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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
Klimenko D.A., Candidate of Philology, Public Project Manager.
Nikashina N.V., Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor of the Theory and Practice of translation, Expert, head of the international edition of "Mission confessions" journal. 
Ryazancev A.P., Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Universita’ degli Studi di Torino - exchange consultant. Project Manager - "Russia-Italy. Dialogue of Cultures".  (Il Responsabile del progetto «Russia-Italia. Il dialogo tra le culture»).
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Sadykova Z.R., Mingazova N.R., Davletshina G.R., Devyatkina R.I. To the question of the influence of religion on the family and family traditions: metaphysical aspect
Romenskaya L.A. Secular and spiritual concepts in the music of J.S. Bach: the ontological principle of pairing in the drama of the 78th cantata
Blokhin D.G. The principle of neo-traditionalism in society. Functioning. Description. Typologization
Gryaznova V.N. Social conditioning of the personnel policy of the state civil service
Bormotova T.M. Society and police: assessment of police activities by sociological services
Gryaznova V.N., Shpeko P.A. State personnel policy in digital transformation: sociological aspect
Wang Haiyan Socio-philosophical view of traditional and modern medicine in China
Novikov D.V. Activities of the associations and national intelligentsia of indigenous ethnic groups in the reflection of Kuzbass press (1990s - early 2000s)
Krotova A.N., Murashko S.F. The state and society interaction in the global socio-political communication
Tikhonina S.A., Klochkova T.N., Shrayner O.W. On the role of sociological research in assessing the quality of preschool education in the region
Ulturgasheva N.D., Alekseeva A.G. Sociocultural and value approaches in the study of family and marriage relations of the indigenous peoples of Siberia
Vorobеva E.S. The genesis of the anime subculture in Japan, Western countries and its formation in Russia
Fu Syaosya Su Shi and his every day






Sadykova Z.R.

Mingazova N.R.

Davletshina G.R.

Devyatkina R.I.

To the question of the influence of religion on the family and family traditions: metaphysical aspect

The driving force behind the influence of religion on the family and family traditions is not only fear of natural phenomena, but also the desire to overcome helplessness before the inevitability of the individual death of each person. The family is associated with the ability to feel the beauty of the world, to overcome hopeless despair. Metaphysical fear is a longing for the lost perfection, like a fear-fear that the good will no longer appear. Family is associated with peace of mind and mercy. The family is associated with the imagery of the world. A truly moral person tries to make sense of the fact that the feelings of spouses are universalized; they go beyond the boundaries of private, selfish interest. On the basis of rich ethnographic, historical and cultural material, the authors substantiate the idea that the spiritual factor is a priority in the organization of the family. A rich home and a well-fed, secure life do not yet give a feeling of happiness. To prevent the disintegration of the family, people should preserve the very beauty of their relationships, in which, i.e. the family must have a transcendental principle. The pragmatic spirit has significantly supplanted the intellectual, cognitive and emotional values of a young person's existence. However, they do not include among the significant and positive values of religious life. The family also has certain ethnic characteristics. This is of great importance for the analysis of the religious and moral dominants of the family as a natural and moral union.

Key words: influence of religion on the family, family traditions, fear of natural phenomena, a sense of the beauty of the world, metaphysical fear, family and imagery of the world, universalization of the feelings of spouses, priority of the spiritual factor, the beauty of relationships, the transcendental beginning in the family, religious and ethnic possibilities of the family, family as a natural and moral union.


Romenskaya L.A.

Secular and spiritual concepts in the music of J.S. Bach: the ontological principle of pairing in the drama of the 78th cantata

The article attempts to consider the 78th cantata of J. S. Bach from the standpoint of reflecting the theological picture of the world of the Baroque era, the complementarity of secular and spiritual types of consciousness that generate the principle of pair in musical drama. The author considers the logic of constructing the artistic whole of the cantata on the intonation-thematic and dramatic levels through a semiotic description of the principle of duality, revealed in the system of images of the work as an indissoluble unity of spiritual and spiritual, secular and religious consciousness.

Key words: principle of pairing, 78 cantata, J.S. Bach, drama, ontology.


Blokhin D.G.

The principle of neo-traditionalism in society. Functioning. Description. Typologization

The article examines three variants of neo-traditionalism that take place in the historical diachronic perspective of the study. To analyze each of the options, the phenomenon of neo-traditionalism was considered in the course of its history. Each of the options and its different properties are considered. These are mainly the features of the stay of neo-tradition in time. The typologization principle described in the article can be considered as a way to distinguish between neo-traditions according to important characteristics of usefulness for society, neutrality or harmfulness and signs of absolute novelty or modernization in a particular period of time of its existence. Typologization based on usefulness for society was carried out for the first time. Attention is paid to the main functions, since through typology, the phenomenon and principles are analyzed in general terms, which is also a scientific novelty. This is done in order to discover the reasons why society returns to lost traditions, reviving them, or rejects existing traditions, deliberately excluding them from the socio-cultural context. From the analysis of the existence of traditions in society, a fundamentally new term is derived - "the principle of neo-traditionalism", which, in turn, is an attempt to describe some of the processes in society and its states that accompany this phenomenon or are its cause to one degree or another of involvement. The result of the study can be considered a way of carrying out typologization and thus (method) of studying the stages of the existence of a tradition in society and its influence on society as a whole. 

Key words: principle of neo-traditionalism, neo-traditionalism, typology, tradition, religiosity, religious neo-traditionalism, reconstruction of traditions, restoration of traditions, phenomenon of neo-traditionalism, religious groups, social groups, ideological groups.


Gryaznova V.N.

Social conditioning of the personnel policy of the state civil service

The article is devoted to the analysis of the personnel policy of the state civil service, the definition of its priorities, taking into account the development of the civil service as a social institution; emphasizes the importance of scientific development of the conceptual foundations of the personnel policy of the state civil service in the modern conditions of socio-economic development of Russia.

Key words: public service as a social institution, personnel policy of public service, personnel potential, social conditionality of personnel policy.


Bormotova T.M.

Society and police: assessment of police activities by sociological services

The author of the article, based on the results of the analysis of sociological information, presents the main differences in the indicators of assessing the work of the police, including among other state and public institutions; peculiarities of the population's perception of various aspects of the activities of subdivisions of internal affairs bodies; the trend of change in the attitude of citizens towards police officers over the past decade.

Key words: police activities, population, public opinion, social services, media communities, and the blogosphere.


Gryaznova V.N.

Shpeko P.A.

State personnel policy in digital transformation: sociological aspect

The article is devoted to determining the features and priorities of the development of state personnel policy in the context of digital transformation; emphasized the importance of developing comprehensive government measures in the labor market aimed at developing the human resources of society in the digital economy.

Key words: state personnel policy, human resources, uncertainty, competencies of personnel in the digital economy.


Wang Haiyan

Socio-philosophical view of traditional and modern medicine in China

Chinese philosophy is original, it has passed a long way in the process of development and formation, from the cult of nature to natural philosophy and religious and philosophical systems. Traditional medicine, attitudes to health and causes of illness are based on the ideas of the surrounding world and human nature of ancient Chinese philosophers, namely the concept of Yin-Yang and the concept of the original Taiji matter, which generates two opposite substances, one and indivisible. Man as a part of nature is constantly dependent on the world around him and develops in harmony. In traditional Chinese medicine, each organ was associated with either the Yang substance or the Yin substance, and the entire structure of the human body and the work of its organs were seen through the prism of Chinese philosophy. In this article, we reviewed the main socio-philosophical view of traditional and modern medicine in China, paying more attention to pulse diagnostics and the U-xing system.

Key words: traditional Chinese medicine, ancient Chinese philosophy, Yin-Yang concept, pulse diagnostics, Wu-xing system.


Novikov D.V.

Activities of the associations and national intelligentsia of indigenous ethnic groups in the reflection of Kuzbass press (1990s - early 2000s)

The article was prepared on the basis of the author's analysis of the image of regional associations of indigenous ethnic groups, formed by the press of the Kemerovo region at the stage of their formation. The author has made the conclusion about the exceptional attention of journalists to the issues of cultural and educational activities and the solution of social problems. The organizational characteristics of the indigenous peoples associations have actually remained outside the field of vision of the press.

Key words: national public associations, association of shor people, association of teleuts «Ene-Bayat», regional press, shors, teleuts.


Krotova A.N.

Murashko S.F.

The state and society interaction in the global socio-political communication

The article analyzes various aspects of interaction between society and the state in modern global communication, characterizes the main tools of global socio-political interaction. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the prospects of using traditional and new mass media in building effective interaction between the state and society.

Key words: sociology of management, global communication, public relations.


Tikhonina S.A.

Klochkova T.N.

Shrayner O.W.

On the role of sociological research in assessing the quality of preschool education in the region

The article is devoted to one of the priority tasks, both in the international context and for the domestic education system - the formation of an integrated system for assessing the quality of preschool education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for preschool education. The article partially presents the results of the conducted study based on ECERS-R scales in key measurable areas in kindergartens of the region. Based on the testing and analysis of the main goals of the system of monitoring the quality of preschool education, its tasks, research objects and quality measurement tools, the author concludes that he has a serious intention to actively apply the methodology and methods of monitoring sociological research in the process of assessing the quality of preschool education, including at the regional and municipal levels. The article proposes to supplement the existing methods for assessing the quality of preschool education in order to achieve a scientifically sound integrated system on which the regional system for managing the quality of preschool education should be based.

Key words: quality of preschool education, sociological research, monitoring, integrated quality assessment system.


Ulturgasheva N.D.

Alekseeva A.G.

Sociocultural and value approaches in the study of family and marriage relations of the indigenous peoples of Siberia

The article deals with the issues of methodology used in studies of family and marriage relations of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. The study of basic values and the analysis of methodological problems of ethnicity, the form of their manifestation and regulation of family and marriage relations of the indigenous peoples of Siberia is impossible without the use of foreign and domestic cultural and historical heritage, including archival materials of manuscript funds, folk art centers and local history museums of the republics of Altai, Khakassia, Tuva, Kemerovo region, as well as the works of modern researchers in the field of ethnic cultures.

Key words: sociocultural approach, value approach, family and marriage relations, indigenous peoples of Siberia.


Vorobеva E.S.

The genesis of the anime subculture in Japan, Western countries and its formation in Russia

The article tells us about the rise of anime as a subculture. An introduction to the concept of anime fandom. The development of anime in countries such as Japan (the origin of anime), the West and Russia. What is such an interest in the anime subculture, its analysis.

Key words: anime, manga, otaku, anime fandom, subculture, social groups, Japan, West, Russia, norms, culture, art.


Fu Syaosya

Su Shi and his every day

If there was a competition between the greatest Chinese writers who have ever lived, then Su Shi from the Song dynasty would have every chance to take first place. He wrote highly artistic poetry, exquisite prose, descriptive poems. He was also very skilled in calligraphy and painting. Additionally, he showed a great interest in life.

There were many changes in his life. He rose quickly in his bureaucratic career, but also failed several times in this governmental service. He was demoted because of his directness; he was not afraid to tell the truth in the face of high-ranking officials. However, he was able to come to terms with any state of affairs, found joy in all manifestations of life, which is reflected in his poems.

Key words: Su Shi, poems, joy in life, cheerfulness, love, life.




Alekseeva A.G., Head of the legal department, police major of the FGKU UVO VNG of the Russian Guard in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Blokhin D.G., Postgraduate student. Astrakhan State University (ASU).

Bormotova T.M., Doctor of sociological Sciences, Chief Researcher of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Davletshina G.R., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State Medical University" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.

Devyatkina R.I., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State Medical University" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.

Fu Syaosya, Instructor of Department of Chinese studies, Far Eastern Federal University.

Gryaznova V.N., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate professor of the department of public service and personnel policy. Institute of Civil Service and Management, Russian Academy of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Klochkova T.N., Candidate of sociological sciences, docent departments of philosophy, sociology and psychology of management, Nizhny Novgorod Institute of management Ranepa.

Krotova A.N., Candidate of Sciences Degree, Russian Presidential Academy (RANEPA).

Mingazova N.R., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State Medical University" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.

Murashko S.F., PhD (Psychol.), Professor, Department of the Russian and Foreign Languages of the Moscow academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Novikov D.V., Candidate of Sciences in History, Associate professor of the Department of theory and history of folk art culture of Kemerovo state Institute of culture.

Romenskaya L.A., Candidate of art history, Associate professor, Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture, department of music theory and vocal and choral art.

Sadykova Z.R., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State Medical University" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.

Shpeko P.A., Graduate of the master's program "Civil Service and Personnel Policy". Institute of Civil Service and Management, Russian Academy of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Shrayner O.W., Postgraduate student of the Department of philosophy, sociology and psychology of management Nizhny Novgorod Institute of management Ranepa.

Tikhonina S.A., Doctor of sociology, Professor, departments of philosophy, sociology and psychology of management, Nizhny Novgorod Institute of management Ranepa.

Ulturgasheva N.D., Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor of Kemerovo state Institute of culture, head of the Department of theory and history of folk art culture of Kemerovo state Institute of culture.

Vorobеva E.S., Senior teacher departments of art and design, Schools of art and humanities. Far Eastern Federal University.

Wang Haiyan, Graduate student. Russian state social university.