Archpriest Dmitri Leskin Russia-Italy. Tolyatti
Dzutsev K.V., Kornienko N.V. Public opinion of the population of the Republic of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation on the religious values of the Jews
Karasev N.A. Dissemination of the Orthodox tradition of mystical theology and hesychasm in Russia in the 14th century
Krilov A.V., Morozov V.M. Islamic factor in the political development of Palestine
Yuan Quan The interaction between the PRC and the Vatican — the Holy See in the context of the normalization of relations at the beginning of the XXI century
Sokolovskiy K.G. Problems of interreligious interaction in a multi-confessional state (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Tkalich A.I. Historical and cultural importance of the mission to educate the Chukotka indigenous peoples of Chukotka in the pre-Soviet period
Radchenko A.F. Interconfessional dialogue as a factor of spiritual and moral education
Ryabova E.L., Nechiporenko V.S. Leader’s legacy of Fidel Castro: problems of confessional cooperation, public administration, social revolution
Latyshev N.A. The historical diversity of the symbolic spaces of Russia and the practice of «divide and conquer»
Radchenko A.F. The educational policy of the PRC and the employment of young people
Oseledchik M.B. The fractal nature of tacit knowledge
Pitka S.N. Envy in the student environment (Based on sociological research)
Kolodina A.A. Culture as a way and form human’s active being
Zanemonets A. Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem in the first years after the Revolution of 1917
Dzutsev K.V.
Kornienko N.V.
Public opinion of the population of the Republic of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation on the religious values of the Jews
The article is based on materials of ethnosociological research conducted in the summer of 2016 in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation: in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Chechen Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Republic of Dagestan, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The number of respondents were 1200 people, including 50 experts (journalists, scientists, officials, members of political parties, cultural workers). The article analyzes the attitude of the population of the North Caucasus Federal District to the religious values of the Jews, in particular, to forms of religious activity that affect all residents of the studied republics. The introduction reveals the urgency of the topic, briefly characterizes modern approaches to the formation of communities of Mountain Jews in the North Caucasus. The main part examines the results of a mass survey of residents and experts on issues relating to various aspects of strengthening of the religious activity of the Jews. In conclusion the comparative analysis of opinion of the population is given, the characteristic of the relation to religious values of Jews in each republic is given.
Keywords: religion, Judaism, school, media, public sermons, charity, television, clergymen, the North Caucasus.
Karasev N.A.
Dissemination of the Orthodox tradition of mystical theology and hesychasm in Russia in the 14th century
The article shows the reasons, process and consequences of spreading of the hesychastic experience of spiritual life in Russia in the XIV century. From the Byzantine Empire, hesychasm penetrated both directly, through the communion of the clergy with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the connection of Russian spiritual life with Athos, and through Serbia and Bulgaria as well. Palamas was almost unknown in Russia until the 19th century, but the spirit, the fundamental principle of mystical theology about the unity of God through the unity of the Father, took root in the Christian consciousness of the Russian man.
Keywords: Palamas, Hesychasm, non-agility, asceticism, St. Cyprian, Neil of Sora, mystical theology, smart prayer.
Yuan Quan
The interaction between the PRC and the Vatican — the Holy See in the context of the normalization of relations at the beginning of the XXI century
The article discusses the relationship between the PRC and the Vatican - the Holy See at the beginning of the 21st century. The PRC and the Vatican-Holy See are important subjects of the system of international relations and world politics at the present time. However, the process of normalizing the Sino-Vatican relations passes through many different kinds of problems and mutual disagreements. The methodological basis of this publication is the principles of cultural and historical methods of scientific knowledge.
Keywords: China, the Vatican, the normalization of Sino-Vatican relations, importance, difficulty, problems.
Sokolovskiy K.G.
Problems of interreligious interaction in a multi-confessional state (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Effective interreligious dialogue in a multi-confessional state is an indispensable condition for social stability. The analysis of the experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan makes it possible to identify a number of factors that are indispensable for such a process to take place, as well as to determine a single common denominator that can be its basis. Based on the nature and specificity of religious relations in the country, the peculiarities of the activities of traditional confessions some measures to optimize this work are proposed, as well as involving various representatives of civil society institutions in this work.
Keywords: Kazakhstan, religious tolerance, broad-mindedness, Church-State Relation, religious faiths, interreligious harmony, religious conflict, faith, interfaith interaction, inter-religious dialogue.
Tkalich A.I.
Historical and cultural importance of the mission to educate the Chukotka indigenous peoples of Chukotka in the pre-Soviet period
Chukotskaya orthodox mission, created at the end of the XVIII century by Russian Orthodox Church, had the goal of spreading orthodox faith among native population of Chukotka. The trips of missionaries to nomad-herders were accompanied with some risk: the absence of roads, lack of proper financing, a language barrier which prevented from valuable work. Nevertheless, at the price of unbelievable effort and courage, missionaries of Chukotka region, continued leading their educational work. Native population of the region (Chukchi, Yukaghir people and Evens) accepted Orthodoxy, assimilated new for them values of Russian orthodox culture. Experience received by the mission caused the birth of unique cultural phenomena of the studied period which took into account social and cultural, geographical, climate conditions and nomadic life of native population.
Keywords: the Mission of Chukotka, Orthodox missionaries, Christian education of indigenous peoples.
Latyshev N.A.
The historical diversity of the symbolic spaces of Russia and the practice of «divide and conquer»
The article deals with the influence of symbols and the symbolic spaces that they form on the cultural essence of people, a certain analysis of the dynamics of understanding of the role of the symbol in the behavior and consciousness of a man was held. The study allowed to identify some of the principal symbolic constructs that influenced the formation of certain factors of social and political reality of Russia.
Keywords: symbols, system of meanings, symbolic capital, symbolic power subjects, symbolism strategy of «divide and conquer.
Oseledchik M.B.
The fractal nature of tacit knowledge
The article analyzes the fractal nature of implicit knowledge and its significance for understanding the nature of transmission and reconfiguration of knowledge. Implicit knowledge is one of the ways of existence of consciousness. It lies at the basis of a person’s professional abilities. Forming a message by its creator is the process of building a self-similar structure - a fractal, i.e. Articulated construction, similar to those conceptual schemes that are contained in the consciousness of the subject. Thoat is - message-and the transfer of this self-similar structure-the fractal-to the addressee. Receiving the message and decoding it, the addressee builds in his mind, again, the mental construction, which in turn is similar to the semantic construction that is embedded in the message, i.e. understanding the fractal.
Keywords: implicit knowledge, stochastic fractal, reconfiguration of knowledge, knowledge transfer, knowledge management system.
Pitka S.N.
Envy in the student environment (Based on sociological research)
The purpose of the article is to determine the place and role of envy in the life of student youth. Depending on this goal, the following tasks are set and solved: the characterization of students’ attitude towards envy, the determination of its scale, the subject and form of manifestation, the disclosure of the cause for envy and the most widespread reactions of a person to envy.
Keywords: students, envy, reasons, forms of appearance, personality.
Kolodina A.A.
Culture as a way and form human’s active being
The article considers a wide range of problems that form the research field of culture, considered as knowledge, values and practical activities of the modern man, living in a chaotic and rapidly changing world. The feature of the article is a concise and accurate analysis of the basic concepts and categories of modern social and philosophical knowledge, which is used for adequate understanding of diverse and divergent mass processes occurring in the material, social, spiritual and cultural activities of the modern transitive society.
Keywords: culture, axiology, values, norms, standards.
Zanemonets A.
Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem in the first years after the Revolution of 1917
The article is dedicated to the problem of management and legal status of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem in the first years after the Russian revolution, till mid1920s. These years were also the initial years of the British Mandate in Palestine. The study is conducted on individuals who were at the head of the Russian mission, as well as on their relationship with the British administration and the study of British legislation in Palestine.
Keywords: Holy Land, Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, Russian Abroad, British Mandate.
Archpriest Dmitri Leskin, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Candidate of Theology, Professor, Rector of the Volga Orthodox Institute of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow.
Dzutsev K.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Head of the North Ossetian Social Research Center, Institute of Socio-Political Studies, Head of the Department of sociology of K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University, Vladikavkaz.
Karasev N.A., Candidate of Theology, Candidate of Philosophy, The all-church post-graduate and doctoral studies of the Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, Department of Theology.
Kolodina A.A., Senior lecturer, Department of history, cultural studies, youth policy and promotion of the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research University), Candidate of sociological Sciences.
Kornienko N.V., Post-graduate student of the Department of Sociology (K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University).
Krilov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Latyshev N.A., Candidate of philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow state University of railway engineering, The Department of Economic theory and Management.
Morozov V.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Diplomacy of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Oseledchik M.B., Candidate of philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Higher School of Press and Media Industry of Moscow Polytechnic University.
Palamarenko E.V., Graduate Student, Ss Cyril and Methodius School of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies.
Pitka S.N., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State National Research University.
Radchenko A.F., Candidate of Political Sciences, Head of the public research project «Youth Policy».
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of political sciences, Professor, Chief Editor of “Etnosotsium” international publishing house.
Sokolovskiy K.G., Senior lecturer, Department of General Education, Humanitarian Technical Academy (Kazakhstan).
Tkalich A.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate-Professor of the Orthodox Tikhon University of the Humanities (Moscow).
Yuan Quan, Graduate Student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, People’s Friendship University of Russia.
Zanemonets A. , Deacon – Ph.D. Lecturer on Byzantine and Christianity history of the Haifa University and the Academic College of the Jezreel Valley (Israel).