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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Storchak M.V. Sacred characters of civil religion in the USSR

Pilyak S.A. Cultural heritage as an anthropological phenomenon
Iezuitova I.L. M. Gorky and V. Vernadsky: two models of the world
Kharkovskaya E.V., Posokhova N.V., Kushchenko E.S., Enina S.A., Shvarev E.V. Development of the creative industry as a modern technology for organizing youth leisure
Smetana V.V. Comparison of the ontology of biological beings and the ontology of beings of non-biological origin (digital intelligence, computer intelligence, artificial intelligence and super intelligence)

Ternovaya L.O. The evolution of the social meanings of the days of the week: features of Friday
Skuratov A.B. On the question of the genesis of the concept “local internet community”
Pilipenko B.A. Development of Russian sociological thought in the context of awareness of environmental threats
Minasyan L.A., Petrović M.D., Bakhtin V.A.,Kaneeva A.V. The influence of mass media on the formation and development of medical tourism
Sharupich V.P., Sharupich P.V., Sharupich S.V., Sharupich T.S. The boundaries of the planned self-liquidation of the settlement while maintaining the existing trajectory of population decline
Shchetinina M.Yu. Social aspects of digitization
Ivanova L.S. Conceptual characteristic of social management
Ilyanova O.I. Forming the image of the employee of the internal affairs in the context of national security by the mass media
Chen Guanhua Sociological analysis of the development of tennis in China and its impact on sociocultural changes
Miroshnichenko E.V., Posokhova N.V., Rimsky V.P. Creative industries as a sector of promising development of socio-cultural activities
Noskova N.A. The main elements of the cultural code as the basis for the formation and preservation of the Russian world
Donnikova T.S., Posokhova N.V., Rimsky V.P. Modernization of the tourism sector as an integral factor in the development of the creative industry
Merezhko M.E., Merezhko N.E., Efremova N.V., Kushchenko E.S. Event tourism as a promising direction of development of the Belgorod region
Rodionov A.N. Features of typography and layout in East Asian countries
Xin Huili, Xiao Chengyong Traditional Chinese Family Morality and its Legalization
Noskova N.A. Epics as a value-historical material for the formation of spiritual, moral and patriotic education
Zhou Yanyan Analysis of the development of Chinese-Russian cultural tourism in the context of the “One Belt, One Road” project 147






Storchak M.V.

Sacred characters of civil religion in the USSR

History, from the point of view of the ideology of Bolshevism, was divided into two periods - before October 1917 and after the revolution. All past history was declared to be a kind of preparation for the moment when humanity would jump from the "kingdom of necessity" to the "kingdom of freedom"; when the "sinful" world becomes "purified" and "sanctified." In the process of evolution of Soviet power, the process of sacralization of its history, its leaders, holidays and demonstrations, ritualization of the civil life of society. This fact allows us to talk about the formation of civil religion in the USSR. 

Key words: sacredness, mythology, Bolshevism, cult, quasi-religion.


Pilyak S.A.

Cultural heritage as an anthropological phenomenon

Cultural heritage, which is the result and embodiment of collective historical memory as a whole, is a reflection of the specifics of human nature. The study is devoted to identifying the main philosophical and anthropological features of understanding the phenomenon of heritage. The purpose of the study is to analyze cultural heritage as an anthropological phenomenon, identify common patterns and formulate the possibilities that heritage opens up in expanding our understanding of man. The basis of the research methodology is the cultural-comparative method, which makes it possible to determine the common features of various approaches in the study of the phenomenon of cultural heritage.

It is concluded that the cultural heritage, which is the product of the joint creative activity of a particular person and humanity as a whole, has a complex ambivalent nature. It is indicated that cultural heritage as a product of human intellectual activity provides a unique opportunity to comprehensively consider the anthropological nature. It is noted that the object of material cultural heritage simultaneously has spiritual and physical incarnations, which together with its inherent properties of non-renewability, uniqueness and authenticity determines the specifics, possibilities and prospects of its actualization. Taking into account the fact that the heritage resisting the identity crisis remains one of the few unshakable symbols of uniqueness and exclusivity in the era of accelerating globalization, the high potential of the heritage in the development of human civilization is indicated.

Key words: philosophy of culture, heritage, anthropological phenomenon, interpretation of cultural heritage.


Iezuitova I.L.

M. Gorky and V. Vernadsky: two models of the world

The article examines the similarity of concepts of M. Gorky and V. Vernadsky about the inevitability of evolution and perception of the special role of man in the knowledge of the world and the development of the Cosmos. The possibility of evolution reaching a new level. This gives an opportunity to look at the philosophical model of the world, named by V. Vernadsky as the "energy epoch of the life of mankind" and the work of the writer M. Gorky in a philosophical approach in search of truth, which, of course, was reflected in the artistic model of the world created by him.

Key words: M. Gorky, V. Vernadsky, evolution, expansion, knowledge of the world, philosophical approach, invariant of the Universe, creative abilities, the myth of man, artistic and philosophical model.


Kharkovskaya E.V.

Posokhova N.V.

Kushchenko E.S.

Enina S.A.

Shvarev E.V.

Development of the creative industry as a modern technology for organizing youth leisure

The article is devoted to the organization of youth leisure. It is emphasized that the creation of favorable conditions for cultural leisure, the organization of youth leisure, for many decades and to this day, has been an important task and one of the areas of youth policy. Reality quest began to act as an active leisure with an intellectual component, becoming part of the leisure diversity of modern youth. It is in the quests that knowledge from various disciplines merges, a range of psychological and team methods and technologies of working with participants is used.

Key words: leisure, youth, quest, leisure activities, innovations.


Smetana V.V.

Comparison of the ontology of biological beings and the ontology of beings of non-biological origin (digital intelligence, computer intelligence, artificial intelligence and super intelligence)

In the modern world, we can observe the nature of the existence of biological beings, identify certain patterns and logical chains of evolution. At the same time, in the middle of the 20th century, with the development of computer technology, we can talk about the emergence of intelligence that is not of biological origin, at the beginning it is small software solutions, and later a full-fledged self-learning artificial intelligence that surpasses human capabilities. Obviously, we can assume the emergence in the near future of super intelligence, which will surpass all the mental capabilities of all biological beings. Today we can consider the questions that ontology poses to us in relation to beings of non-biological origin. This new entity can reside and exist in technologies created by man, while we observe self-learning and development taking place and there are some signs of the further superiority of digital intelligence over the intelligence of Homo sapiens. In the study, we will try to reveal a comparative model of the existence of biological and non-biological beings, trace some patterns, draw conclusions and decide on the conceptual apparatus of a new entity - digital intelligence.

Key words: digital intelligence (DI), artificial intelligence (AI), computer intelligence (CI), super intelligence (SI).


Ternovaya L.O.

The evolution of the social meanings of the days of the week: features of Friday

The article is devoted to one of the little-studied aspects of a person's relationship with time, associated with the identification of the days of the week and the attachment to each of them of special features that reflected the moral and psychological characteristics inherent in those mythological characters whose names became the basis of the chrononym. Each day of the week was filled with social meaning, conveying the creative and communicative needs of society. These patterns were clearly manifested in the Friday rituals.

Key words: history, culture, traditions, chrononym, Friday, corporate anthropology.


Skuratov A.B.

On the question of the genesis of the concept "local internet community"

The rapid development of global computer network and the formation of the “digital economy” associated with this process contributed to the revision of the role of the community as fundamental units of the social organization of society. For example, the non-commercial open-source software development communities of the Internet did not fit into the social production theories that were widespread at the time.

With the transformation of the scientific sociological paradigm in the first quarter of the 21st century, the approach to determining the role of social communities in the life of society has also changed. The concept of "community" (community) before the practice of mass use of telecommunication networks in the English-language literature was considered as a special "territorial community". In addition, in the translated works of foreign sociologists, one can find a number of definitions that are close to “community” in meaning.

Often in academic research, the terms "communication" (communication) and "community" are closely intertwined. From the standpoint of sociology, "communication" is defined as the organization of socio-cultural and economic interaction of individuals, groups, enterprises, organizations, regions and states with the help of information channels [Zemlyanova, 1999]. As a result, the concept of "communication" is closely related to the "community", which is very important for the forthcoming consideration of the genesis of the concept of "local Internet community".

Key words: genesis, Internet, communities, forums, society, development.


Pilipenko B.A.

Development of Russian sociological thought in the context of awareness of environmental threats

In this article, the author examines the peculiarities of the development of Russian sociological thought in the context of awareness of various kinds of environmental threats. To do this, the author studies the history of the formation and development of ecological sociology, briefly analyzes each of the historical stages. In conclusion, the author draws conclusions about the prospects for further development of the national ecological sociology.

Key words: ecology, environmental threats, Russian sociology, sociological science, history of development, history of sociology, development prospects.


Minasyan L.A.

Petrović M.D.

Bakhtin V.A.

Kaneeva A.V.

The influence of mass media on the formation and development of medical tourism

The article examines the level of development of medical services exports in Russia and Serbia and the influence of mass media on its competitiveness. The preferences of the population of the Rostov region of the Russian Federation in the choice of types of media for obtaining information on medical tourism were explicated. The insufficiency of interaction between two social subgroups in the phenomenon of medical tourism – medical workers and specialists in the tourism industry is determined. It is shown that the main institutional factors of medical tourism receive their representation in the media due to the activities of medical institutions, however, background institutional factors, including the ethno-cultural representation of the host territory and psycho-emotional support of the patient, which should be provided by the tourist component of the process, have not been adequately developed. The most effective means for promoting medical tourism, such as tourist information centers of the regions, mobile applications and social networks, are considered. The conclusion is made about their influence on the expansion of marketing opportunities of medical institutions and the implementation of the principles of openness in interethnic and confessional interaction.

Key words: mass media, medical tourism, institutional factors, tourist information centers.


Sharupich V.P.

Sharupich P.V.

Sharupich S.V.

Sharupich T.S.

The boundaries of the planned self-liquidation of the settlement while maintaining the existing trajectory of population decline

A retrospective analysis of the dynamics of population change in the Mtsensk district of the Oryol region of the Russian Federation for the period 1856-2021 was performed, a methodology was proposed for determining the boundaries of planned self–liquidation of the settlement while maintaining the existing trajectory of population decline, while if administrative and legislative measures are taken after a steady decline in population, they are not effective enough.

Key words: population size, retrospective analysis, planned self-liquidation, administrative and legislative measures.


Shchetinina M.Yu.

Social aspects of digitization 

Digitalization is an integral part of modern society and it makes a profound impact on key areas. Digital age is leading to significant changes in social relations, economics, politics and culture. The purpose of this article is to consider the social aspects of digitalization and to assess the possible negative consequences of its impact on society. The article reflects features and trends of transformation of the social sphere, including the integration of virtual space into everyday life, changes in communication practices and social relations, as well as the implementation of digital management mechanisms.

Key words: digitalization, social sphere, digital management technologies, transformation of social relations.


Ivanova L.S.

Conceptual characteristic of social management

In this article, conceptual approaches to social management are identified and considered: subject-object, subject-subject, process, functional, cognitive, communicative, legitimate, systemic, activity-based. The set of these approaches testifies to the structural and functional complexity of the social management of an organization, the variety of its forms and the actualization of possible tasks of using its potential.

Key words: social management of an organization, structure, management factors, subject, object, process, function, communications, social system, activity.


Ilyanova O.I.

Forming the image of the employee of the internal affairs in the context of national security by the mass media

The article reveals the features of the formation of the "media image" of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, taking into account the improvement of the information policy of the Russian Federation. The importance of establishing effective interaction between state structures, such as the Department of Internal Affairs, with the media is emphasized. The author focuses special attention on the existing features of the interaction between the internal affairs bodies and the mass media, taking into account the provision of the national security of the state.

Key words: mass media, image formation, employees, internal affairs bodies, national security, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


Chen Guanhua

Sociological analysis of the development of tennis in China and its impact on sociocultural changes

The behavior of children and adolescents associated with physical activity and participation in sports is constantly shaped by environmental systems around them. Accumulating evidence highlights individual characteristics, family, peers, school and teachers, as well as elements of the macro environment, such as policies affecting unstructured physical activity choices among young people. However, the reason for participation was not fully interpreted from the point of view of the youth themselves, especially those from Asian culture. In our study, we sought to better understand the self-identified reasons for the participation of adolescents in unorganized or spontaneous tennis classes in modern China. Twenty-six teenagers and informants were recruited from mainland China and took part in semi-structured interviews to describe in detail their behavior while continuing to participate in tennis. The data was encoded and analyzed using NVivo 12. Four topics stood out: (a) Individual characteristics and self-interpretations of tennis culture; (b) microsystems mediating the participation of adolescents in tennis; (c) barriers and barriers affecting participation in tennis; and (d) politics and the macro environment. The participation of teenagers in tennis is the result of the integration effect of socio-cultural and environmental factors dominated by multifaceted ecological systems. 

Key words: teenagers, physical activity, tennis, socio-cultural changes, thematic analysis.


Miroshnichenko E.V.

Posokhova N.V.

Rimsky V.P.

Creative industries as a sector of promising development of socio-cultural activities

In modern conditions, the issues of innovative development of the socio-cultural sphere remain relevant in the field of scientific research and socio-cultural practice. The article characterizes creative industries as an actively developing new model functioning on the basis of the interaction of economic sectors, creativity, mass production and consumption in the socio-cultural sphere. The role of creative industries as an effective technology for the long-term development of socio-cultural activities is substantiated.

Key words: socio-cultural activity, culture, economy, creative industries, creativity.


Noskova N.A.

The main elements of the cultural code as the basis for the formation and preservation of the Russian world

The problem of formation and preservation of the image of the Russian world in modern Russia is relevant and discussed in scientific circles. In this article, the author analyzes the main elements of the cultural code, the key components of preserving and shaping the image of the Russian world, transmitted by works of art, traditions and customs. The analysis allows us to identify concepts and formulate the main directions of activity for the formation of the image of the Russian world in society. The author also pays special attention to the creation and preservation of intangible cultural heritage and suggests that through the retransmission of traditions and rituals, the cultural code should be transmitted to the younger generation and the image of the Russian world should be formed.

Key words: Russian world, cultural code, traditions, customs, rituals, semiotic structure.


Donnikova T.S.

Posokhova N.V.

Rimsky V.P.

Modernization of the tourism sector as an integral factor in the development of the creative industry

The article is devoted to the study of the need to modernize the tourism sector as a guaranteed way of developing the economy of the regions and the country as a whole. Thus, the transition from a raw material type of economic production to a creative one, in modern realities, requires innovation and absolute creativity. And since there is no single mechanism for the development of the creative tourism industry, it is the personnel potential of the industry that plays the most important role. 

Key words: tourism, investment, culture, festival, creative economy, innovation, creativity, product.


Merezhko M.E.

Merezhko N.E. 

Efremova N.V.

Kushchenko E.S.

Event tourism as a promising direction of development of the Belgorod region

This article considers a promising direction for the development of tourism in the Belgorod sector – event tourism. In the article about the advantages and features of this type of tourism, as well as the implementation of successful events held in the industry. The author also considers the potential of the Belgorod region for the development of event tourism and proposes a number of measures that will realize its potential.

Key words: tourism, event tourism, development of the region.


Rodionov A.N.

Features of typography and layout in East Asian countries

The article considers the features of typography and layout, characteristic of publications in East Asian countries, as elements of modern visual culture. The aim of the study was to identify the features of typography and layout in East Asian countries, to establish their cultural conditioning and the degree to which they reflect Eastern traditions. The study was conducted within the framework of an integrated approach using methods of analysis, synthesis, etc. There are a number of features of typography and layout that can be characterized as a result of following traditions: a small amount of text on the page, proportionality of color combinations, the presence of free space, harmonious unity of text and illustration, etc. The conclusion is made that new trends in typography and layout are perceived by East Asian publications are naturally and creatively refracted, combined with the traditions in this area.

Key words: visual culture, typography, layout, East Asian countries, text, illustration, hieroglyph.


Xin Huili

Xiao Chengyong

Traditional Chinese Family Morality and its Legalization

“New Five Relationships” is a moral code of family relations and morality based on the inheritance of the traditional Chinese moral culture of the “Five Relationships”, which is compatible with modern civil society and the rule of law. The first of “New Five Relationships ” is “Zunlaoaiyou”, which aims to critically inherit the traditional moral culture with "Filial piety"  and "feudal code of ethics” as its core, and to establish a new socialist morality and new style. “Maternal love” and “Filial piety” are two of the major categories of traditional virtue inherited. Since the new era, the transformation of the spirit of “Maternal love” into public morality and the rule of law has required people to further raise the ideological level of maternal love, i.e. to move away from the traditional Confucian “private moral ethics” confined to blood kinship. The original Confucian “Filial piety” is still confined to the realm of “private ethics”, which, while emphasizing reciprocal love, is not a morality of equality and mutual benefit, embodying the family ethics and social structure of respect for seniority, rather than the “public ethics” of independence and equality that modern civil society and the rule of law emphasize, and therefore still needs to be constantly transformed by public ethics and the rule of law. In a civic and rule of law society, “Maternal love” and “Filial piety”, which embody the “New Five Relationships” of modernity, include the relationship between parents and children, emphasizing both the relative independence and equal subjectivity of each as citizens and the mutual regulation of their rights and duties as a legal relationship.

Key words: new five relationships, maternal love, filial piety, legalization.


Noskova N.A.

Epics as a value-historical material for the formation of spiritual, moral and patriotic education

The article pays attention to the issues of formation and preservation of the historical memory of the people through the system of artistic images in culture on the example of the epic epic. The author notes the discrepancy between the value centers in the content and structure of the hero and the audience in the epics, points out that the works of the epic epic are one of the stages of the formation of Russian culture, draws the reader's attention to the basic value concepts of epic heroes and the picture of the world peculiar to the Russian epic consciousness. The article also analyzes school textbooks of the second half of the XIX and XX centuries, which played a special role in the formation of the generation of Russians with the formation of a worldview based on the images of heroes. And also the conclusion is made about the Russian epic epic as a result of the spiritual experience of generations, a collection of life lessons about causal relationships.

Key words: epic, historical memory, heroes, value concepts, worldview, Russian consciousness.


Zhou Yanyan

Analysis of the development of Chinese-Russian cultural tourism in the context of the "One Belt, One Road" project

With the continuous development of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, tourism cooperation between China and the participating countries of the project is gradually strengthening. Since Russia is China's largest neighbor and an important power participating in the Belt and Road project, cooperation between Russia and China in the field of cultural tourism is of great importance for the development of bilateral relations between the two countries and the implementation of the Belt and Road initiative. 

Key words: One belt, one road, cultural tourism, humanitarian exchanges.




Bakhtin V.A., PhD of Sociology, Teacher. Don State Technical University, Department of "Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry".

Chen Guanhua, Master degree. Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK».

Donnikova T.S., Senior lecturer of the Department of Socio-Cultural Activities and Tourism. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Efremova N.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Socio-Cultural Activities and Tourism. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Enina S.A., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Iezuitova I.L., Senior lecturer of the Department of Russian and foreign languages. Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University.

Ilyanova O.I., PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Public Administration, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Ivanova L.S., Postgraduate Student of the Department of Theoretical and Special sociology M.A. Budanova FSBEI HE "Moscow Pedagogical State university".

Kaneeva A.V., PhD of  Philology, Associate Professor. Don State Technical University, Department of "World Languages and Cultures".

Kharkovskaya E.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Kushchenko E.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Merezhko M.E., Senior lecturer of the Department of Library and Information Activities. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Merezhko N.E., Senior lecturer of the Department of Socio-Cultural Activities and Tourism. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Minasyan L.A., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. Don State Technical University, Department of "Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry".

Miroshnichenko E.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Cultural Activities and Tourism. Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture.

Noskova N.A., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Economics, Novorossiysk Institute (branch) ANO IN Moscow University of Humanities and Economics.

Petrović M.D., PhD in Geosciences, Associate Professor. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” Social Geography Department, Belgrade, Serbia.

Pilipenko B.A., Student. Russian State Social University.

Pilyak S.A., Associate Professor of Smolensk State University.

Posokhova N.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Socio-Cultural Activities and Tourism. Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Rimsky V.P., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Science. Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture.

Rodionov A.N., Student, Russian State Social University.

Sharupich P.V., Doctor of Practical Sciences, Deputy General Director, Patent LLC, Orel.

Sharupich S.V., Doctor of Practical Sciences, Deputy. Information Technology Director of NIPI "Gradoagroekoprom" LLC "Patent", Orel.

Sharupich T.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Practical Sciences, Deputy. Director of scientific work of NIPI "Gradoagroekoprom" LLC "Patent", Orel.

Sharupich V.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Oryol State University named after N.V. Parakhin, Director of NIPI "Gradoagroekoprom" LLC "Patent", Orel.

Shchetinina M.Yu., Graduate Student. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Shvarev E.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V.Ya. Gorina.

Skuratov A.B., Candidate of Sociological Sciences. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.

Smetana V.V., Candidate of philosophical sciences, International Sociological Association (ISA).

Storchak M.V., Post-graduate student of the Department of state-confessional relations. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.

Xiao Chengyong, Professor, Master, School of Marxism of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law. Shanghai, China. 

Xin Huili, Associate Professor, School of Marxism of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law. Shanghai, China.

Zhou Yanyan, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Foreign Languages Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (China).