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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Martyanova K.Y. Restoration of cultural heritage objects in the context of dialogism
Antipova A.A., Kasarkina E.N., Ryabova E.N., Ledyaykin E.E.  The demand for civil initiatives as a factor in the development of cultural traditions in the rural country
Storchak V.M., Storchak M.V. Syncretic contents in the religious worldview of the Khanty and Mansi peoples
Storchak V.M., Tokareva E.M., Storchak M.V. Features of legal regulation of state-confessional relations in modern Russia
Chekhoeva A.I. Assessment of the distributionof power in the administrative apparatus of a state body
Bukhantsova A.V. Theoretical and methodological aspects of studying the relationship of political and national in public consciousness
Shubina M.M., Kozachenko I.S. Philosophical analysis of socio-cultural prerequisites of law
Khokhlova O.M. Civil society in modern Russia
Chumachenko Z.M. Features of attracting influencers to political PR in Russia: why Russian bloggers do not want to promote politicians?
Shevchenko O.P. Entrepreneurial culture: the problem of representation of the concept and the construction of a scientific search strategy





Martyanova K.Y.

Restoration of cultural heritage objects in the context of dialogism

The article analyzes the theory of restoration of cultural values in the context of dialogue, examines the human impact on the preservation of cultural heritage. The author relies on M.M. Bakhtin's concept of dialogism, drawing parallels between restoration processes and the concepts of external and internal dialogue, silence, dying, resurrection.

Key words: philosophy of culture, theory of restoration, renovation, dialogue of cultures, dialogism, M.M. Bakhtin.


Antipova A.A.

Kasarkina E.N.

Ryabova E.N.

Ledyaykin E.E.

The demand for civil initiatives as a factor in the development of cultural traditions in the rural country

In modern conditions, ensuring the sustainable development of rural areas is an urgent problem. Russian researchers come to the conclusion that one of the important resources for the development of rural space is the civil initiatives of the local population. Reconsideration of the importance of forms of civic participation of the rural population can lead to the emergence of new resources that can lead to an increase in the welfare of rural areas and the consolidation of local communities. The article presents data from a study conducted to assess the demand for civic initiatives as a factor in the development of cultural traditions in the countryside and ways to update them in modern society. The main provisions and conclusions can be used to solve the social problems of the modern Russian village and the role of civil initiatives in the preservation of cultural traditions.

Key words:  rural country, cultural heritage, traditions, museum and cultural center, social problems, support.


Storchak V.M.

Storchak M.V.

Syncretic contents in the religious worldview of the Khanty and Mansi peoples

The article examines the religious syncretism of two religions: the local autochthonous religion of the Khanty and Mansi peoples and Russian Orthodoxy. The studied Finno-Ugric peoples were christianized quite late, in the XVIII-XIX centuries, so in their worldview today you can observe a bizarre mixture of Christianity and paganism, especially at the household level.

Key words: religion, syncretism, Khanty, Mansi, Orthodoxy, paganism.


Storchak V.M.

Tokareva E.M.

Storchak M.V.

Features of legal regulation of state-confessional relations in modern Russia

This article discusses the features of the legal regulation of state-confessional relations (GKO) in modern Russia. From the point of view of the legal regulation of T-bills, the authors distinguish the following features: imperativeness, procedurality, limited application, lack of state powers of law enforcement in relation to the doctrine of confessional education, the presence of a governing entity of the State Treasury, etc. The article analyzes the problems of using the categories "confession" and "clergyman". The authors offer their approaches to the legal regulation of these categories.

Key words: law, state-confessional relations, clergyman, confession, religious organization, clergyman.


Chekhoeva A.I.

Assessment of the distribution of power in the administrative apparatus of a state body

This article discusses the basic concepts related to the distribution of powers in the administrative apparatus of a state body. The idea of the distribution of power in the Russian Federation has been successfully implemented for a long time, which is why its essential advantages can be identified. However, despite all the advantages, any mechanism can also have negative features. The purpose of the work is to determine the trends in the development of the distribution of power of the state apparatus. The relevance of the work is connected with the consolidation of the importance of state bodies in the Russian Federation. The research in this article is based on the following methods: analysis, evaluation, survey, comparison.

Key words: authority, hierarchy, decentralization, administrative apparatus, state body, governance, professional knowledge, governance system.


Bukhantsova A.V.

Theoretical and methodological aspects of studying the relationship of political and national in public consciousness

The author of the article proposes to consider the problem of the correlation between the political and the national in the public consciousness, as one of the fundamental problems of the dialectical-materialistic tradition, in one of its little-studied aspects - social information. In the socio-informational aspect, “correlation” is the “action” of the cognitive and regulatory functions of social consciousness, expressed in the appropriate operation of the subject with social information. The study of the problem of the correlation between the national and the political in the public consciousness is to reveal the role of this correlation in a worldview motivated social activity on a single methodological basis.

Key words: public consciousness, correlation, social-information approach, dialectical development, information, social activity.


Shubina M.M.

Kozachenko I.S.

Philosophical analysis of socio-cultural prerequisites of law

Тhe article presents a brief analysis of the cultural foundations of the legal phenomenon using various approaches to its interpretation. Historical periodization is taken as the basis for the theoretical analysis of the socio-cultural prerequisites of law. The article examines the philosophical and legal ideas of primitiveness, antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the New Age, and also touches on certain issues of the development of legal thought of modern culture based on the works of domestic and foreign authors. The work also clarifies certain aspects and features of philosophical and legal research in the light of three main directions: bourgeois law, socialist law and international law.

Key words: law, philosophy, culture, legal consciousness, categories of law, science, man, legal reality.


Khokhlova O.M.

Civil society in modern Russia

The article discusses the state of civil society in modern Russia, provides a comparative analysis of the development of civil society in different countries of the world community, examines the features of civil society, analyzes the problems in the formation of civil society, and determines the prospects for its development for the future. The article considers the forms of interaction between the institutions of the modern Russian state and the emerging institutions of civil society.

Key words: civil society, democracy, public authorities, world community, institutions, modern state.


Chumachenko Z.M.

Features of attracting influencers to political PR in Russia: why Russian bloggers do not want to promote politicians?

The use of social networks in political PR provides serious advantages in the form of a loyal audience, popularity among young people, the opportunity to convey their thoughts on a particular issue and be heard by potential voters. It is not surprising that this tool has been actively used in election campaigns in the US and Europe for several years now. For promotion, you can use both your own accounts of parties or politicians, as well as platforms of influencers. In Russia, as shown by the campaign for amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020 and the elections to the State Duma in 2020, there is a request to attract popular bloggers to promote the social and political agenda. However, despite the obvious advantages of this channel for delivering information to potential voters, it is used very little in Russia. What is the reason for such a low involvement of influencers in political PR is trying to find out the author of this article. To do this, a study was conducted with the involvement of Russian bloggers, whose audience on social networks exceeds one million people. Moreover, the authors of blogs were involved in the sample, whose topics are not directly related to the socio-political agenda, while having a stable loyal audience of the electorally active age. As part of semi-structured interviews, influencers explain the specifics of PR in the Russian segment of social networks, why they do not take political advertising and are in no hurry to support individual candidates or representatives of political parties.

Key words: political PR in Russia, influence of social networks, influencers, bloggers, social networks in Russia, political campaigns, blogs, subscribers.


Shevchenko O.P.

Entrepreneurial culture: the problem of representation of the concept and the construction of a scientific search strategy

The article notes that modern sociology shows considerable interest in the analysis of the entrepreneurial culture of Russian society. At the same time, the cognitive capabilities of sociological science are seriously limited due to the semantic uncertainty of the concept of "entrepreneurial culture". The epistemological problem is aggravated due to the existence of contradictions in the theoretical and methodological constructions of various social sciences, whose sphere of interests includes entrepreneurial culture.

Key words: society, culture, entrepreneurial culture, sociological analysis, semantics of the concept, indicators, epistemological problems.




Antipova A.A., Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor of Department of sociology and social work, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University.

Bukhantsova A.V., Postgraduate student, Novosibirsk State Technical University.

Chekhoeva A.I., Graduate student of the Institute of public administration and civil service, of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, chief specialist-expert Department of Investment Affairs of the Federal Agency for state property management.

Chumachenko Z.M., Master. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Kasarkina E.N., Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor of Department of sociology and social work, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University.

Khokhlova O.M., Candidate of Philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law the East-Siberian branch of The Russian State University of Justice, Irkutsk.

Kozachenko I.S., Postgraduate student, FGBOU VPO of the Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch) DSTU in the city of Shakhty.

Ledyaykin E.E., Candidate of sociological sciences, President MROO "New Village".

Martyanova K.Y., Postgraduate student of the Department of Cultural Studies and Library and Information Resources. Ogarev Mordovian State University.

Ryabova E.N., Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Federal Centre for Educational Legislation.

Shevchenko O.P., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Kuban State University.

Shubina M.M., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Dept. Social and humanitarian disciplines FSBEI HPE of the Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) of the DSTU in the city of Shakhty.

Storchak V.M., Doctor of philosophical science. Professor of the Department of State-Confessional Relations, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).

Storchak M.V., Post-graduate student of the Department of state-confessional relations. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).

Tokareva E.M., Candidate of social Sciences. Associate Professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).