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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Melnik S.V. Peacekeeping interreligious dialogue: main conceptual approaches
Gulzhikhan Nurysheva, Nurfer Tercan Mind as a causal system in Al Farabi’s philosophy of music
Shevchenko O.P. Socio-cultural content of entrepreneurial culture: empirical aspects
Gulzhikhan Nurysheva, Nurfer Tercan Perceptual and cognitive importance of balance and entropy in musical rhythms
Ternovaya L.O. Astrotoponymic world as an example of global harmony
Shevchenko O.P. Sociological analysis of culture: some problematic aspects
Chumachenka Z.M. Advantages and risks of political PR in Russia with the involvement of influencers
Tretyakova I.V. On the issue of technologies of social work with labor migrants
Andrievskaya Z.V. National idea and national consciousness in Russian philosophy
Voznesenckiy I.S. Temporal intelligence: from the secret of mastering time to effective management
Popov S.I. «Forecourts» for playing the world and a «crusade» against Philosophy
Pukhir V.M. Moral progress in the postmodern world: illusion or reality? 109
Bormotova T.M., Yakovlev O.V., Mazaev Yu.N., Cherkasov R.V. Comparative analysis of methods of sociological research of drug addiction in a number of foreign countries and in the Russian Federation 116






Melnik S.V.

Peacekeeping interreligious dialogue: main conceptual approaches

The article is devoted to the study of the conceptual foundations of peacemaking interreligious dialogue, the purpose of which is to harmonize relations between followers of different religions. The first part describes four main types of interreligious dialogue: polemical, cognitive, peacemaking and partnership. The second part notes that the peacemaking dialogue can be implemented at three levels: "high" (religious leaders), "middle/conceptual", "grassroots". Three main conceptual approaches of peacemaking interreligious dialogue are identified and considered: (1) emphasizing of "pacifist" values of religions (by quoting sacred texts or interpreting them and formulating principles of positive attitude to other religions), (2) emphasizing similarities (in dogmatics and/or ethics), (3) "personal model" of the dialogue. Examples of the use of these approaches in the practice of interreligious relations are given.

Key words: interreligious dialogue, peacemaking, peacemaking, dialogue, religion, violence, social harmony, tolerance, ethics, G. Kyung.


Gulzhikhan Nurysheva

Nurfer Tercan

Mind as a causal system in Al Farabi’s philosophy of music

Music elaborates through with a more powerful cognition system in which melodies shares some aspects with mathematics and language in general. This research reveals the basic aspects of analysis, music as a self-referential structure and transformative system, and focuses on the concept and definition of perception. 

One of the most important reasons that makes this work valuable is that Farabi's Kitab al-Musika brings new information to his musical research. This overview details the evolutionary development of music and its cultural and psychological impact on the human mind. The concept of musical perception, which is formed as a result of the relationship between perception and music, has been studied.

Key words: philosophy of cognitive science, theory of mind, gravity, music imagination, predictive processing, embodied music cognition.


Shevchenko O.P.

Socio-cultural content of entrepreneurial culture: empirical aspects

The article notes that the Russian entrepreneurial culture is characterized by the presence of a number of features that form its current socio-cultural appearance. The structure of Russian entrepreneurial culture is very complex and contradictory. Among the various methodologies and methods of sociological science used to analyze the socio-cultural content of entrepreneurial culture, it is the qualitative strategy that is most suitable. The author conducted a qualitative sociological study of Russian entrepreneurs (in-depth interviews), which allowed to systematize primary information about the main content elements of entrepreneurial culture.

Key words: society, culture, entrepreneurial culture, socio-cultural image of entrepreneurs, socio-cultural content, empirical analysis, in-depth interviews.


Gulzhikhan Nurysheva

Nurfer Tercan

Perceptual and cognitive importance of balance and entropy in musical rhythms

Among the works, in the paradigmatic memory of musical philosophy, there is a work known as the first treatise on the science of music in the history of philosophy. This treatise is called "Kitab al-Musika al-kabir" by Farabi, which is still known as the most complete encyclopedia of musical philosophy even in our time. In this treatise, Farabi explores different types of music according to their different concepts. The main purpose of this article is to recall the authority of Farabi in the field of musical philosophy. The discussion was based on the position that music is a kind of image in the philosophy of Farabi, as well as the results of neuropsychic and cognitive research in the field of philosophy of neurobiology in recent years.

Key words: philosophy of music, cognition, neuro musicology, effects of music, musical cognition.


Ternovaya L.O.

Astrotoponymic world as an example of global harmony

There are many subjects for geopolitical rivalry in the world and there are very few areas where there is agreement between representatives of different countries and cultures, and such that indicates their deep respect for history, traditions, beliefs, outstanding personalities of other peoples. One of these areas is astrotoponymics, which is responsible for the naming of objects discovered by mankind on other celestial bodies. Astrotoponymics will actively develop due to the growth of scientific and technical opportunities for space exploration. And by what new names the discovered parts of the relief of celestial objects will receive, it will be possible to judge how capable people are to agree on the most important problems of their earthly life.

Key words: geopolitics, space, history, astronomy, onomastics, astrotoponymics.


Shevchenko O.P.

Sociological analysis of culture: some problematic aspects

The article notes that the sociological analysis of culture is associated with a number of epistemological problems that have not found their effective solution since the emergence of sociology in the middle of the XIX century. The classical and modernist stages of sociological cognition were characterized by the emergence of several promising explanatory models of culture as an element of the social system, but the era of the information society marked the genesis of postmodern as a new paradigm of sociological thinking. The modern socio-cultural situation has given rise to several more cognitive problems in relation to the field of sociology of culture related to the entry into the life of the society of information and computer technologies.

Key words: society, social institutions, culture, cultural system, sociological analysis, methodology, problems of cognition.


Chumachenka Z.M.

Advantages and risks of political PR in Russia with the involvement of influencers

The use of social networks for successful political PR provides serious advantages in the form of a loyal audience, popularity among young people, the opportunity to convey their thoughts on a particular issue and be heard by potential voters. For promotion, you can use both your own accounts of parties or politicians, and platforms of influencers. As the campaign for amendments to the 2020 Constitution of the Russian Federation has shown, the attraction of popular bloggers to promote the socio-political agenda is becoming more and more popular. The subject of this article is the benefits and risks of a political PR campaign with the involvement of influencers.

The practical novelty of the study consists in an attempt to examine in detail the opportunities that are provided by the platforms of well-known bloggers to promote a particular political phenomenon, to deduce the patterns of their work and to identify problematic, from the point of view of political PR, tendencies.

The study examines the interpretation of the concept of "influencer", analyzes the features of their work and ways of influencing the audience.

The research is based on the data of Russian and foreign sociology on the influence of influencers on public opinion. To analyze the mechanisms of influencers' work, classical approaches of influence marketing are used, the phenomenon of parasocial relations and the effectiveness of promotion are considered from the point of view of the Theory of two-stage information flow.

In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion about the effectiveness of attracting influencers to political PR campaigns, subject to certain conditions, formulates the pros and cons of such promotion, gives specific examples from modern Russian practice.

Key words: political PR, influencer marketing, influencers, bloggers, social networks, political campaigns, youth, internet.


Tretyakova I.V.

On the issue of technologies of social work with labor migrants

The increase in the flow of foreign citizens annually staying in the Russian Federation for the purpose of fulfilling their labor function makes the issues of their social adaptation to Russian realities topical. Existing social technologies make it possible to optimize the process of integrating foreign citizens into the working environment of the Russian state. In this article, the author characterized social technologies and means of social support implemented by special services in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to facilitate the adaptation of labor migrants to new life, professional and living conditions.

Key words: social technologies, social assistance, social support, labor migrants, Russian Federation, foreign citizens, adaptation, integration, socio-cultural environment.


Andrievskaya Z.V.

National idea and national consciousness in Russian philosophy

The article deals with the phenomenon of the national idea as part of the national consciousness. Interest in this topic increases at turning points in history and is expressed in the search for the meaning of the historical existence of Russia. In the context of the growing tendencies of russophobia, which denies the possibility for the Russian people to be the bearer of a great idea, Russian thought not only acquires high significance and relevance, but also becomes one of the main topics of scientific research. 

Key words: national idea, Russian consciousness, Russian idea, identity, civilization, Russian world, national consciousness, national ideology, Western cosmopolitanism.


Voznesenckiy I.S.

Temporal intelligence: from the secret of mastering time to effective management

Since the end of the last century, the understanding of time as a priority vital resource has become clear. It is realized that time is no less active than on macroeconomic and social processes, it affects every person. Each time, the new generation not only adopts time perception patterns from the previous ones, but also lives the period allotted to it in accordance with the capabilities of its temporal intellect to rethink it. In the context of accelerating socio-economic processes, it is becoming more and more difficult for people to maintain the pace of the race against time. They become prisoners of urge addiction and hostages of countless deadlines. The only way out of this trap is the development of temporal intelligence.

Key words: evolution of time, elasticity of time, chronoception, chronostasis, vertical development, urgent dependence.


Popov S.I.

«Forecourts» for playing the world and a «crusade» against Philosophy

Observing the bases and "directions" of "crusades" against philosophy in the history of intellectual culture is considered. The process of emergence and historical formation of philosophy as a form of rationality and its foundation is analyzed. The formation of rationality is seen as a sequence of changing mental "platforms." Philosophical platforms of thinking are being revealedas those platforms that act like the spiritual foundations of a particular intellectual era and, at the same time, the points of spiritual rejection of this era. A new mental platform, developing the previous one, each time more and more accurately specifies the circle of spiritual phenomena, with respect to those it acts as opposition. Discussing the alleged contours of the modern thinking platform, fate of philosophy and philosophers in our time is taking place.

Key words: thinking platform, rationality, Philosophy, crusade against Philosophy, Metaphysics, science, positivism, Christianity.


Pukhir V.M.

Moral progress in the postmodern world: illusion or reality?

In the article there are possible answers to the question about the perspectives of morality in the post contemporary world. There are: the point of view of integral traditionalism and holism; progressives views of Marxism and technocraty; traditional religious view and moral paradigma – physics of morality. The author analyses the crisis of reason and morality with optimistic point of view.

Key words: post contemporary, moral progress, integral traditionalism, holism, moral landscape, physics of morality.


Bormotova T.M.

Yakovlev O.V.

Mazaev Yu.N.

Cherkasov R.V.

Comparative analysis of methods of sociological research of drug addiction in a number of foreign countries and in the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the description of methodological approaches to the sociological study of the drug situation in a number of foreign countries and in the Russian Federation. The specifics of the development of the drug situation in the countries of the West and Russia suggest the possibility of selective use of the achievements of foreign experience in domestic research practice.

Key words: methodology, methods, drug situation, peculiarities of drug consumption and distribution.




Andrievskaya Z.V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Science. Doctoral Candidate, Southern Federal University.

Bormotova T.M., Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Cherkasov R.V., Candidate of Legal Sciences, FGKU "Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia".

Chumachenka Z.M., Master, student of the DPA program. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Gulzhikhan Nurysheva, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Mazaev Yu.N., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Melnik S.V., Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Head of the Philosophy Department at the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Science (ISISS RAS); senior Research Fellow, Center for Interreligious Dialogue, Bolgar Islamic Academy.

Nurfer Tercan, Doctoral student, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Popov S.I., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Culturology, Kemerovo State medical University.

Pukhir V.M., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy. Kosygin Russian State University.

Shevchenko O.P., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Kuban State University, Krasnodar.

Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).

Tretyakova I.V., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Technologies, Faculty of Sociology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Voznesenckiy I.S., Senior Lecturer, MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).

Yakovlev O.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences. All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.