system. In addition, paying attention to the existing "best international practices", it is necessary to develop and apply our own approach to the development and improvement of the Russian educational paradigm.

Key words: anthropology, pedagogy, education, practice, personality, historical stage, paradigm, Russian education system.


Mikhalev S.V.

The importance of the humanities course in ensuring the strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation

Considering modern contradictions and conflicts, it is important to rethink humanities knowledge and its transmission in order to shape the individual through the education system. Humanities courses play an important role in clearly understanding and consolidating moral values, which is intended to lead to a reduction in aggression and hatred in society.

Based on the author's experience of teaching a course in the humanities, the teaching objectives and problems of Russian education are identified. Fifteen criteria for spiritual and moral development are presented, which should be the basis of humanitarian education. The proposed approach is designed to draw students' attention to the problems of humanism, tolerance and non-acceptance of violence, which are important in the formation of personality.

Key words: humanities, philosophy, ethics, logic, national priorities of Russia, education system.


Zhuravskaya E.A.

The influence of literature on the formation of moral values

This article considers the magical literary fairy tale as a fundamental cultural phenomenon, which is a reflection of and contributes to the formation of society's values. The significance of the fairy tale is investigated in the context of modern social transformations and indicates the need to reevaluate spiritual values, worldview and worldview in modern society. A special role is given to the magical literary fairy tale and its significance in the formation of individuality and unity of values in society. Also due attention is paid to the magical reality that is created in the fairy tale world through metaphor, which allows to destroy the usual semantic images, which allows to open access to new meanings and values. This literary genre allows a person to experience and overcome death, suffering and grief, which becomes an incentive for unity and solidarity. The magical literary fairy tale emphasizes each person, considering him as a creative person, enriching his freedom, love, beauty and creativity.

Key words: creativity, literary fairy tale, cultural values, society.


Dai Xiaodan

The energy of the spirit of industrial heritage in urban culture: experience of Shenyang (PRC)

All over the world, especially in industrial centers, the question is how to use the legacy of industrial development. Economic repurposing is not always possible. An axiological analysis of industrial heritage allows us to propose cultural uses. For an old industrial city, it is important to revive the energy of the spirit of industrial development.

The city of Shenyang was one of the first in China to face the problem of unclaimed industrial capacity and the challenge of changing attitudes towards industrial enterprises of the past, where industrial heritage coexists with a modern context.

Based on the experience of using Shenyang's industrial heritage, a universal model for using industrial heritage has been developed: creative industrial parks, public open spaces for tourism and leisure, and thematic exhibition pavilions.

Key words: industrial heritage, axiology, spirit of industry, Shenyang, model of use of industrial heritage.


Petrova S.I.

Sociocultural determinants of human needs: a Marxist concept

The article is devoted to the consideration of the Marxist concept of human needs and their socio-cultural determinants. Social conditions and production processes are among the factors influencing the formation and development of needs in society, but they are not the only determining determinants. Needs also depend on individual characteristics and aspirations of a person, on cultural and social influences. The concept of K. Marx, which consists in distinguishing between "material" and "ideal" in activity, emphasizes the fact that material life and needs are the basis for the formation of consciousness and human activity. Production and consumption are interrelated and inseparable processes. The article notes that in the Marxist concept, the socio-cultural determinants of human needs reflect socio-economic living conditions and class affiliation. According to this theory, a person's needs are determined by his social status and the historical conditions in which he lives. Marxism argues that people's needs are shaped by economic relations and class struggle. This means that needs depend on which class a person belongs to and on his place in the economic system. K. Marx identified material aspects with economic life, but this did not mean that he did not take into account others, such as ideology or culture. He considered them as a result and reflection of material relations, but at the same time recognized their importance in shaping public consciousness and behavior of people, their needs.

Key words: needs, determinants, K. Marx, production, consumption, activity, culture.


Tan Tong

The cultural background of the modern design of Japanese animated characters

Japanese animation has long been loved by the Chinese audience. Her achievements attract worldwide attention. It occupies a key position in the world and has formed a developed production chain. Many successful examples of Japanese animation deserve to be studied. Japanese animation art has its own distinctive features as well as a number of unique characters created, many of which have become well-known. This article analyzes and examines the character design in the main Japanese animated works today, taking into account the cultural background. The purpose of the article is to analyze the character design of modern Japanese animation masters and explore how domestic animation can develop further in a new era. The expanded possibilities of Japanese animation deserve our study, and also serve as a guide for the development of animation art with Chinese national characteristics. 

Key words: modern Japanese animation, image design of animated characters, cultural background.


Yu Bohan

American vocals. Jazz Soul. Rock. Country music. Reality or illusion

The purpose of the article is to consider the presence of an original American vocal school based on the study of vocal styles inherent in American culture. To obtain the result, the article uses methods - theoretical, comparative, analytical. The author has conducted a deep, historical study of the origin, formation and current state of vocal styles inherent in American culture as a whole. The degree of influence of other cultural traditions of music and vocals on American vocal culture was analyzed. As a result of a detailed study, it can be concluded that American vocals were formed under the significant influence of European and African cultures. Despite the presence of quite specific musical and vocal genres, it is premature to talk about the existence of an original American vocal school.

Key words: vocal, singing, coloratura, recitative, cantilena, vocal schools, forschlag.


Bormotova T.M.

Juvenile crime: status and social factors

The article, based on a secondary analysis of scientific publications, official information and analytical materials, and the results of expert assessments, analyzes the sociological factors of juvenile delinquency and evaluates the system for preventing juvenile delinquency. 

Key words: juvenile offenders, crime factors, crime prevention.


Barkovskii E.S.

Criteria for the solvability of a social problem

Both in management and in everyday life practice, it is important to have a certain understanding of the problems that arise and are being solved, and the criteria for their solvability. This article presents an integrated approach to solving this issue: the feasibility of identifying the following criteria for the solvability of a social problem is substantiated: informational, determinative, resource, instrumental, motivational and economic.

Key words: social problem, real solvability, potential solvability, criteria for the solvability, information support, resource support, motivation, economic effect.


Gryaznova Vera

Transformations in personnel policy in the context of the development of professional capital in public administration

The article is devoted to the issues of reforms in personnel policy, including human resource management, assessing their effectiveness for the rational use of an individual’s professional capabilities; The importance of implementing the principle of human-centricity, digital solutions, the formation of a digital culture and the corresponding digital environment that contribute to the professionalization of personnel is emphasized.

Particular attention is paid to the importance of taking into account modern approaches and trends in personnel management in personnel policy, developing measures aimed at strengthening the loyalty of personnel to the public authority or organization and the ongoing personnel policy, satisfaction with the results of professional activities.

When writing the article, a systematic approach and methods of sociological analysis were used.

Key words: personnel policy, transformations in personnel policy, human-centricity, digital environment, strategizing, project approach.


Baklanov I.A.

Shcheka N.Y.

General overview of the main scientific and theoretical approaches to modern penitentiary social work

This scientific article provides an overview of the main approaches to modern penitentiary social work. The purpose of the article is to summarize knowledge about approaches to modern penitentiary social work, identify the advantages and disadvantages of each approach in order to determine the most effective methods of working with people in the conditions of the penitentiary system. The results of the analysis show that traditional models based on control and punishment do not always achieve the goal of rehabilitation and re-socialization of convicts. At the same time, innovative approaches such as partnership with society and individual work with each convict show more positive results. The article offers recommendations for improving the practice of penitentiary social work based on a comparative analysis. Penitentiary social work is a conglomerate of various concepts, which is based on the importance of the number of social problems affecting all objects of social work.

Key words: penitentiary social work, rehabilitation, resocialization, traditional models, innovative approaches.


Logacheva E.A.

Self-realization of a young person through social networks

The purpose of the study is to identify the dependence of young person's self-actualization on the Internet and self-actualization in reality. Based on the study of documentary sources, six main stages of development of informatization of society are identified. The article reveals the content of the concept of self-actualization of personality in the virtual and real world. Forms and channels of virtual self-realization of young personality are formed, functions are defined: as constructive and destructive, as well as the reasons of youth adhesion to the latter. The directions of positive and negative virtual self-realization of a young person are presented. It is concluded that self-actualization on the Internet cannot completely replace self-actualization in real life, and serves only as a supplement to traditional forms of self-actualization.

Key words: Internet, self-actualization of young personality, virtual self-actualization, social networks, Internet games.


Vasilyeva O.A.

Ovsyannikova K.D.

The evolution of children's games and their impact on different generations

The scientific article examines the evolution of children's games and their influence on personality formation in different generations. The study shows the impact of games on child development, including aspects such as creative thinking, socialization and preparation for adulthood. This paper will present a change in the preferences and features of games depending on different events that occurred during a certain period of time. It will also analyze what role games have played on people's social interaction.

Key words: evolution of games, generations, games, childhood, gaming experience.


Ren Lingling

Family in conditions of transformation of the social structure of CPR society

This article examines the problem of family in the context of transformation of the social structure of Chinese society. The article is aimed at identifying new accents in family development in modern China. The works of the first researchers who studied and analyzed various family issues are considered. It has been determined that at different times sociologists conducted special studies devoted to the problems of the development and functioning of family relationships from various points of view. Many scholars focus on the impact of industrialization on family structure, and there is a relationship between family structure and family relationships.

The article also pays special attention to the determining factors of family development in modern China. According to the author of the article, the modernization of society around the world, the development of urbanization and industrialization have led to greater mobility of people, greater personal freedom and profound changes in the Chinese family under the wave of individualization. The Chinese family is experiencing a dynamic developmental shift from traditional closedness to openness, exhibiting many similar developmental characteristics to Western families, which is a social reality that cannot be ignored. The article also notes that harmonious family relationships are the basis of family unity in China, they are also able to overcome family crises caused by individual and sudden events. The author concludes that harmonious family relationships are the basis of family unity in China, and they are also able to overcome family crises caused by individual and sudden events.

Key words: family, family relationships, society, harmony in the family, China, building harmonious family relationships, harmonious symbiosis of the family community, family structure, Chinese family in modern conditions.


Korzhova D.A.

Institutional features of regulating the social development of Russian youth in regional labor markets

The article considers the institutional organization of social development of young people in the regional labour market of the Russian Federation. The author analysed on the basis of the historical approach the evolution of legal security of the process, as well as the implementation of policy at the practical level. The work reveals problems and prospects, dynamics of the regional labour market for youth. Regional differences, factors that influenced their formation are noted. The institutional interaction between formal and informal structures involved in the regulation of social development of Russian youth is considered.

Key words: regional labor market, social development, youth, institutional features, public policy, social strata.


Mylnikova E.M.

Kudina M.V.

Yakupova O.V.

Shardakova I.S.

Features of work motivation from the position of sociological analysis

Issues of motivation, and in particular work motivation, are presented at a fairly high quality level in many studies. Approaches to determining the essence of work motivation vary depending on the scientific direction within which this concept is considered. Also, the view regarding the topic of work motivation may be different, since it is necessary to take into account the time period during which this issue is being studied. The authors of this article conducted a study of the characteristics of work motivation from the position of sociological analysis, which made it possible to identify two main determinants of this process. From the point of view of sociological diagnostics, work motivation can be characterized not only as an internal motivation of the employee himself, but also as an external influence on the part of the employer. The identified features of work motivation can be used by managers of organizations, companies and/or enterprises that occupy various management positions (according to the management hierarchy) as a basis for developing a personnel motivation model.

Key words: work motivation, personal motivation, motives, needs, interests, values, motivating influences, social roles, need disposition.


Karakhanov E.H.

The social context of Russian-Turkish families as an ethnocultural component of the development of relations between Russia and Turkey

The article outlines the main trends in the creation of Russian-Turkish families using the example of 2015 and 2021. The dynamics of the development of Russian-Turkish families from 2015 to 2019 is presented. The trend towards a decrease in marriages with foreigners registered by Turkish citizens has been revealed, against the background of a continuing significant number of Russian-Turkish families. The reasons for the harmonization of the considered mixed marriages and the consequences for the second generation are determined. The differences in the perception of the Russian and Turkish sides of the prerequisites for the creation of interethnic families are revealed. The author provided a recommendation on the expediency of establishing neighborly centers on the basis of embassies as a result of the conclusion by Turkey and Russia of an additional agreement on long-term cooperation.

Key words: the Russian-Turkish family, the center of good neighborliness, bilateral relations, tourism, the second generation, the ethnocultural component, Russian-Turkish relations.


Zhao Hui

Social differentiation of the urban and rural population of modern China

Urban villages are typically perceived as homogeneous, low-income areas characterized by low-quality, high-density housing. In fact, housing differentiation has emerged in urban villages among residents with different amounts and types of capital, rights, skills and other assets.

Regression analysis shows that urban villages have similar dynamics of housing differentiation as wider urban spaces, i.e. the combination of strong restrictions and the influence of emerging markets leads to housing differentiation and inequality. Residents of urban villages are also highly mobile. Population inflows and outflows form an important part of the process of socio-spatial urban restructuring.

Key words: social groups, housing differentiation, China, urban settlements, institute.


Apanasyuk Yu.V.

Managerial technologies in the system of strategic public management

This academic study reveals the complex spectrum of strategic management, highlighting the key infusion of managerial technologies into it; it analyses the evolution, integration and implications of these technologies in organisational and societal environments. The narrative focuses on modelling and forecasting, which are considered the backbone of strategic planning, and highlights their indispensability in order to navigate the uncertainty of the future with confidence. The narrative then covers the global strategic management process, providing insights into the successes and failures of implementing management techniques in different geopolitical contexts. In the face of current trends and challenges, the narrative moves to an in-depth examination of digital technologies and artificial intelligence; it considers their dual role as harbingers of efficiency and innovation, as well as the ethical, social, and adaptive complexities that accompany their ascendancy. Such analyses are not merely descriptive, but engage in a critical discourse on the future trajectories of strategic management, advocating for a paradigm that is sustainable, ethical and anticipatory in the face of rapid technological evolution. The abstract thus encapsulates the quintessence of the article: an examination of the role of managerial technologies in strategic management, complemented by a call to action to create future-oriented, ethically informed and technologically sound strategic practices.

Key words: strategic management, management technologies, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, ethical management, organisational flexibility, global trends, decision-making processes, technological innovation.




Apanasyuk Yu.V., Graduate Student. Institute of Public Service and Management Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Arsenina O.V., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Philosophy and Religious Sciences, Vladimir state university named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs (VLGU).

Ashnokova L.M., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department philosophy of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova.

Baklanov I.A., Student, Amur State University.

Barkovskii E.S., Postgraduate Student of Department of Sociology and Management. Belgorod State Technological University.

Bormotova T.M., Doctor of Social Sciences, Associate Professor. Russian State Social University.

Bushueva V.V., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Dadashev A.A., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department history and philosophy of Kabardino-Balkaria State Agrarian University named after. V.M. Kokova.

Dai Xiaodan, Postgraduate student of the Department of Arts and Design, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU).

Grishnova E.E., Doctor of political sciences, Associate Professor. Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Gryaznova Vera, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, IGSU Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Hassan Ali, Graduate student. Russian State Social University.

Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education”, Moscow.

Ivannikov S.I., Candidate of Theology, Rector of the Barnaul Theological Seminary, Metropolian of Barnaul and Altai - Head of the Metropolis of Altai, Member of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem (2004-2006), Barnaul.

Karakhanov E.H., Chairman of the International Center for Combating Crime and Terrorism "KGT", Moscow.

Korzhova D.A., Postgraduate student of the South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov.

Kravchenko V.I., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Modern Communications, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

Kudina M.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm National Research Polytechnic University», Perm.

Mylnikova E.M., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm National Research Polytechnic University», Perm.

Laminina O.G., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Logacheva E.A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Natural Sciences, Information Technology and Management, Kamensk technological institute (Branch) of Platov SRSPU (NPI).

Mikhalev S.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot.

Mutalimov A.E., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines. North Caucasus Institute (branch) All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) in Makhachkala.

Odintsova D.D., Graduate student. I.A. Bunin Yelets State University. Assistant at the department of musical training and sociocultural projects of Leningrad State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky.

Ovsyannikova K.D., Student of the State University of Management.

Ren Lingling, Applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Sociological Sciences Buryat State University.

Petrova A.Yu., Postgraduate Student at the Department of Advertising and Modern Communications, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Lecturer at the Department of Advertising and Modern Communications, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

Petrova S.I., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor. Academy of marketing and socially-information technologies, Krasnodar.

Shardakova I.S., Head of Department. Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Perm Territory for the city of Perm, Perm.

Semenova T.V., Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Humanities, Engels Technological Institute (branch) of Gagarin Y.A. SSTU. 

Schwarz O.K., Graduate student. Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy.

Shcheka N.Y., Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences Social sciences, Amur Oblast, Blagoveshchensk.

Tan Tong, Graduate student Institute of Design and Arts of Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.

Tishchenko N.V., Doctor of Cultural Studies, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Gagarin Y.A. Saratov State Technical University. 

Vasilyeva O.A., Senior Lecturer at the State University of Management.

Xu Ping, Professor of the School of Marxism, China Medical University.

Yakupova O.V., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management and Marketing. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm National Research Polytechnic University», Perm.

Yu Bohan, Master, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Zhang Donghui, Professor, School of International Education, Liaoning University.

Zhao Hui, Graduate student.

Zhuravskaya E.A., Assistant at the Department of Natural Sciences, Information Technology and Management, Kamensk technological institute (Branch) of Platov SRSPU (NPI).

Zrazhevskaya E.O., Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Humanities, Engels Technological Institute (branch) of Gagarin Y.A. SSTU.