Archpriest Dmitri Leskin Family as a base value of traditional society
Abbyasov R.R. Social Teaching in Islam: Sources and Fundamentals
Vlasov V.I. About the universal purpose of Russia
Parenkov D.A., Apanovich M.Y., Loshkariov I.D. Catholic lobbying in US legislation: the Irish factor in migration reform
Osokin A.N. Osokin A.N. The Foundation of ethical autonomy in the philosophical and religious thought
Eneeva E.H., Kuznetsov M.U. Realization of spiritual (religious) needs via tourism in modern world
Bondarenko N.G. The problem of everyday life in historical knowledge
Belov A.A. Moral imperatives in prohibition moduses: “cultural code” of Iranian cinema as the key to its worldwide popularity
Dianina S.Y. The national identity in the modern Swedish society in the context of the reality show «Allt för Sverige»
Russia and the Vatican
Russian-French cultural cooperation
Abbyasov R.R.
Social Teaching in Islam: Sources and Fundamentals
The question of social doctrine in Islam is debatable and controversial. On the one hand, Islam is a single set of religious and social institutions that are inextricably linked. On the other hand, Islam always reacted to external manifestations of the world, that is, to various social aspects of life. And in this sense, considering that the social teaching of religion is largely oriented to the outside, to the social reality as a whole, in the author's opinion, it is possible and necessary to talk about the independent social teachings of Islam. Thus, the article analyzes the fundamental foundations of this social doctrine, as well as its moral and ethical foundations, without which it is also impossible to talk about the full social doctrine of Muslims.
Keywords: Islam, Muslims, social teaching, Qur'an, Sunnah, hadith, fiqh, Sharia.
Parenkov D.A.
Apanovich M.Y.
Loshkariov I.D.
Catholic lobbying in US legislation: the Irish factor in migration reform
The article analyzes the interaction of the Irish lobby on immigration legislation with the Roman Catholic Church. There are three stages of lobby activity, each is characterized by a special relationship with the RCC.
Keywords: the Irish, Catholics, immigration reform, RCC.
Osokin A.N.
The Foundation of ethical autonomy in the philosophical and religious thought
This article is an analysis of the ethical concepts of philosophers and religious thinkers. Comparison of theoretical justification of the source of human existence is provided. The issue of empirical insufficiency for the formation of a subject is considered. The development of the humanitarian discourse on the relationship between the individual and the universal, the correlation of the due on the personal and social levels is analyzed. Opportunity opens up for understanding the inadequacy of philosophical tools when considering the relationship of ethics and politics. An attempt is being made to bring together the philosophical and theological discourse for a fuller and more comprehensive understanding of the possibility and validity of human freedom, both at the individual and social levels, which is an important point of the way out of the cultural crisis.
Keywords: anthropological, mythological, transcendental, ethics, Christianity, theology, new Testament tradition, culture, subjectivity, freedom, faith, knowledge, hermeneutics.
Eneeva E.H.
Kuznetsov M.U.
Realization of spiritual (religious) needs via tourism in modern world
Needs of the modern man are not much different from the ones of people of previous ages. However, it should be noted that perception of term ‘spiritual needs’ are slightly different.
Nowadays the man thinks of himself/herself as of a part of a secular world. What does the ‘secular world’, ‘secular culture’, ‘secular lifestyle’ mean and how religion can be integrated in it? Can tourist activity answer this question?
Herein, we are discussing a possibility of realizing the need in religion and belief by means of modern tourism.
Keywords: tourism, spiritual (religious) needs, secular world, religious tourism, pilgrimage.
Bondarenko N.G.
The problem of everyday life in historical knowledge
The article explores the problem of everyday life in the context of historical knowledge, since the transformation of means and methods in history that occurred in recent decades is determined by the general course of the evolution of social philosophy that led to the promotion of these issues as a priority. This gave rise to an acute need for conceptual and methodological reflection using cognitive means of social philosophy. Since the search for the image of the future turns generalized ideas about the past into the main factor of collective goal-setting, the article considers the special requirements that society presents to the problem of historical cognition.
The distinctive features of everyday life are determined, due to the mechanism of constant renewal and constant reproduction, as well as the translation of everyday experience. The analysis of the development of philosophy in the twentieth century is given. It is revealed that the appeal to everyday life opens access to the problem of meaning, which is formed due to typifications that are carried out by participants in social life – “actors”.
Keywords: everyday life, historical knowledge, everyday experience, objective - subjective, knowledge, social reality.
Belov A.A.
Moral imperatives in prohibition moduses: “cultural code” of Iranian cinema as the key to its worldwide popularity
The article analyses the rise of Iranian cinema to global prominence. The author covers various aspects of the subject, including its unique poetic language, the influence of censorship, and the links to the twentieth century philosophy, in particular Martin Heidegger’s views on technology, which were popular among Iranian filmmakers.
Another aspect reflected in the article is the set of features which are characteristic of Iranian society and which have strongly affected the evolution of the nation’s filmmaking: the tradition of Tazieh drama theatre, the martyrdom cult of Shiism, and the dynamics between the mass and high culture in the country.
Keywords: Iranian cinema, Shia society, censorship, poetic cinema style, 20th century philosophy, Martin Heidegger, postmodernism.
Dianina S.Y.
The national identity in the modern Swedish society in the context of the reality show «Allt för Sverige»
The article examines the specificity of the Swedish national identity at the present stage in terms of broadcasting cultural values and traditions through the reality show "Allt för Sverige" – "Everything for Sweden". The program is associated with a significant fact in the history of Sweden – the emigration of Swedes to the United States in the XIX century and the early XX century. The relevance of the research is attributed to the growth of integration processes in the world, erasure of cultural boundaries between peoples and growth of globalization in the countries of Northern Europe.
Keywords: the national identity, mass-media, intercultural communication, globalization, Sweden, Swedish culture.
Abbyasov R.R., First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Mufti of the Moscow Region, Chairman of the Moscow Region Spiritual Administration of Muslims, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Apanovich M.Y., Candidate of Political Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Demographic and Migration Policy.
Archpriest Dmitri Leskin, Doctor of Philosophical Science, Candidate of Theology, Professor, Rector of the Volga Orthodox Institute of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow.
Belov A.A., Graduate student of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Bondarenko N.G., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of history and philosophy of law of the Institute of service, tourism and design (branch, Pyatigorsk North-Caucasus Federal University.
Dianina S.Y., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Lecturer of the department of languages of the Baltic and Northern Europe states, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University).
Eneeva E.H., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Academy of labor and social relations.
Kuznetsov M.U., Senior Lecturer, Academy of labor and social relations.
Loshkariov I.D., Lecturer of Political Theory Department, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Osokin A.N., Candidate for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, St. Petersburg State University; Department of Law, Vologda State University, Assistant of the Department of Constitutional, International Law and Political Science.
Parenkov D.A., Lecturer of Political Theory Department of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Vlasov V.I., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.