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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Medvedko S.L. Old Testament stories in the chronotope of Syria. Part two. From Abraham to Elijah the Prophet (see the beginning in the previous issue)

Petrova S.I. The role of culture in the development of civilization
Pang Shuwen Cultural and national features of travel blogging about China
Sun Shanshan Protection and transmission of traditional culture of ethnic minorities in the context of cultural identity (using the example of the Orochons of China)

Voznesensky I.S., Ternovaya L.O. University pace worlds: features of student social time
Vasilyeva A.N. Actual aspects of the organization’s social policy
Aryasova A.Y. Historical memory of the Second World War in sociological research
Klyuchkin Y.S. Possibilities for resolving information literacy problems of the older generation
Kolesnikova V.S., Salavatova A.M. Implementation of technologies for social services for persons without a fixed place of residence in a 24-hour boarding house
Korobkina M.A., Omelchenko N.V. Research on the perception of innovations in the field of human resources technologies: a sociological analysis
Olkhovskaya Y.A. Finding ways to improve work charitable organizations in Russia
Proskuryakov R.A. «Smart City»: symbiosis of natural and artificial socialization
Kochesokov R.K., Kulturbaeva L.M. The reasons for the transformation of the political consciousness of the soviet creative intelligentsia during the period of perestroika
Evloeva F.R. The emergence and development of the philosophy of modernism
Zavgorodniy T.O. A.M. Pyatigorskiy’s observational philosophy as a case of intercultural philosophy
Kravchenko V.I. The brilliant Pushkin in the aspects of graphology
Matyushchenko V.S., Yakusheva R.A. Research of the old believers of the far east in scientific works of the post-soviet period
Mutalimov A.E. Kant’s view on the formation and development of German classical philosophy
Rebelsky A.N. Solution of philosophical problems arising in the development (design) of complex systems
Rossinsky A.G., Rossinskaya E.A., Pyanzina I.V., Sibiryakova S.N. Russian world: philosophy, culture and destiny
Evloeva F.R., Evloeva L.M. Representation of some aspects of the spiritual values of modern ingush youth
Rudakova I.V. Sociality of the intellectualist in the 2nd half of the XX century






Medvedko S.L.

Old Testament stories in the chronotope of Syria. Part two. From Abraham to Elijah the Prophet (see the beginning in the previous issue)

The topic and results of this study may be of interest to historians, orientalists, students, tourists and a wide range of readers who are not indifferent to the history and spiritual heritage of the peoples living in the “biblical lands”.

Key words: Old Testament, Syria, history, chronotopy, Abraham, Elijah the prophet, religion.


Petrova S.I.

The role of culture in the development of civilization

The article is devoted to the consideration of culture as a driving force of civilizational development. Culture is a key aspect of society and an important element in the formation of people's identity. It reflects the values, traditions, customs and unique characteristics of a certain group of people or people. Culture is not static, but is constantly evolving and adapting to changing conditions. It is thanks to this dynamism of culture that people can express their creativity, develop and enrich their cultural heritage. Culture embodies the richness and diversity of the expression of the human spirit, history and creativity. Culture is also formed through interaction and exchange between distinctive cultures, which leads to the emergence of new and unique forms and manifestations. The article shows that culture and civilization are two simultaneously related and different concepts. Culture contains values, beliefs, norms, traditions, art, language and customs that are peculiar to a certain group of people or society. It expresses social consciousness and identity. Civilization is a broader concept that includes complex socio-cultural and political structures of society, as well as its technological progress. The difference between culture and civilization lies in the level of their coverage and complexity. Culture is associated with individual and collective self-expression, whereas civilization describes the broader cultural, social and political context of society. Culture can be a part of civilization, but civilization does not always manifest itself in culture. Culture and civilization cannot exist independently of each other, because they are interconnected and complement each other. 

Key words: culture, civilization, norm values, personality, society, traditions, customs.


Pang Shuwen

Cultural and national features of travel blogging about China

This article analyzes the cultural and national characteristics of travel blogging in China, identifying key aspects of this field in the context of globalization and intercultural communication. Based on a review of the literature and analysis of online content, the authors explore how media communication influences intercultural interaction and the understanding of Chinese culture. The article examines aspects such as the impact of Chinese cultural and national characteristics on the creation of travel blog content, the importance of social media and visual content in promoting China as an attractive tourist destination. The study emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural differences and analyzes how travel blogs can serve as effective means for intercultural dialogue, enriching readers' worldviews and fostering deeper mutual understanding.

Key words: travel blogging, media communication, Chinese culture, intercultural interactions, social media, visual content, intercultural perception, tourism content.


Sun Shanshan

Protection and transmission of traditional culture of ethnic minorities in the context of cultural identity (using the example of the Orochons of China)

The article discusses options for solving the problem of preserving and transmitting Chinese Orochon culture to next generations. The Orochon are an ethnic minority, a small people living in Northeast China. They have a unique traditional culture, which is a significant part of the multicultural space of all of China, the preservation of which is necessary for the coexistence of many cultures in the country and for global cultural diversity. The article notes that in the process of modernization and globalization, the traditional culture of the Orochon people faces many problems and even, in the absence of attention and care from the state and society, may fall into oblivion under the influence of foreign cultures, globalization trends and due to the insufficiency of existing state and public protection measures. Modern social processes not only threaten the continuous transmission of Orochon culture to subsequent generations, but also affect the cultural identity of the people, changing the way of life. Developing effective strategies for protecting and preserving the traditional culture of the Orochons is of no small importance for the future development of the culture of this people and all of China. The article outlines strategies for protecting and transmitting to next generations the traditional culture of the Orochon ethnic minority that are important in the context of cultural identity, including strengthening political support for the Orochon and integrating resources into the preservation of their culture; inclusion of traditional Orochon culture in the system of secondary and vocational education; participation in the preservation and transmission of Orochon culture using digital tools, information technologies and Internet resources. The digitalization of cultural space and the use of innovative technologies as tools for cultural broadcast have especially great prospects. Digital services and artificial intelligence attract young people to the traditional Orochon culture and contribute to its popularization in the world. Thanks to various forms of education, active cultural activities, and the involvement of digital resources, the awareness of the Orochon people about their own cultural values is constantly growing.

Key words: Orochon people, China, traditional culture, ethnic minorities, cultural identity, cultural heritage, multiculturalism.


Voznesensky I.S.

Ternovaya L.O.

University pace worlds: features of student social time

The article is devoted to the problem concerning the idea of the student period as the best years of a person’s life. This understanding of this most important stage of life has a scientific explanation related to the characteristics of the student’s social time. It is formed by two types of temporal perception: linear and cyclical. This nature of this model of social time makes it manageable, allowing someone to more effectively use the years spent in higher education, and for others to turn into an “eternal student.” A distinctive feature of university culture is the various clockworks on campus, many of which form part of the cultural heritage. Now student time management clubs have begun to open.

Key words: university culture, types of temporal perception, social time, time control, time management, temporal intelligence.


Vasilyeva A.N.

Actual aspects of the organization's social policy

The article is devoted to the consideration of topical issues related to the formation of the organization's social policy. Managing the social policy of an organization is one of the key tasks for ensuring the well-being and development of the entire team. Separately, in the course of the study, the components of the legal regulation of the organization's social policy, the model and the main indicators of employee engagement of the organization are presented. This study helps us understand how to increase the competitiveness of an organization in the labor market with the help of a well-thought-out social policy of the organization, how to increase the commitment of employees of the organization and reduce staff turnover. 

Key words: social policy, organization, employees, legal regulation, engagement.


Aryasova A.Y.

Historical memory of the Second World War in sociological research

This article is devoted to the analysis of the image of the Great Patriotic War as an object of historical memory of Russian people. Today, historical memory is an object of investigations by historians and sociologists. This is due to the complex geopolitical and social situation in the country and the world. It is in the historical memory of the people that events that are important to them are reflected.

The author describes different approaches to the interpretation of the events of the Great Patriotic War and their significance for the modern generation. Various sociological studies are regularly conducted, aimed at analyzing the attitude of different generations and segments of society towards the Second World War, ascertaining the level of knowledge about the events of the Second World War. Analysis of such studies shows how society's attitude towards the Great Patriotic War changes over time. Thanks to this, the picture of the true attitude of society, especially young people, to the events of the war becomes clear.

The study of the Great Patriotic War as a subject of historical memory is relevant for the unification of the people, forming of national pride and patriotism. Cultural meanings about the Great Patriotic War and the events of those years are enshrined in historical memory. And the analysis of these meanings helps modern generations understand their ancestors.

In the article, the author focuses on the attempts that were made at different times to discredit the image of the Second World War heroism of the Red Army. It is important to prevent the historical memory of the Russian people from being changed as a result of propaganda. It is necessary to carry out work among young people to develop patriotism and respect for the past and present of our country.

Key words: historical memory, intergenerational relations, value orientations, the Great Patriotic War, history, patriotism, feat, ideology, cultural memory, society.


Klyuchkin Y.S.

Possibilities for resolving information literacy problems of the older generation

This article examines the most pressing problems of modern Russian society, expressed in the information inequality of older people, which may have a negative trend associated with the growth of innovative elements in information technology, which leaves the individuals in question on the periphery of the country's social life. As users of communication systems grow, depending on the demographic situation, older people may radically move away from other age groups, which will entail a gap in the continuity of generations. Research in recent years has shown the need for older adults to engage in more social activities to slow the natural decline of cognitive abilities. The lack of skills of older citizens to use information systems directly affects social inequality and has a negative impact on the general behavior of people of retirement age, becoming a factor influencing general health and psychological well-being. There is an inverse proportion between the increase in the number of years lived and the development of scientific and technological progress in the area under consideration. Active participation in innovative areas of activity is necessary in order to widely introduce older citizens to the new communication conditions of social life.

Key words: Internet, innovation, information inequality, information technology, generational inequality, old age, users, digital inequality.


Kolesnikova V.S. 

Salavatova A.M.

Implementation of technologies for social services for persons without a fixed place of residence in a 24-hour boarding house

The article describes social assistance to persons without a fixed place of residence and persons released from prison in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. The stages of social assistance and support for persons in difficult life situations are considered, and a theoretical basis is given for the possible reasons that lead citizens to a vagabond lifestyle. Innovative technologies of social work with persons without a fixed place of residence and persons released from prison in a special 24-hour boarding house are described. The practice of successful social adaptation and employment of homeless citizens has been studied. The influence of social activities on the emotional state of recipients of social services living in inpatient departments of a 24-hour boarding house is also presented. The implementation of the “Strategy of Action in the Interests of Older Citizens in the Russian Federation until 2025” in relation to persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation in a residential institution is considered. The article reflects the process of social assistance, which includes a whole range of activities that provides moral, psychological, organizational and health support to persons without a fixed place of residence and persons released from prison.

Key words: persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation, social services, homeless people, active aging, social work with elderly citizens.


Korobkina M.A.

Omelchenko N.V.

Research on the perception of innovations in the field of human resources technologies: a sociological analysis

The article is purely practical in nature and is related to the relevance of vocational training in the IT market in the context of constant organizational changes. There comes a critical moment in the activity of any information and telecommunications company when the knowledge and skills of employees also require changes under the influence of external and internal conditions. The practice of many IT companies shows that innovative technologies and software do not stand still. Thus, professional training contributes to improving the efficiency of IT specialists. It is the development of technologies in the field of software that should ensure the implementation of the innovative strategy of IT organizations. The problem is that the professional training of specialists does not keep pace with the rapidly changing technologies in the information and telecommunications sector. The heads of organizations do not understand the importance of this problem and are in a state of idling, as at this time it is necessary to "run to stand still." A sociological cross–section conducted by a group of researchers at Kuban State University demonstrates the importance of this problem and focuses on the professional training of IT specialists in the context of rapidly growing progress and transition to a new era of mega–technologies in the field of information and telecommunications technologies.

Key words: professionalism, professional training, organizational changes, sociological cross-section, expert survey, information and telecommunication technologies, knowledge management, personnel management, professional selection, retraining of specialists.


Olkhovskaya Y.A.

Finding ways to improve work charitable organizations in Russia

Currently, there is an urgency to consider charitable activities in Russia, which helps to support the livelihoods of citizens in difficult situations, given that in recent years the quality of life of the country's population has sharply decreased, and the percentage of its disadvantaged stratum who live on the verge or beyond poverty has increased. The purpose of the study is to identify ways to improve the work of charitable organizations that increase its effectiveness. The research used the ideas of an axiological approach and general theoretical methods. The identified features of charitable activities are presented, which reflect the factors of insufficient resources to provide assistance to the needy contingent of citizens. The ways to improve the organization of the work of charitable organizations have been identified, which would allow restoring and improving the quality of life of citizens in need of this country, improving the lives of the population as a whole.

Key words: charity, social assistance, work of a charitable organization, assistance to the population, organization of charitable activities.


Proskuryakov R.A.

«Smart City»: symbiosis of natural and artificial socialization

Modern processes of socialization in the conditions of “Smart Cities” are characterized by changes that exceed in scale and significance those that were associated with the transition from slave-owning to feudal, and then to capitalist society, from industrial to post-industrial society. At the same time, in a number of cases, the situation is repeated when awareness of what is happening occurs after the fact — when the picture of accomplished grandiose changes in the way of life and the foundations of the functioning of society appears before the eyes of researchers; a situation that M. Weber recorded, noting that the spirit of capitalism appeared earlier than capitalist relations took shape.

Key words: Smart City, natural socialization, artificial socialization, space of socialization in the Smart City.


Kochesokov R.K.

Kulturbaeva L.M.

The reasons for the transformation of the political consciousness of the soviet creative intelligentsia during the period of perestroika

The article examines the reasons for the transformation of the political consciousness of the Soviet creative intelligentsia during the period of perestroika. It is noted that these reasons are rooted in the dual nature of the creative intelligentsia in Russia. In the Soviet political system, creative organizations, on the one hand, were formally creative organizations, but, on the other hand, they really acted as departments of the state. The inability to act as a "genuine" organ of the state generated dissatisfaction with the Soviet political system. The desire to become a "genuine" state body was the basis for the transformation of the political consciousness of the Soviet creative intelligentsia during the period of perestroika.

Key words: creative intelligentsia, political consciousness, perestroika, creative unions, creative activity.


Evloeva F.R.

The emergence and development of the philosophy of modernism

The subject of the study is the description of various types of changes continuously occurring in space, nature, and society. Society is a system of collective existence of people. It has a teleological nature. The main spheres of human activity are: material production; cognitive activity; management of social processes; the sphere of consumption.The significant changes that have taken place and will take place in a developed, civilized society are designated by the Latin term modern, translated modern. Here we are talking about a generalized description and characterization of European society and European culture of the XVII – XX centuries, in which the formation and development of an advanced, progressive society replacing traditional foundations, rules and norms of life are studied mainly in philosophical and sociological teachings. The modern era gave rise to many projects of the future: the Reformation, the Baroque, the Enlightenment, etc. Her philosophical questions are questions about the fate of man and humanity in the history of society, about the social significance of the implementation of civilizational and modernizing projects, about the possibilities and limits of ensuring human freedom by means of rationality. The results of this work are largely based on philosophical research. Methodology: historical method; diachronic and synchronic methods; description; comparative analysis. The author's main contribution to the study of the topic - the study of modernism within the framework of historical and philosophical research - is interpreted as an ideological trend in philosophy aimed at restructuring and renewal. In this sense, modernism, as an ideological phenomenon, opposes the ideology of traditional society, based, on the one hand, on the predominance of tradition over innovation and, on the other hand, on the religious or mythological justification of this tradition, that is, on the formation of personality and the development of society as a whole, the superiority of innovation over tradition. We come to the conclusion that the modernist is doomed to remain in constant doubt, to feel his own extremity, lack of ground under his feet. The state of ideological antinomy inevitably leads him to nostalgia for stability, a return to which is unacceptable for him. 

Key words: society, socially developed man, modern, reformation, education, modernity, rationality, reflexivity, freedom, progress.


Zavgorodniy T.O. 

A.M. Pyatigorskiy's observational philosophy as a case of intercultural philosophy

The provided article deals with the project of observational philosophy presented by A.M. Pyatigorskiy as with a case of intercultural philosophy which is a specific method of thinking implying the usage of the intellectual resources of different traditions in order to elucidate the postulated problems. The study is focused both on the formal part of observational philosophy highlighting its similarity with Buddhist texts which used to be the foundation of Pyatigorskiy's thinking, and on its content, thus, attempting to shed some light on the conclusions about the nature of consciousness proposed by the philosopher.

Key words: philosophy of mind, intercultural philosophy, observational philosophy, unanthropocentric philosophy, Buddhist philosophy.


Kravchenko V.I. 

The brilliant Pushkin in the aspects of graphology

With the material of this article, the author shows the possibility of studying a person by his handwriting, signatures and drawings. Essentially, it is graphological analysis that allows us to identify various character traits in a person. In this regard, the science of graphology as the science of handwriting allows us to substantively study a person’s personal qualities, his character, personality typology, and also suggest the characteristics of his behavior in society as an objective reality. To illustrate the effectiveness of the method, fragments of a letter from A. S. Pushkin are used.

Key words: handwriting, graphology, graphological analysis, human personality types, creativity, science, character, genius, probability, originality, writing.


Matyushchenko V.S.

Yakusheva R.A.

Research of the old believers of the Far East in scientific works of the post-soviet period

This article analyzes the literature on the Old Believers of the Belokrinitsky hierarchy in the post-Soviet period. The authors classify studies by location and topic, identifying the main issues highlighted in the literature and indicating the need for further study. Different periods of studying the Old Believers have their own characteristics: from negative perception during the period of schism to the phenomenological approach in post-Soviet times. The authors come to the conclusion that in the post-Soviet period in the Far East there was a significant increase in research into the history of the Old Believers. At this time, various aspects were studied, including the settlement of the Far Eastern lands by the Old Believers, their migrations within the region, cultural and religious characteristics such as work ethic and beliefs, economic activities, relations with the Orthodox Church, the state, and the internal structure of the Old Believer Church; for the first time, studies of families and biographies of ministers of the cult of the Far Eastern Old Believers are being introduced into the rank of scientific study; the repressive policy of the Soviet state towards the Old Believers is analyzed; their emigration is being studied. Geographically, it seems to the author that the Old Believers of the Belokrinitsky hierarchy of Primorye are the most studied. The Old Believers-Priests of the Khabarovsk Territory and Sakhalin have been studied to a lesser extent. The issue of the Old Believers remains little studied in the Jewish Autonomous Region. 

Key words: historiography, Old Believers, priests, non-popovs, Belokrinitsky hierarchy, post-Soviet period, ancient Orthodoxy.


Mutalimov A.E.

Kant's view on the formation and development of German classical philosophy

The article is devoted to German classical philosophy. The main result and historical significance of German classical philosophy, represented by the names of the classics of German classical philosophy, can be expressed as follows: it changed the style of thinking in European, and therefore world culture. Modern philosophers believed that, based on reason, one can understand the foundations of faith, religion, human freedom, the principles of good and evil, and the laws of history. Kant revolutionizes this understanding of the role and significance of reason and rational thinking. He comes to the conclusion that the mind is limited by the sphere of human practice, the practical life of people and, above all, morality and religion. The novelty of the style she approved lies in the extreme breadth of thinking and its universality. 

Key words: philosophy, German classical philosophy, a priori forms of cognition, supernova forms of cognition, constructive creative approach.


Rebelsky A.N.

Solution of philosophical problems arising in the development (design) of complex systems

This scientific paper examines the philosophical questions that developers ask when creating complex systems, for example, for automating data collection processes, processing target characteristics for effective management of an enterprise or commercial organization. It is important to note that the relevance of the research on this topic is due to the fact that the value of comprehensive characteristics of modern information systems is recognized (their scientific knowledge presupposes a semantic understanding of all aspects). The famous scientist V.M. Rozin believes that IP should be considered simultaneously from two points of view – as an artificial phenomenon, the result of human activity, and as a socio-philosophical concept, since automation and complex systems have an objective impact on society. It is necessary to study the philosophical problems faced by the creators of complex systems, what they are related to and how they can be solved taking into account the specifics of these unique objects.

Key words: philosophical problems, design of complex systems, information systems, development, philosophical perception.


Rossinsky A.G.

Rossinskaya E.A.

Pyanzina I.V.

Sibiryakova S.N.

Russian world: philosophy, culture and destiny

This article is written on a very relevant topic. As has happened many times in the history of Russia, we are again experiencing a “time of troubles” when the people face a difficult process of understanding the meaning of life and their own purpose in the world. In this regard, we can recall the statement of N.V. Gogol, which, although made 200 years ago, is still very relevant. He wrote: “Never before has there been such extraordinary diversity in the opinions and beliefs of all people in Russia; never before has the difference in education and upbringing alienated everyone from each other and caused such discord in everything” [1, p. 371]. Using broad historical and philosophical material, we are looking for opportunities to overcome these difficulties by relying on culture and art, which for centuries have gathered our people into a unique community of the Russian world.

Key words: Russian world, Orthodoxy, imperialism, Russian character, culture, musical art, Ukraine.


Evloeva F.R.

Evloeva L.M.

Representation of some aspects of the spiritual values of modern ingush youth

The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as permanent changes in some areas of life, including the rethinking of value orientations in the modern world. This phenomenon is also affected in relation to traditional societies, which include the Ingush people. We selectively interviewed Ingush youth, including selected groups of students in high schools, colleges and at the Ingush State University. According to this sample, 500 respondents aged 15-35 years took part in the survey (37.6% boys, 62% girls). In-depth interviews were also conducted with representatives of the Ingush youth. As the conducted research has shown, the most active recipients were students of the specified university, a category of citizens who are especially not indifferent to the ongoing social transformations. To study this issue, methods of external and included observation, content analysis of ongoing projects were used; scientific literature on the topic of traditional spiritual values of Ingush youth was analyzed. The author's main contribution to the research of the topic is the study of the spiritual values of youth and is important, since it allows you to learn the fundamental principles and beliefs that the youth community seeks to rely on in understanding the world and its role in it, contributes to the disclosure of profound changes in the value systems and social attitudes of youth. The relevance of this study also lies in the introduction of new data into scientific circulation. Cultural values are understood as rational and spiritual values, while spiritual values are considered in the values of a particular culture, culture itself is a real, relevant value in society. The traditional cultural values of modern Ingush youth are stereotypes of family behavior, culture of knowledge and human behavior. The universal values listed above determine a person's morality and consciousness, his integrity and stability. 

Key words: Republic of Ingushetia, Ingush youth, values, spiritual values, traditional values, life credo, family, value orientations, life goals, educational guidelines.


Rudakova I.V.

Sociality of the intellectualist in the 2nd half of the XX century

This article makes an attempt to reveal the main typical behavior patterns, social practices and the meanings that fill them of the Soviet intelligentsia of the second half of the 20th century.

Key words: intelligentsia, social reality, everyday life, USSR, behavior model, lifestyle, work, leisure.




Aryasova A.Y., Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Astrakhan.

Evloeva F.R., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ingush State University, Magas, Republic of Ingushetia.

Evloeva L.M., Candidate of Historical Sciences. Ingush Research Institute of Humanities named after Ch.E. Akhriev, Magas, Republic of Ingushetia.

Evloeva F.R., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Associate Professor, Ingush State University, Magas.

Klyuchkin Y.S., Graduate student of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Kochesokov R.K., PhD, Professor, Head of the Philosophy Department, Kabardino-Balkarian State University.

Kolesnikova V.S., Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk.

Korobkina M.A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Organizational Psychology. Kuban State University, Krasnodar.

Kravchenko V.I., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

Kulturbaeva L.M., PhD, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy Department, Kabardino-Balkarian State University.

Matyushchenko V.S., Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Amur State Medical Academy.

Medvedko S.L., Candidate of History (PhD). Russian State University for the Humanities.

Mutalimov A.E., PhD of sociology, Professor of the Department of Humanities and Socio-economic Disciplines. The North-Caucasian Institute (branch) RSUJ "All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)" in Makhachkala.

Olkhovskaya Y.A., Post-graduate student at the department of medical anthropology. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

Omelchenko N.V., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management and Organizational Psychology. Kuban State University, Krasnodar.

Pang Shuwen, Postgraduate Student. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Petrova S.I., Candidate of cultural studies, Associate Professor. Academy of marketing and socially-information technologies, Krasnodar.

Proskuryakov R.A., Postgraduate student. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Pyanzina I.V., Altai State University, Barnaul.

Rebelsky A.N., Postgraduate student. Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

Rossinskaya E.A., Candidate of Philology. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba. Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow.

Rossinsky A.G., Candidate of Philosophy. Altai State University, Barnaul.

Rudakova I.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History and Sociology, PhD in Philosophy, Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University, Bryansk.

Salavatova A.M., Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk.

Sibiryakova S.N., Candidate of Philological Sciences. Altai State University, Barnaul.

Sun Shanshan, Librarian, Heihe University, Heihe City (China).

Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.

Vasilyeva A.N., Master's student, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.

Voznesensky I.S., Senior lecturer, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.

Yakusheva R.A., Senior Lecturer, Mirny Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the North-Eastern Federal University.

Zavgorodniy T.O., Postgraduate Student, Institute of Philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University.