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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Veselkov G.O., Zhukov A.V. Gradual ideological transformation of Hasidism and development of reformist tendencies
Sheng Minzhi Taoist cult items in the collection of the State Museum of the History of Religions in St. Petersburg
Tran Xuan Kiem Beliefs and major world religions in Lao Cai Province, Vietnam based on an analysis of historical, geo-economic and social characteristics
Tran Xuan Kiem, Tran Thi Kim Oanh Exploring Buddhism in Lao Cai Province, Vietnam

Tashlykova N.Y. On the conceptual basis of the course “foundations of Russian statehood”
Kartashov A.A. Analysis of the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the socio-political discourse regulated by the document «Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church»
Medvedeva O.A. Immortality: participation in the divine and cultivation of Individuality (Plato. “Symposium”, M. Kundera. “Immortality”)
Trofimov R.V., Buksikova O.B. Rhythm in the traditional dance culture of African peoples: philosophical aspects

Bukovtsova T.N. Communicative competence of employees of internal affairs bodies: characteristics and ways to improve
Filkina O.Y. Quality of life as a category of modern sociological research
Kiryushin I.A. Integration of digital technologies into the electoral process in the Russian Federation
Wang Haixia Application of smart cities and the Internet of Things in public administration
Logacheva E.A. Health-saving model of the educational environment: theoretical development of the project
Zhuravleva L.A., Zarubina E.V., Ruchkin A.V., Simachkova N.N., Chupina I.P. On the problem of activity of non-profit organizations in modern Russia
Egorova N.M. The role of social sports for people of silver age in a large metropolis
Rodionov A.N. Features of modern painting and graphics of the East Asian countries
Wang Haixia The use of artificial intelligence in public decision-making and policy analysis
Sharupich V.P., Sharupich P.V., Sharupich S.V., Sharupich T.S. Long-term forecast of population increase in the implementation of phenophase technology of human cultivation and its engineering arrangement
Belikova E.K. System of cultural values in the development of modern society
Amelina M.N., Buksikova O.B. Scientific and creative activity of the laboratory «Traditional dance culture of the South of Russia: semantics and modern forms of translation» on the study and translation of the dance culture of Belgorod region
Chen Jing Reception of the aesthetic concept of Theodor Adorno in the theory of modern exhibition activity
Timofeeva R.A., Jiang Xue Formation of the theory and practice of Chinese poster art in the 1950s 163






Veselkov G.O.

Zhukov A.V.

Gradual ideological transformation of Hasidism and development of reformist tendencies

The purpose of the study: the separation and characterization of stages of development of Hasidism. In this work the theological concepts of Hasidism of the XVIII-XX centuries are studied. The article emphasizes the influence of anti-Christian ideas in early Jewish mysticism, Kabalah, and later-phase Hasidism, which were later revised by new Hasidic ideologues in the context of interfaith dialogue. Scientific novelty: the article analyzes the stages of development of Hasidism, as well as its transformation of interfaith dialogue and the foundations of theology within the new and modern time. As a result: it has been revealed that Hasidism as a mystico-religious movement throughout its existence contains contradictory ideas where each stage of development is characterized by concepts that may contradict each other, on the part of traditionalism, and on the side of moderate reformation and heretical radicalism.

Key words: Hasidism, neo-Hasidism, antinomianism, Chabad, Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, interfaithism.


Sheng Minzhi

Taoist cult items in the collection of the State Museum of the History of Religions in St. Petersburg

The purpose of this article is to review the objects of the Taoist cult in the collection of the State Museum of the History of Religions in St. Petersburg, related to the subjects of painting. Taoism, which originated in China back in the V-III centuries BC, was the doctrine of eternal life and the path that passes through all things. The article presents an overview of the doctrine of the Tao – the essence, the way, the spirit, which has no form, shape, however, which is the ratio of human feelings and nature. Thanks to the culture and ideas of Taoism, the picturesque subjects in the works of Chinese artists are endowed with a deep meaning, a certain spiritual component and contain mainly either images of saints ("immortals") or landscapes. The artist himself, according to Taoism, was a hermit who was in the solitude of nature – only in this way could the real secrets of the Tao be revealed to him. The subjects in painting in a particular work due to the influence of Taoism have a deep semantic content and contain mainly images of saints in Taoism or pictures of nature. The author also analyzed the exhibition "Taoists on the way to immortality", which was held in 2018 at the Museum of Religions and in the context of which samples of paintings related to the cult of Taoism were presented. In addition, the author of the article reviewed the presented works with a brief description, and also focused on the permanent objects of Taoist painting in the museum's exposition.

Key words: Taoists, Taoist cult, Taoism, painting of Taoism, exposition, State Museum of the History of Religions in St. Petersburg, museum practice.


Tran Xuan Kiem

Beliefs and major world religions in Lao Cai Province, Vietnam based on an analysis of historical, geo-economic and social characteristics

Purpose of the study: to describe the main religions and beliefs in Lao Cai Province to identify features. Research methods: general scientific research methods, including the analysis of legal documents, the historical method, the study and synthesis of information, logical method. Object of study: Religions and beliefs in Lao Cai Province. Conclusion: The natural, economic, social and cultural conditions of the region have created great potential for the development of the province, but in addition to these advantages, they also create many difficulties. Recently, thanks to the efforts of all sectors of society, the attention of the government, the socio-economic development of the province has been progressing at a rapid pace, but due to the low starting point in general, Lao Cai still remains a poor province. Although Buddhism was come to Lao Cai earlier than other religions such as Catholicism and Protestantism, due to the colonial period, the number of followers of Buddhism did not grow as quickly. Thanks to the efforts of the government, the number of followers of Buddhism is increasing every year, but is still lower than the number of followers of Protestantism in Lao Cai.

Key words: beliefs, religion, main religions, regions, sociology, culture, economics.


Tran Xuan Kiem

Tran Thi Kim Oanh

Exploring Buddhism in Lao Cai Province, Vietnam

Purpose of the study: to study the process of development and spread of religion in Lao Cai province using Buddhism as an example. Research methods: general scientific research methods, namely analysis of regulatory documents, historical method, study and synthesis of information, logical method. Object of study: Vietnamese Buddhist community of Lao Cai province. Scope of study: Lao Cai Province, Vietnam. Research results: As analyzed above, Lao Cai is a mountainous province with many remote and border areas, and it is difficult to travel and logistics. The majority of the province's residents are ethnic minorities. Buddhism, compared to other religions, appeared much later, and is widespread only among the Kinh people. Spreading Buddhism to remote areas and especially difficult economic areas is a challenging task for Lao Cai Buddhism. However, thanks to the efforts of the Buddhist community of Lao Cai Province, as well as the local authorities and residents of the area, many temples have been built, especially in the border areas, which serve to meet the spiritual needs of the residents, as well as disseminate the spiritual message that asserts the sovereignty of the nation. The presence of Buddhism in border areas promotes the responsibility of Buddhist followers and citizens towards society, country and state.

Key words: Lao Cai, Vietnam, Buddhism, religion, society, sociology, research methods, development.


Tashlykova N.Y.

On the conceptual basis of the course "Foundations of Russian statehood"

The article is devoted to the new course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood," which was introduced from September 2023 in all Russian universities in the curriculum of the first semester. The article analyzed the argumentation of the main concept of the course: the position that Russia is a civilization state It was revealed that the civilizational approach to understanding the patterns of history by the authors is defined as promising, and the linear-stage is called one-sided. It is indicated that this approach to history was formed during the Enlightenment as a result of criticism of the Christian faith and Christian eschatology; today took a leading place in the socio-humanities. The idea of endless progress, political, economic, cultural advance by Western countries, all other peoples are clearly called into question by the authors of the manual. As true theories of history, the theory of cultural and historical types of N.Ya. Danilevsky and the theory of "blooming" and disintegrating civilizations of K.N. Leontyev are based. The leading role of the supreme power in the formation on the territory of Russia since 862 of a new community of the Russian state-civilization, starting with the rule of the Varangian-Russian prince Rurik, is being substantiated. An important theoretical argument of the manual for protecting the concept of Russia as a civilization state is the position that Orthodoxy is an important component of national ideology and psychology. It is emphasized that the recognition and spread of world religion among the citizens of the country is an important criterion for civilization, but insufficient. The authors of the manual put forward the presence of an interethnic and interfaith dialogue as the main criterion of the Russian state-civilization. The article states a new understanding of the specifics of Russian society, the justification of a civilizational approach to history, the recognition of the religious Orthodox worldview as the basis of national ideology and psychology. Within the framework of this course, first-year students of Russia should gain knowledge about the specifics of Russian civilization, a new idea of the laws of history, get acquainted with outstanding representatives of Russian peoples, study modern challenges and socio-cultural threats to Russian statehood.

Key words: state, civilization, ethnic identity, Russian history, religion, Christianity, culture, supreme power, Orthodoxy.


Kartashov A.A.

Analysis of the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the socio-political discourse regulated by the document «Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church»

This article attempts to oppose some of the theses about the Russian Orthodox Church put forward in Svyatoslav Kaspe's article "The Conspiracy of Silence", such as inaction in the political arena, the use of the sacred sphere solely for the purpose of influencing the mass consciousness of believers in order to strengthen their positions in the state administration apparatus, and complete submission to this apparatus to maintain these positions. The author of the above article believes that instead of active acting in political discourse, the institution of the Orthodox Church expands its activities only in social areas, providing it with an increase in “adepts” and property benefits. We will not dispute the subjective opinion of the respected author, however, we will ask ourselves questions about the forms and goals of the acting of the Russian Orthodox Church and whether it should actively broadcast political demands and insist on political decisions, given that this is not within its powers?

Key words: church, social, state, society, cooperation, interaction, orthodoxy,concept, religion.


Medvedeva O.A.

Immortality: participation in the divine and cultivation of Individuality (Plato. “Symposium”, M. Kundera. “Immortality”)

The article is devoted to the dialectic of death and immortality in Plato and M. Kundera. In Plato, through the desire for immortality and overcoming the mortal nature of man, an understanding of love and creativity is realized. For Kundera, immortality becomes the image of a person, a method of cultivating individuality.

Key words: death, immortality, love, creativity, image, cultivation of individuality.


Trofimov R.V.

Buksikova O.B.

Rhythm in the traditional dance culture of African peoples: philosophical aspects

The purpose of the study is to determine the place, role and deep essence of rhythm in the traditional dance culture of the peoples of Africa. The novelty lies in the identification of stable signs of traditional dance, characteristic of religious ceremonies, as well as the description of the dances themselves and their rhythms. The result of the study, based on the methods of cultural studies, is an understanding of the philosophical aspects of the rhythm of traditional dance, which in the ideas of Africans is inextricably linked with the iconic sacred nature of the dance.

Key words: ethnos culture, traditional dance, religious ceremony, cult, rite, ritual, worldview, transcendent forces, sacred action, the philosophical aspect.


Bukovtsova T.N.

Communicative competence of employees of internal affairs bodies: characteristics and ways to improve

Police officers are in relationships with representatives of various groups of the population, regardless of their gender and age. They not only resolve conflict situations, but also constantly look for methods and ways to eliminate the conditions of aggravated social tension and prevent illegal actions of people. They develop and implement special preventive measures, engage in moral and legal education, strengthen the legal consciousness of citizens, etc. All this requires a variety of communication skills and abilities that allow solving professional problems at a fairly high level.

Key words: internal affairs bodies, employees, communicative competency, social and communicative competence, communicative competence, communicating, psychological preparation, communication, efficiency.


Filkina O.Y.

Quality of life as a category of modern sociological research

The article presents an overview of the dynamics of the development of the definition of such a social concept as “quality of life”, the structural components are considered, the assessment of which allows us to form an idea of the quality of life of the population of a certain territory, to outline ways to improve it. The existing methods of assessing the quality of life through the calculation of a complex indicator – the Human Development Index (based on objective indicators) and Indices based on subjective indicators (the Better Life Index; the Social Progress Index), provide an opportunity to characterize the quality of life of citizens, to see its strengths and weaknesses in the views of citizens themselves. It is worth noting that Russian domestic methods combine both objective and subjective indicators, which makes the results more capacious and reliable.

Key words: quality of life, lifestyle, human development index, objective indicators of quality of life, subjective indicators of quality of life.


Kiryushin I.A. 

Integration of digital technologies into the electoral process in the Russian Federation

The present problems of this article are relevant and beyond doubt, since the widespread use of digitalization in the electoral process in the Russian Federation is becoming an important aspect of the formation of electronic democracy. The author of this scientific article reveals the prerequisites and initial data for the use of digital technologies in elections. The article presents research results and the main types of digital technologies in the electoral process in Russia. A chronology of the stages of implementation of digitalization in elections is presented. The positive aspects of digitalization are analyzed, as well as the disadvantages, risks and problems in their use when voting. The proven existing tools for digital influence on voters are shown, and signs of using existing special technologies are identified. In addition, the article shows the current experience in implementing modern software products.

Key words: elections, electoral process, digital technologies, remote electronic voting.


Wang Haixia

Application of smart cities and the Internet of Things in public administration

In this article, the author analyzes how «modern technologies» are used in public administration – in particular, smart cities and the Internet of Things. The author explores the essence of these phenomena, considers specific practical examples of application. In conclusion, the author makes assumptions about the further development of new technologies in the implementation of public administration in the modern world.

Key words: information technologies, smart city, public administration, digital sovereignty, innovative technologies, Internet of things.


Logacheva E.A.

Health-saving model of the educational environment: theoretical development of the project

The article considers the peculiarities of student youth development as a socio-demographic and socio-cultural category, the relationship of its socialization processes with the process of development of society as a whole. It presents a health-saving model of the educational environment, namely the theoretical aspect, which is disclosed from the perspective of health-saving technologies aimed at changing life attitudes and fixing them in a healthy lifestyle, the successful socialization of students.

Key words: student youth, health-saving model, successful socialization, healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, educational environment.


Zhuravleva L.A.

Zarubina E.V.

Ruchkin A.V.

Simachkova N.N.

Chupina I.P.

On the problem of activity of non-profit organizations in modern Russia

Non-profit organizations as an element of the development of civil society have a significant impact on the social sphere. First of all, the state establishes legal boundaries for the development of various forms of social interaction, which acquire institutional outlines. In this regard, the question arises of further development of the organizations in question to build social trust. This factor determines not only the readiness of citizens to support these forms of social interaction, but also direct participation. The research methods used were analysis of regulatory legal acts and sociological research in the form of a questionnaire. The study revealed that there are significant information gaps that do not allow the formation of sustainable trust in non-profit organizations; often the population perceives these forms of civil society as associations of interests or organizations to meet their own needs. Based on the results of the study, the main directions of transformation of public policy in this direction have been formulated, which requires revision both in the legislative space and in the activities of public authorities. It is emphasized that the activities of public organizations should be carried out with the support of government structures and representatives of business structures guided by the principles of social responsibility.

Key words: non-profit organizations, sociological research, social trust, perception, government agencies, communication.


Egorova N.M.

The role of social sports for people of silver age in a large metropolis

In the present article the author examined key indicators of the number of senior people in the Russian Federation and the number of senior people, engaged in physical education and sport. Moreover, the author provides the data of statistical reports and research of the Ministry of Sport and Russian Public Opinion Research Center, aimed at revealing of engagement of senior generation in the field of physical education and sport.

Key words: senior generation, physical education, sport, physical activity.


Rodionov A.N.

Features of modern painting and graphics of the East Asian countries

East Asian contemporary art is a unique phenomenon that combines tradition and innovation, national identity and globalization, aesthetics and politics. The purpose of this work is to study the features of modern painting and graphics in China, Japan, Korea and other countries of the region. The relevance of the study is due to the growing interest in the art of East Asia, both within the region itself and beyond.

Key words: East Asian art, Chinese painting, genre, painting and graphics, Chinese artist, cultural heritage.


Wang Haixia

The use of artificial intelligence in public decision-making and policy analysis

In this article, the author examines the essence and features of the implementation of various aspects of artificial intelligence in such areas of professional activity as public decision-making and policy analysis. The author gives concrete examples of application, and also explores the prospects for further development of AI in this area.

Key words: artificial intelligence, public administration, management decisions, information technology, public policy, public decisions.


Sharupich V.P.

Sharupich P.V.

Sharupich S.V.

Sharupich T.S.

Long-term forecast of population increase in the implementation of phenophase technology of human cultivation and its engineering arrangement

A long–term forecast of the increase in the population of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol region for the period 2022 - 2522 was made, based on the developments of the Institute of NIPI "Gradoagroekoprom" with a general focus - the construction of virus-free settlements of the Holy Cross, the implementation of directions that increase the duration and quality of human life, resisting pandemics, food hazards, emergencies, strengthening spiritual, moral and traditional family foundations of society, education and patriotic education of youth, preservation of civil peace and harmony.

Key words: population size, long-term forecast, duration and quality of life, foundations of society, virus-free settlements.


Belikova E.K.

System of cultural values in the development of modern society

The crisis of values serves as a marker of the next stage in the development of society, since it is the relativization of higher meanings and traditions that conflict with the current needs for self-realization that leads to the replacement (often revolutionary) of an outdated, “obstinate” form with a new one, as well as to the emergence of innovations in the depths of a renewed culture. The object of the study is the crisis of culture as a process of changing values. The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of influence of factors defined as civilizational on the destruction of cultural values, leading to a crisis. Research methods. The cultural-philosophical approach assumes the ability to track the transformation of cultural values, their loss of global significance, and the acquisition of other meanings as a reaction to changing conditions of life. In working on the material, general logical, theoretical and empirical research methods were used. Scientific novelty of the research. The key importance of consolidating values for the development of modern culture is shown, the role of citizenship and spiritual security in overcoming the crisis and leveling the impact of the process of evolution of civilization on culture is substantiated.

Key words: cultural crisis, change of values, cultural values, transformation of values, development of society, spiritual security, overcoming the cultural crisis.


Amelina M.N.

Buksikova O.B.

Scientific and creative activity of the laboratory «Traditional dance culture of the South of Russia: semantics and modern forms of translation» on the study and translation of the dance culture of Belgorod region

The article examines the experience of scientific and creative activity in the study of the traditional dance culture of the region. The main activities of the laboratory are presented. The main events organized by the team of the scientific and creative laboratory for the preservation and broadcasting of traditional dance culture in the modern socio-cultural environment of the region are also given. The ways of strengthening traditional values by means of folk art culture, which contains moral guidelines, ethical norms and traditions passed down from generation to generation, are revealed. The experience summarized in the article can become the basis for the development and holding of events in various regional centers of the Russian Federation dealing with the development and preservation of traditional culture.

Key words: dance culture, Belgorod region, scientific and creative laboratory, study, preservation.


Chen Jing

Reception of the aesthetic concept of Theodor Adorno in the theory of modern exhibition activity

The article analyzes the connection between the aesthetic concept of Theodor Adorno and modern exhibition theory, explains its application and role in the museum exhibition space, comprehends the importance of digital technologies in modern museum exhibitions through Adorno's critical thinking, examines the relationship between works of art and viewers in digital exhibitions.

Key words: Theodor Adorno, museum exhibition, aesthetic education, spatial experience.


Timofeeva R.A.

Jiang Xue

Formation of the theory and practice of Chinese poster art in the 1950s

The primary elements of this study are abstracted from the evolution of Chinese poster art theory and practice during the 1950s period. To comprehend its full significance, we must situate it in its historical and societal framework - an era of significant political changes and social upheavals. In examining this context, we encounter two categories of problems - one related to the transformation of traditional artistic practices by modern influences, and the other dealing with the role of state-driven ideology in shaping art theory and practice. This paper is structured as a multidisciplinary investigation into the unique characteristics of the 1950s Chinese poster art, involving an examination of both the technical aspects of the art form and the theoretical basis underlying the practice. Drawing on constructs of historical, social, and propaganda-driven art sites, it delves into the synthesis of Western art theories with socialist realism that was dominant during this period. Reflections as found in philosophy, art and social theory are used to interrogate and question the cultural and political dynamics that shaped this art form. In doing so, this study examines the coexistence and interplay between art theory and practice, not just as a means of understanding the aesthetic aspects of the art form, but also as a lens to understand the broader sociopolitical context of the 1950s. The paper concludes by arguing for the reciprocal relationship between theory and practice, and its importance for shaping the future of Chinese poster art.

Key words: China, 1950s, poster art, socialist realism, propaganda art.




Amelina M.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Choreographic Creativity. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Belikova E.K., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Moscow State University.

Bukovtsova T.N., Postgraduate Student of Department of Sociology and Management Belgorod State Technological University.

Buksikova O.B., Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture (Belgorod). 

Chen Jing, Graduate student, Saint Petersburg State University.

Chupina I.P., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy, Ural State Agrarian University.

Egorova N.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Sports, National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft.

Filkina O.Y., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin, Ryazan.

Jiang Xue, 3rd year graduate student, St.Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Saint-Petersburg.

Kartashov A.A., Graduate student, Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov.

Kiryushin I.A., Postgraduate (PhD) student of the Department of Organizational Design of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Logacheva E.A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Natural Sciences, Information Technology and Management, Kamensk technological institute (Branch) of Platov SRSPU (NPI).

Medvedeva O.A., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines named after V.U. Ageevets, NSU of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgafta.

Rodionov A.N., 1st year Graduate Student. Russian State Social University.

Ruchkin A.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of Department of Philosophy, Ural State Agrarian University.

Sharupich P.V., Doctor of Practical Sciences, Deputy General Director, Patent LLC.

Sharupich S.V., Doctor of Practical Sciences, Deputy. Information Technology Director of NIPI "Gradoagroekoprom" LLC "Patent".

Sharupich T.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Practical Sciences, Deputy. Director of scientific work of NIPI "Gradoagroekoprom" LLC "Patent".

Sharupich V.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Oryol State University named after N.V. Parakhin.

Sheng Minzhi, Postgraduate student, Institute of Design and Arts, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.

Simachkova N.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Management and Economic Theory, Ural State Agrarian University.

Tashlykova N.Y., Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art).

Timofeeva R.A., Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Saint-Petersburg.

Tran Thi Kim Oanh, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Religious Studies, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Tran Xuan Kiem, Phd student of Department of Religious Studies, Institute Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Trofimov R.V., Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture (Belgorod, Russian Federation). 

Veselkov G.O., Transbaikal State University.

Wang Haixia, Master's degree. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Zarubina E.V., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy, Ural State Agrarian University.

Zhukov A.V., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Tyumen State University.

Zhuravleva L.A., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy, Ural State Agrarian University.