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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Storchak M.V. Charismatic properties of Lenin in the culture of Soviet civil religion

Popov S.I. The Kantian theme in the novel «The Master and Margarita»
Primak N.A. Transformation of hierarchical systems in modern society
Guo Xinyang The social function of art in the philosophical paradigm
Andreeva A.V., Rukavitsyna E.A., Mylnikova E.V., Boroday S.S. Ontology of musical culture in the context of a level model of leisure activities

Karataban I.A. The influence of social internet networks on the socialization of young people
Zhulina J.O., Prenas N.N., Zaprometova S.A. The influence of personal value orientations on the perception of sports
Dmitrieva I.S. Problems of legitimizing the institution of public power at the local level
Garanina A.B. Students’ formation of sociocultural identity in higher school educational environment
Blagorozheva Z.O. Consensual union in the structure of matrimonyal behavior of youth: sociological analysis
Maslyakov V.V., Polidanov M.A., Koimurzaeva U.M., Stasiuk P.A. Public awareness of the organization of safety in case of carbon monoxide leakage
Givargizova N.A., Minasyan L.A., Kaneeva A.V. School reconciliation service as a regulator of domestic (Russian) mediation development
Pantin N.V. Peculiarities of Pendular migration in the conditions of global conflict
Pronin V.I. Labor transformation in modern society: remote work and other forms of employment
Rumyantsev V.V. Value-based support for families in situations of conflict
Sasin M.V., Mineev V.V. Formation of ideas about science in secondary school students
Tian Yuhan Political and social satire in the works of Honore Daumier
Tang Haitian A comparative analysis of the aesthetics of Kandinsky and the Chinese artist Wu Guanzhong
Sun Hao The use and challenges of the saxophone in jazz education
Kurdyapov B.V. The role of interpretation of the origins of the dance culture of the Altai Republic
An Duo Louvre: history, changes and contemporary artistic color
Cui Yilang International saxophone competition: past and present
Zhao Taotao The art of violin during the cultural revolution
Shi Jia Prerequisites for the development of women professional music teachers in China in the first half of the 20th century
Xu W., Zhou Y. Ontological analysis of art: the phenomenon of rethinking the image of famous world painting in the post-epidemic era
Yao Siconghui Studying the decoration and cultural symbols of royal buildings of the Qing dynasty in China
Ternovaya L.O. The fight for gender and linguistic equality 184
Zhuravskaya E.A. Introduction of gaming technologies for teaching University students 192
Halabi Diana Problems of higher education in new conditions as a prerequisite for migration of Syrian youth 198
Chen Yuting International journalism in the age of social networks 205






Storchak M.V.

Charismatic properties of Lenin in the culture of Soviet civil religion

Soviet ideology divided the entire history of mankind into two periods: before October 1917 and after the October Revolution of 1917. All past history has been declared to be a preparation for the moment when humanity will leap from the "realm of necessity" to the "realm of freedom"; when the "sinful" world becomes "cleansed" and "sanctified." "The epoch opened by the Great October Revolution," Soviet propaganda taught, "was a powerful stimulus for the social development of millions of working masses, for the transition of vast masses of people from spontaneous participation in the historical process to conscious activity, and for their transformation into active creators of the historical process." With the passage of time, there is a process of sacralization of Soviet history and its leaders, ritualization of the civil life of society. This fact testifies to the formation of a new, Soviet religion – "civil religion" (J.J. Rousseau) in the USSR.

The Soviet people were brought up on a well-known poem, the main leitmotif of which was the following lines: "Everyone knows that the Earth begins with the Kremlin..." The central sacralized place is the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, next to which are the graves of prominent communists, elevated to the rank of "saints". All this, together with the Lenin Museum, constituted the mystical center of the new, communist civilization. "But the mausoleum has special functions and significance. During the two main Communist holidays, November 7 and May 1 (analogues of Christmas and Easter), it was climbed by leaders. Only here twice a year... The highest blessing was granted – to see the supreme priests of the Kremlin. ... A visit to this temple becomes a sacred moment for the inhabitants of the country. The mausoleum materialized the mysticism of communism. Lenin became the god of a new anti-Christian civilization that sought to encompass the whole world. Lenin's "divine destiny" – to be immortal, eternal and not dying – was propagated in the following Soviet-era slogans: "Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live"; And his "divine" purity and purity (unlike all other people on earth) was emphasized by the following phrase: "Lenin is the most humane man." Such ideological ideas have a pseudo- or quasi-religious character, which requires new approaches to solving the problems of the philosophy of religion.

Key words: civil religion, culture, God, Soviet ideology, Lenin, charisma.


Popov S.I.

The Kantian theme in the novel «The Master and Margarita»

The influence of philosophical ideas does not necessarily imply their acceptance or at least adequate understanding. Ideas can cause controversy, become a common place, cause idiosyncrasy, or, having come together for a while with related thoughts, they can cause the effect of a short closure, the "spark" of which then spreads for a long time in the cultural space. The point of contact may be not only spoken, but also implied. Finally, two systems of thought may simply coincide in their main lines of force.

Kant was unlucky on Russian soil. Russian Russian philosophy did not give rise to the "Russian Kant", primarily because of Kant's rejection of metaphysics as knowledge, which Russians associated with "devilry". Kantianism, however, is hardly a purely intellectual exercise. Being, most likely, a philosophical expression of a lifestyle, Kantianism is easily projected onto a lifestyle with all its distinctive neuroses. For this reason, the effect of "short-circuit" with Kantian ideas on Russian soil is easier to find in fiction than in philosophy.

Both Bulgakov and Kant were equally concerned about the topic of the border. For Kant – this is the border between the experienced and the metaphysical, for Bulgakov, the border between the USSR and the West. Both understood the foreign world in the same way: the experience of an exalted, superior person and overturning his ideas. Both were strongly tempted to cross the border. Both of their temptations were expressed in books – very different in genre and language, and very similar in their initial message. Kant protected himself from the temptation to cross the border [with the metaphysical] by using the protective cocoon of his critical philosophy. For Bulgakov, the role of Kant's "critics" was performed by the Soviet government. Both remained on their side of the border by the end of their lives. And if Kant could have been satisfied with his duty, then for Bulgakov, loyalty to the house turned into a personal tragedy.

Key words: Kant, Bulgakov, border, reason, noumenon, phenomenon, metaphysical, miraculous.


Primak N.A. 

Transformation of hierarchical systems in modern society

The article proposes to address the problem of changing traditional hierarchy in modern society. It is noted that social hierarchy is a natural way of organizing the life of society. Hierarchy is necessary for complex systems, one of which is society, and ensures their successful functioning. The idea is being promoted that changes in the hierarchical system in modern society are a condition for their existence and development, providing society with stable dynamics and preventing stagnation. Among the channels of social mobility that are most relevant at the moment are participation in political associations, organizing your own business, getting an education, military service, promotion through social networks, instant messengers, the Internet, activities in the media, development in sports, participation in public and volunteer movements and programs, etc. It is noted the importance of such a tool as a social elevator, and the role of the state in the development of social elevators. It is concluded that the transformation of hierarchical systems, which is present in modern society, acts as a guarantor of the positive and productive development of society. The presence and successful operation of social mobility systems in modern society does not destroy the hierarchy of the social system, which is universal and an integral characteristic of society.

Key words: social hierarchy, philosophy of social hierarchy, hierarchical system, society, social mobility, social elevator.


Guo Xinyang

The social function of art in the philosophical paradigm

The purpose of this article is to consider various aspects of the social function of art from the point of view of the philosophical paradigm. This article emphasizes that, unlike all other forms of activity, art is a reflection and expression of the inner world and essence of a person, taken in their entirety. In art, the creator creates a special world, but not in the way nature creates it. This is nothing more than the highest form and manifestation of aesthetic consciousness, a necessary component of social consciousness that provides it with integrity, mobility and at the same time stability in the current reality and directs it to the future, far away. Art is a multifaceted and diverse cultural phenomenon, divided into different types, each of which has its own means of expression, a special language, its own sign and symbolic systems.

Key words: art, functions of art, philosophy, philosophical paradigm, social function.


Andreeva A.V.

Rukavitsyna E.A.

Mylnikova E.V.

Boroday S.S.

Ontology of musical culture in the context of a level model of leisure activities

Musical culture is considered as a level education in the context of an activity-based approach to the leisure sphere. It has been proven that “musical culture” is the level of a person’s need in the field of music. As part of the study, a level model of musical culture is proposed, which distinguishes in-depth, average and mediocre musical culture through the attitude towards music, the level of awareness of the basics of musical theory and musical literature and the applied use of musical content. Level characteristics are applied to the study of objective leisure activities in adolescence. It is shown that modern social processes require the child’s passion and entertainment in the first place, which forces the requirements for the individual’s musical culture to be lowered to an average level - when interest in music is inert, but the general level of musical erudition will allow a person to develop independently in the future. The complex of formation of a teenager’s musical culture is outlined, in which the key role is assigned to the child’s close environment and the activities of additional education organizations. The level model of the formation of a teenager’s musical culture, reflected in the level of the teenager’s need in the field of music, depends on the musical environment and musical education of the subject.

Key words: ontology, leisure activity, society, culture, sociocultural phenomenon, public relations.


Karataban I.A.

The influence of social internet networks on the socialization of young people

In recent years, social media has become an integral part of modern society, and especially of the younger generation. Over the past few years, the number of media devices has increased rapidly, as has the presence of young people on the Internet. And along with the opportunities to communicate with peers, make acquaintances and find new information, the use of social platforms on the Internet can be associated with some negative consequences for the younger generation. In this context, the article deals with the impact of social Internet networks on the socialization of young people.

Key words: socialization, young generation, Internet, risk.


Zhulina J.O.

Prenas N.N.

Zaprometova S.A.

The influence of personal value orientations on the perception of sports

With the development of sociological research in sociology, there is a growing attention to the analysis of the sphere of values, value attitudes and value orientations. In sociological perspective, the role of value orientations in vital activity human is one of the important means of choosing people's behavior. In the study of value orientations of the individual emphasis is placed on the influence of social attitudes in society on the internal motives of behavior of the individual.

Key words: value orientations, values, motive of life, social attitudes, domestic approach.


Dmitrieva I.S.

Problems of legitimizing the institution of public power at the local level

The purpose of the study is to highlight the criteria and factors for legitimizing the institution of public authority at the local level. Taking into account the characteristics of the local level of government, the article uses an approach with two interrelated types of legitimacy (external and internal) to further determine the criteria for legitimation: the features and features of the external legitimacy of local authorities are determined, the meaning and essence of internal legitimacy are determined to achieve the proper effectiveness of public authority at the local level level.

The article reveals the relationship between the government's achievement of internal legitimacy and the exercise of control over its activities; analyzed the importance of cooperation between local authorities and the public to achieve general trust and legitimacy; shows the importance of using modern technologies, such as systems for submitting electronic petitions, for establishing effective communication “government – society” for the development of legitimation and prevention of delegitimation processes; the role of public control is analyzed to improve the system of local decision-making and legitimize power in general.

The article determines that the main criteria for the legitimation of public authorities include the fulfillment of their powers; ensuring effective mechanisms of anti-corruption and public control over their activities; effective work of the media and QMS covering their activities; attraction of new technologies for interaction with the public; implementation of joint programs and projects to improve the quality of local policy.

Key words: public authorities, legitimacy, legitimation, criteria for the legitimation of local authorities.


Garanina A.B.

Students’ formation of sociocultural identity in higher school educational environment

The preservation and continuity of sociocultural identity, cultural and moral foundations and traditions of society has always played a significant role in state policy. Today, the issue of transferring values and traditions in the context of the accelerated pace of globalization is on the agenda. The process of educating the younger generation is of particular importance. This article examines the factors that help form social identity among higher education students. The educational environment is a favorable condition for the development of a sense of belonging to the cultural and moral norms, customs and traditions of society. The relevance of the chosen topic is that the educational environment plays a key role in creating a system of values and social contacts, which subsequently forms the sociocultural identity of the younger generation. In the context of globalization, the question arises of developing an interdisciplinary set of methodological concepts for the projection of cultural norms and values in the student environment.

Key words: educational environment, sociocultural identity, sociocultural code, higher school, students, global processes.


Blagorozheva Z.O.

Consensual union in the structure of matrimonyal behavior of youth: sociological analysis

The article is devoted to the consideration of consensual violations in current matrimonial behavior. The paper presents an analysis of empirical data obtained during a sociological study. The object of the study is youth of the Belgorod region aged 18 to 35 years (N=400). The method of collecting information is a mass survey in the form of a questionnaire. The study found that young people are generally neutral about consensual unions and prefer a more traditional form of relationship (official marriage). In addition, young people believe that the spread of the consensual community is leading to an increase in the number of single-parent families.

Key words: consensual union, cohabitation, marriage, matrimonial behavior, family, youth.


Maslyakov V.V.

Polidanov M.A.

Koimurzaeva U.M.

Stasiuk P.A.

Public awareness of the organization of safety in case of carbon monoxide leakage

To date, the rapid development of technology, industry, transportation, the widespread use in the home and production of various materials, which in the case of improper operation and safety violations can be potential sources of carbon monoxide - all these conditions have brought carbon monoxide to one of the leading positions among all harmful environmental factors affecting humans. According to statistics in Russia, carbon monoxide poisoning ranks second in the structure of causes of death in acute poisonings. Over the past 12 years, about 3.5 thousand people died due to violations of safety rules when handling heating equipment and gas stoves. Only in 2021 the mortality rate amounted to 0.508 per 100 thousand people for men and 0.223 per 100 thousand people for women, and the highest number of deaths was recorded in the age group of 50-54 years - 2210 cases. The above-mentioned determines the necessity of studying the population's awareness of the properties of carbon monoxide and the order of actions in emergency situations associated with its leakage.

Key words: emergencies, carbon monoxide poisoning, first aid, emergency situations, safety violation, life safety.


Givargizova N.A.

Minasyan L.A.

Kaneeva A.V.

School reconciliation service as a regulator of domestic (Russian) mediation development

This article considers the problem of substantive introduction of mediation procedure in educational institutions of the country in fulfilment of improving moral and moral climate goal-setting functions and in obtaining by students the practice of using mediation as a starting point, taking into account the probability of various kinds of conflicts in their future life activities. Based on the results of a survey among schoolchildren in the cities of Bataysk and Rostov-on-Don aged 14-17 (425 respondents), (more than 50 per cent are already or may be in a conflict situation), it was concluded that mediation has not been properly developed in Russian general education practice, which determines the relevance of this work. Some data from the report of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of their Rights of the Administration of Bataysk in the prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency for 2021 are given. The interview with a practicing mediator has been conducted and the work in the restorative justice system has been considered. The novelty of the research consists in considering the features of restorative mediation as an effective way of conflict resolution and preservation of relationships between the actors of the general education process. 

Key words: mediation in Russia, restorative mediation, mediator's work, volunteering.


Pantin N.V.

Peculiarities of Pendular migration in the conditions of global conflict

The article is devoted to the study of pendular migration and migration of the population in general, in the context of conflict situations in some territories of the Russian Federation. It also considers theoretical aspects of the reasons for the movement of labor migrants and their place in the legal field of the Russian Federation. The dynamics of migration growth and attrition in 2021 and 2022 are compared. The natural decrease or increase in the permanently residing population of some regions of the Russian Federation is also recorded. On the basis of Rosstat data, the graphs of the loss and growth of the permanent population, as well as migration loss and migration gain were plotted. Then, based on the analyzed data, conclusions were formulated about the causes of migration processes in 2021 and 2022 and the consequences of migration for future periods were indicated.

Key words: pendular migration, population, migration gain, migration loss, natural increase, natural loss.


Pronin V.I.

Labor transformation in modern society: remote work and other forms of employment

The article analyzes the changes associated with the transformation of labor in modern Russian society in 2020-2023, reveals the key factors that comprehensively affect the transformation of employment forms, the content of labor processes and the quality of the workforce. The most significant trends in the development of the labor market and employment modes of the main staff in the long time period of 2000-2023 are presented. The purpose of the study is to analyze structural changes in the labor market and to identify new forms of employment in modern conditions. When conducting the research we used the methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of groupings, analytical and logical methods, graphical method, methods of analysis of scientific literature and statistical data, thanks to which the following results were obtained: the negative dynamics of reduction in the proportion of the able-bodied population of Russia and the current trend of full-time employment of all employees of companies was identified, it was found that the unemployment rate at the end of 2023 reached a record low in the study period of 2000-2023. There was a significant decrease in the number of those employed by conditions of labor force labor use in the agricultural sector, manufacturing industries and housing and communal services sector, an increase in the number of those employed in the construction industry, consulting services and real estate sector was established. A significant decrease in the number of employed people by type of occupation among qualified agricultural workers, specialists of higher qualification and qualified workers in various sectors of the country's economy was revealed, and an increase in the number of employed managers and workers in the service sector was established. Based on the works of scientific literature, the content of the concept of "form of employment" and "new form of employment" was defined. 

The study concluded that the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization of the economy and geopolitical crisis due to the events in Ukraine have contributed to the introduction of new forms of employment related to employee labor sharing, mobile work based on ICT and digital platforms, while the system of social and labor relations is able to ensure a more dynamic development of the labor market and increase the adaptive potential of workers. Thus, specialists analyzing the transformation of labor in modern society need to take into account the interrelationships of processes both in individual segments of the labor market and general socio-economic processes inherent in the labor market as a whole. 

Key words: labor transformation, structural changes, forms of employment, conditions of labor use, social and labor relations, labor force.


Rumyantsev V.V.

Value-based support for families in situations of conflict

The purpose of this article is to develop tools for value support of the family in a conflict situation, during the transformation of society, in terms of the origins and forms of its manifestation.

The generalization of theoretical approaches in the context of the study of family relations allowed the author to consider the essence, causes and emergence of conflict.

It was revealed that most often the conflict arises for several reasons and manifests itself in dynamics, which includes stages and phases discussed in detail in the work.

It is proved that family structures are undergoing social and economic changes, including urbanization, changing family forms, an increase in the number of single parents and individualization in social relations. 

In this regard, the author proposes the basic principles of value support for the family, which will allow for a better understanding of the processes presented and develop solutions for its preservation and harmonious development.

Within the framework of the principles, in the context of the article, it is proposed to use professional tools in the event that the conflict cannot be resolved independently.

Thus, the activities proposed by the author will contribute to the preservation and strengthening of family relations.

Key words: family value support, conflict, emotional state, transformation of Russian society, compromise.


Sasin M.V.

Mineev V.V.

Formation of ideas about science in secondary school students

Problem and goal. The article analyzes the process of forming ideas about science among students of a general education school. Attention is focused on the subjective-personal perception of various aspects of scientific activity, on its connection with the characteristics of the activity of students interacting with a subject teacher.

Purpose of the article. To identify the main problems and difficulties that arise in the formation of ideas about science and in the process of involving students in research activities.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the works of both classical authors and modern ones: Vl.S. Solovyov, V.I. Vernadsky, A.P. Ogurtsova, V.M. Rozina, Yu.N. Solonin and others. Mainly philosophical and theoretical methods, a dialectical approach, analysis of secondary information, content analysis are used, but also the author's experience of observing students.

The scientific novelty lies in the systematization of data on the formation of the image of science among students in a general education school and, accordingly, on ways to overcome the difficulties that arise. It is shown that today, in the educational process, the formation of the image of science as a whole is given insufficient attention. Meanwhile, the integral image of science has a great influence on the perception of educational material. The appeal to non-scientific sources, due to the preference for Internet resources, as well as the transformation of the image of science under the influence of other forms of public consciousness from politics to morality, causes concern.

Results. The problem of forming an adequate image of science among students is revealed. Solving the problem will make it possible to overcome the negative attitude towards science on the part of part of society.

Conclusion. Reflection both on the phenomenon of the image of science as a whole and on the features of this image in modern educational discourse allows us to identify the factors that determine the reproduction of new generations of the scientific community.

Key words: the image of science, research activity of students, system-activity approach, innovative environment, school education, competence approach.


Tian Yuhan

Political and social satire in the works of Honore Daumier

The purpose of this article is to examine political and social satire in the work of Honoré Daumier. Despite its popularity in the research environment, not only political caricature deserves attention in his work. Daumier's numerous works in lithography and watercolors have significantly surpassed his paintings and sculptures. However, his work in each medium has its own characteristics, from the judicious use of color in painting and watercolor and the emotionally expressive coarseness of his sculptural forms to the brilliance with which he uses a range of tones, as well as extreme contrasts of light and dark in his black and white lithographs. The range of his influence is also wide: his work and his often controversial social and political criticism are said to have influenced artists as diverse as Constantin Meunier, Gustave Courbet, Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet and Henri Matisse, as well as his contemporaries such as Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and Jean-Francois Millet.

To date, paintings, watercolors and drawings by Daumier, created not to order and not appreciated by contemporaries, open up many more areas for study, as well as actualize the issue of the interaction of his graphics and painting.

Key words: Honore Daumier, social satire, the work of Honore Daumier, satire in art, third-class carriage.


Tang Haitian

A comparative analysis of the aesthetics of Kandinsky and the Chinese artist Wu Guanzhong

Chinese traditional painting in the style of "Sei" emphasizes the shape of external objects in order to express the inner "spirit" of the object and on this basis express the emotions of the artist, which is very similar to the principle of "inner necessity" proposed by V.V. Kandinsky. Influenced by the theory of V.V. Kandinsky, Chinese artists also presented a large number of their own works, thanks to which many of them became outstanding artists who gained worldwide fame. These artists contributed to the development of art in China by introducing the world to the unique features of Chinese abstract art. They have gained international recognition and have also contributed to the diversity of world art. 

Key words: Chinese Art, Wu Guanzhong, abstraction, expressionism in painting.


Sun Hao

The use and challenges of the saxophone in jazz education

The material of this article examines the history of the use of the saxophone in jazz education in Europe and the USA, starting from the second half of the XIX century and ending with the XXI century. The saxophone is defined as a fundamental tool for the development of jazz art, the creation of the first methodological developments for the reform of jazz music on a global scale. The analysis of the development of performing saxophone playing techniques, the identification of the history of the development and application of experimental methods for creating improvisational characteristics of musical works, allow us to determine the nature of the development of the possibilities of using the saxophone in the evolution of jazz education in the world space. The material of this article is aimed at revealing the main stages of the history of using the saxophone to develop the possibilities of jazz performance, improvisational author's techniques, which are the basis for further popularization of playing the saxophone.

Key words: saxophone, jazz education, jazz art, performance, educational practice.


Kurdyapov B.V.

The role of interpretation of the origins of the dance culture of the Altai Republic

This article examines the origins of the formation of the dance culture of the Altai Republic. The main criteria for the creation of the Altai national dance are defined, the most important characteristics of the formation of the image of an original, national choreographic art are identified, the role of interpretation of the origins of the dance culture of the Altai Republic in the formation of a unique national consciousness of the Altaians is revealed.

Key words: dance culture of the Altai Republic, origins, art, interpretation, Altai folk dance, artistic image.


An Duo

Louvre: history, changes and contemporary artistic color

Architecture is not only an art form, but also a mirror that can reflect and enhance the aesthetic changes of modern society. There are many amazing works in the history of architecture, and the Louvre pyramid is certainly such a landmark. France is a country with outstanding artistic taste. The Louvre was once not only a prison but also a palace, witnessing the changes that have taken place in France over the years. 

Now the Louvre is a world famous museum. In the 1980s, the Louvre was given the opportunity to expand, and as a result, an architectural plan by Chinese-American architect Bei Jianmin was approved. The construction process utilized new building materials and preserved the ancient symbols of the pyramids. The Louvre in France is distinguished by both historical and modern artistic flavor.

Key words: I.M. Pei, Modern architecture, Louvre Pyramid.


Cui Yilang

International saxophone competition: past and present

This article is devoted to the history of international saxophone competitions. The article characterizes four international saxophone competitions - the Adolf Sax International Competition, the Jean-Marie Londeix International Competition, and the Josip Nochta International Saxophone Competition. The author of the article characterizes the peculiarities of the organization of each competition, their repertoire, as well as examines the composition of the participants of these competitions, dwelling in detail on the laureates. Comparing the performance skills of the contestants and listing the works performed by them, the author of the article emphasizes the limitless possibilities of the classical saxophone, which the participants of international saxophone competitions were able to prove by performing works that are not masterpieces. 

Key words: saxophone, performance skills, international competition, competition laureate, prize.


Zhao Taotao

The art of violin during the cultural revolution

The ten-year Cultural Revolution had a profound impact on Chinese culture and art, creating significant pressure on Chinese music in artistic creation. This revolution led to a relatively uniform trend in musical creativity, causing varying degrees of damage to musical works in both quantity and quality. As a representative of Western music, the art of violin has experienced a historical period of difficult progress and intricate development, as well as a unique period in Chinese society. It also faced a situation of stagnant development. During this distinctive historical period, Chinese violin compositions gave rise to a number of outstanding representative works, initiating a surge of adaptation and creativity based on "model performance," revolutionary songs and folk songs. This study and practice of the innovative path has objectively promoted the development of Chinese violin art and laid a solid foundation for the revival and development of Chinese national violin art in the new era.

Key words: Сhinese violin art, cultural revolution, exemplary performance, creative characteristics, arrangement.


Shi Jia

Prerequisites for the development of women professional music teachers in China in the first half of the 20th century

The history of Chinese women musicians is inseparable from the history of their education, and is also closely related to the history of Chinese society and culture. The level of education of women in China is directly related to their abilities and opportunities in the field of music. In the history of Chinese society, there have been traditional gender concepts. However, over time, especially in the 20th century, Chinese society has undergone tremendous changes. In the process, Chinese women have gradually begun to gain more equal status and opportunities. Women's education is one of the key factors contributing to these changes. As a result, professional music education in China gradually began to follow a pattern full of Chinese characteristics, and Chinese women began to show outstanding talents in the field of music. Beginning with the Opium Wars, the influence of Western military powers on China's economy and old culture forced China to adopt Western colonial culture. Within the Qing government and intellectual class, a group of capable people arose who sought to enrich the country and strengthen the army, who tried to cultivate talents to run the country by creating new types of education and studying Western science, technology, and culture. Therefore, after the Opium Wars, music education as one of the areas of education in the field of culture not only had the specifics of Western colonial culture, but also underwent active changes with Chinese characteristics introduced by the Chinese people in order to transform the old culture. The musical exchange of these two different cultural attributes has contributed to the emergence and development of a new type of music education in China.

Key words: China, musician, education, culture, history, women's education, music education.


Xu W.

Zhou Y.

Ontological analysis of art: the phenomenon of rethinking the image of famous world painting in the post-epidemic era

This article is devoted to analyzing the artistic ontological problem that exists in the artistic images of world-famous paintings in the post-epidemic era. The author cites typical cases of recreations of world-famous paintings such as "Mona Lisa" and "The Birth of Venus" during the epidemic period and makes it clear that such works do not possess a high degree of artistry in themselves, but rather are some kind of derivative product based on the original work. The article discusses in detail the main ideas of ontology in different periods and their specific influence on contemporary art. The author proves the role of the relationship between the aesthetic subject and perceptual experience on the nature of art. At the end of the article, the author concludes that true art should be "global", overcoming the universality of time and space, discourse of power and cultural barriers. The author concludes that true art must be a universal art that transcends time and space, discourses of power and cultural barriers, and that we need to find forms and methods of transforming the notion of "global art" to create new possibilities.

Key words: Post-epidemic era, ontology of art, globalization, Mona Lisa, Venus, postmodernism.


Yao Siconghui

Studying the decoration and cultural symbols of royal buildings of the Qing dynasty in China

The decoration and cultural symbols of royal buildings of the Qing dynasty represent a significant and multifaceted area of research that allows for a deeper understanding of not only the architectural heritage, but also the socio-cultural aspects of one of the greatest civilizations in human history. The Qing Dynasty, being the last imperial dynasty in China, left a significant mark on the country's history, especially in architecture and art. The architectural structures of this period, including palaces, temples and mausoleums, are not only evidence of the greatness and power of the imperial power, but also bearers of deep symbolic meaning, reflecting the philosophy, religious beliefs and worldview of the time. Studying the decoration and symbolism of these buildings opens a unique window into the world of Chinese culture and history, demonstrating how architecture can serve as a means of transmitting and preserving cultural and spiritual values. The object of the study is the decorations and cultural symbols of royal buildings of the Qing Dynasty. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively study the architectural style, decorative elements and symbolic aspects of royal buildings of the Qing Dynasty. Research methods include historical analysis, visual analysis of architectural elements, and comparative analysis with other architectural traditions. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the systematization of the architecture of the Qing dynasty from the perspective of historical, cultural and architectural aspects. The main attention is paid to such architectural sites as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Mausoleum of the Eastern Qing, the Temple of Heaven, the Old Summer Palace, and the Shenyang Imperial Palace. The research contributes to a better understanding of not only China's past, but also its present, and has implications for the preservation and interpretation of its rich heritage for future generations.

Key words: architecture and art, imperial dynasties of China, Qing dynasty, decoration and cultural symbols, royal buildings, palaces, temples, mausoleums, symbolic meaning, philosophy, religious beliefs, worldview.


Ternovaya L.O.

The fight for gender and linguistic equality

The article examines that side of feminism that appeals to problems of language, believing that the affirmation of gender equality is impossible without achieving full equality of women, enshrined in terms denoting professions, titles, signs of public recognition, etc., which have only male form. Advocacy for alternative names for professions or activities in which women are involved has led to the emergence of a graphic symbol known as the gender gap or “gender star”. Following this process that began in society, the discussion about gender-neutral language moved into the sphere of religion, where representatives of many faiths also began to speak out about divine gender. On the one hand, feminist efforts to introduce feminism and other forms of gender self-affirmation can be alarming. On the other hand, there is reason to believe that the power of language will not only be able to rework all the linguistic absurdities associated with gender, but also positively influence other forms of communication.

Key words: gender, women's rights, gender balance, sociolinguistics, femininity, “gender star”, linguistic sexism, language of worship.


Zhuravskaya E.A.

Introduction of gaming technologies for teaching University students

This article examines the effectiveness of the use of methods of gaming activity in education. Now teachers of various educational institutions do not lack various opportunities and resources to implement a better educational process. Of course, this applies to the training of students of higher educational institutions. Only during the gameplay can a person fully express himself, demonstrate all his talents, and sometimes even discover in himself the concealment of the ability to do something. This necessitates the use of game methods in the modern system of teaching university students. Gaming activities can be recreated during lectures, practical or laboratory classes, using gaming technologies, which are also called gaming methods. These methods are aimed at developing the creative potential of each individual.

Key words: gaming activity, game, gaming technology, higher education institution, vocational training, business game.


Halabi Diana

Problems of higher education in new conditions as a prerequisite for migration of Syrian youth

This article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of modern higher education in the context of Syria and their impact on the decisions of young people about migration. In the context of the prolonged military conflict and political instability that has engulfed the country, the Syrian higher education system has faced serious challenges. The author highlights the most important problems of Syrian higher education, including its accessibility, the quality of educational programs, financing and infrastructure of educational institutions. In the context of political instability and social challenges faced by Syrian youth, problems in the field of higher education are becoming key factors pushing the decision to move abroad. The article examines the economic constraints caused by military actions, their impact on the quality of education, as well as limited opportunities for professional and personal development of young people. A detailed analysis includes an assessment of the role of educational resources available in the country, as well as examines the shifts in international student exchange and the choice of countries for study. The results of the study can serve as a basis for the development of educational strategies and programs aimed at supporting Syrian youth in the conditions of migration and creating conditions for their successful integration into a new educational and socio-cultural environment.

Key words: higher education, youth, migration Syria, problems of education, economic constraints, political instability, educational resources, professional development, international student exchange, integration, social challenges, military actions, quality of education, shifts in the educational environment.


Chen Yuting

International journalism in the age of social networks

The article examines issues related to international journalism in the era of social networks. The purpose of the study is to study the issues of international journalism in the era of social networks, to identify the main features and features. Research methods: method of analysis, comparison, logical reasoning and many others. The author emphasizes the importance of the professional activities of international journalists in modern conditions. The conditions for the activities of international journalists in the era of social networks have been studied. The opportunities and job prospects for international journalists that the digitalization of society opens up are considered. The main popular topics of news messages on social networks, considered by international journalism, have been studied. The main types of risks that an international journalist may encounter in his professional activities are considered. It is noted that the main requirements for the implementation of professional activities of international journalists are the requirement to comply with the rules of ethics and respect for the target audience. Recommendations have been developed to improve the work of international journalists in the era of development of social networks. The author of the article concludes that the work of international journalists is quite complex, but at the same time interesting and multifaceted, opening up many opportunities and ways to improve further activities.

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to study the issues of international journalism in the era of social networks, to identify the main features and traits.

Methods: Basic research methods: method of analysis, comparison, logical reasoning and many others.

Results: The issues of international journalism in the era of social networks were studied. The main features and traits are revealed.

Conclusions: International journalism in the era of social networks is a driver of development of the world community. It helps to study and consider current topics, news, and participate in their discussion, thereby attracting a wide range of social network users. It also helps to identify key concerns and issues of the public, raising them for consideration at appropriate levels for resolution and discussion. Consequently, the professional activity of international journalists is a connecting link in the dialogue of the global information space between its various participants and users.

Key words: international journalism, era, social networks, society, digital transformation, information.




Andreeva A.V., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Social and Cultural Activities. Humanitarian Institute, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk.

An Duo, Postgraduate. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Blagorozheva Z.O., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State Research University.

Boroday S.S., Acting Deputy Director for Organizational and Educational Work, MAU DO "Children's Art School No. 8", Krasnoyarsk.

Chen Yuting, Bachelor, North China University of Water Resources and Electricity, China, Cheng Zhou.

Cui Yilang, Master. Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

Dmitrieva I.S., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Volgograd branch of the PRUE. G.V. Plekhanova.

Garanina A.B., Senior Lecturer. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Givargizova N.A., Graduate Student. Don State Technical University, Department of "Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry".

Guo Xinyang, Graduate student of the Faculty of Arts, St. Petersburg State University.

Halabi Diana, Postgraduate student of the Department of Sociology, Ethnography and Sociometry, Russian State Social University.

Karataban I.A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Economics and Management, Federal State Budget Education Establishment of Higher Professional Education Maykop State Technological University.

Kaneeva A.V., PhD of Philology, Associate Professor. Don State Technical University, Department of "World Languages and Cultures".

Koimurzaeva U.M., Student of the 6-th year of medical faculty, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Saratov.

Kurdyapov B.V., Graduate student. Moscow University for the Humanities.

Maslyakov V.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Mobilization Preparation of Public Health and Disaster Medicine, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Saratov.

Minasyan L.A., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Don State Technical University, Department of "Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry".

Mineev V.V., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Economics and Law, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva, Krasnoyarsk.

Mylnikova E.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Social and Cultural Activities, Humanitarian Institute, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk.

Pantin N.V., First-year PhD student of the Department of Sociology and Personnel Management. St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Polidanov M.A., Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Mobilization Preparation of Public Health and Disaster Medicine, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Saratov.

Popov S.I., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Culturology, Kemerovo State medical University.

Prenas N.N., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University).

Primak N.A., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theology, Philosophy and Cultural Studies. Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky.

Pronin V.I., Teacher at the faculty of advertising and Public Relations. State University of Management.

Rukavitsyna E.A., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising and Social and Cultural Activities, Humanitarian Institute, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk.

Rumyantsev V.V., Postgraduate student, Russian State Sociological University.

Sasin M.V., Post-graduate Student of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva, Krasnoyarsk.

Shi Jia, PhD. Moscow State University.

Stasiuk P.A., Student of the 6-th year of medical faculty, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Saratov.

Storchak M.V., Post-graduate student of the Department of state-confessional relations. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Sun Hao, Graduate Student. A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University.

Tang Haitian, Postgraduate. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.

Tian Yuhan, Graduate student of the Faculty of Arts. St. Petersburg State University.

Xu W., Postgraduate student of St. Petersburg State University.

Yao Siconghui, Postgraduate studies, Altai State University.

Zaprometova S.A., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University).

Zhao Taotao, Graduate student of the Faculty of Arts, Department of Musical Art, Lomonosova Moscow State University.

Zhou Y., Postgraduate student of St. Petersburg State University.

Zhulina J.O., Graduate student of the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg State University.

Zhuravskaya E.A., Assistant at the Department of Natural Sciences, Information Technology and Management, Kamensk technological institute (Branch) of Platov SRSPU (NPI).