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 Expert Council of the International FPMOandMK
"Etnosotsium" recognized as the best in the categories
"International development of interethnic relations",
"Ethnosocial development of Russia",
"State and civil society"
Chairman of the Editorial Board
Zyazikov M.M., Doctor of philosophical sciences, lieutenant general
Doktor Fabio Bajo, Director of the International Institute for Migration Scalabrini Pontifical Urban University
Chief Editor
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Deputy Chief Editor
Bessonova E.G., Candidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor philosophy and culture, head of education Work and Youth Policy of St. Petersburg State University.
Solonin K.U., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics Chinese People's University. Beijing.
Chapkin S.V., Academician of the Academy of Ecology and Law, President of the Foundation PMKandOMO.
The observers:
Expert advice;
Editorial Council;
Supervisory Council.


Medvedko S.L. Old Testament stories in the chronotope of Syria. Part one. Traditions of Damascus
Danilov V.L., Gorbunova K.A. Adaptation of migrant religious communities in the context of state integration policy

Li Zhi Characteristics and trends in the development of world sculpture art in the 20th century
Liu Xu Strategies and perspectives of Chinese traditional culture development within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative
Shi Ke Soft power of culture as a tool of China’s influence in the international arena

Frunzeeva Z.N., Mairambek kyzy Adina, Brusilovskii D.A. Socio–philosophical aspects of mind control in the information society
Kordas O.M. The essence of the mask in the concrete metaphysics of P.A. Florensky
Guo Shixing Aesthetic education of a trumpeter at a University
Gabdrakhmanov E.T. Social conflict - object of research in social philosophy
Azaryan S.G. The role of television in the modern worldview of society
Atorin R.Y. The relevance of the social fuctions of religion
Bormotova T.M. Political sentiments as a resource for motivating Russians’ behavior on the Internet
Turkulets S.E., Listopadova E.V., Meretskaya N.A. Marginalization as a form of social stigmatization
Garanina A.B. Modern trends in the education of foreign students: the role of the educational environment of the university in sociocultural adaptation
Zotova A.A., Tikhomirova N.A. Special events as a key factor in raising public awareness of charitable foundations’ activities
Proskuryakov R.A. Smart city: sociology of color perception
Seleverstov R.E., Tkach E.N. Russian mentality: main features and objective factors of their formation
Khabarova O.L., Vronskaya N.G., Zipunnikova T.A., Zhuravleva I.A. The study of understanding the role of a healthy lifestyle in maintaining the health of University students
Zhao Hui Educational inequality in modern Chinese society
Shalagina E.V. Mentoring in education: attitudes of young teachers (based on applied research materials)






Medvedko S.L.

Old Testament stories in the chronotope of Syria. Part one. Traditions of Damascus

In this article, the author makes an attempt to show how some Old Testament plots are interpreted, refracted and reinterpreted in folk legends, stories and traditions in Syria. At the same time, here we are talking about those episodes of the Old Testament, which, as Syrians are convinced, took place on their land. That is why, the main part of the article is based on the field research conducted there by the author, as well as on the numerous conversations and interviews with clergymen and residents of various regions of the Syrian Arab Republic, and finally on the study of the Old Testament and the Quran texts. The author tries to systematize the materials he received.  And he traces how the traditions, tales, narratives and Quranic plots, that have come down to our days, relate to the Old Testament legends of the Bible and how they differ from their Christian interpretation. Of course, the stories mentioned above and folk tales should not be taken as indisputable historical facts. However, these legends live among the Syrians and, together with their traditions, have been passed down from generation to generation for more than centuries, or rather, for more than millennium. And this is already a fact that the author decided not to ignore. The theme of the interweaving of Biblical, Quranic and folk tales today, as we see it, can be very relevant and in demand. After all, in our difficult and unfortunately not peaceful times it is so important not to dwell on differences and contradictions, but on the contrary - to find a common ground among different peoples, especially in such fields as religion, culture, traditions, history. This is the relevance and actuality of this subject. And not only for Syria and the Middle East, but much wider.

Key words: Syria, Damascus, prophets, Bible, Old Testament, Quran, legend.


Danilov V.L.

Gorbunova K.A.

Adaptation of migrant religious communities in the context of state integration policy

The article discusses the issues of adaptation and integration of migrants in Russia, the specifics of migration flow, and the formation of enclaves in Russian cities. The authors pay attention to the role of government bodies in regulating migration, including organizing meetings to explain the rules of registration and obtaining a patent. The article also addresses the perception of migrants by the local population and changes in public opinion towards newcomers. The study highlights the complexity of the integration process, caused not only by legislative barriers but also by social and cultural differences, and points to growing concerns related to the formation of enclaves that may become uncontrollable and change the cultural background of cities.

Key words: migration, Russia, enclaves, adaptation, integration, migrants, government regulation, public opinion, legislation, security, cultural differences, socio-economic aspects.


Li Zhi

Characteristics and trends in the development of world sculpture art in the 20th century

The article examines the peculiarities of world sculpture art in the 20th century compared to other eras. The focus is on war as the most significant phenomenon that influenced the sculpture art of this period. Soviet sculpture art of the 20th century is compared with other countries. The development features in artistic styles such as minimalism, cubism, surrealism, classicism are noted.

Key words: sculpture art of the 20th century, sculpture art of the USSR, cubism, minimalism, surrealism, classicism, synthesis of arts, Vietnamese sculpture art, European sculpture.


Liu Xu

Strategies and perspectives of Chinese traditional culture development within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative

After the 18th All-China Congress of the CPC, which announced the beginning of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a new era of the rise of the Chinese Non-native Republic began. Under the new prevailing conditions, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the launch of a new project, the short name of which is "Belt and Road". This initiative is an important event for China because, on the one hand, it promotes regional economic integration and international trade and economic exchanges, and on the other hand, it promotes the spread of traditional Chinese culture. The purpose of this paper is to identify the role of traditional Chinese culture in the concept of China's Belt and Road Initiative by analyzing the commonalities between the wisdom views of the past and the strategic decisions of the present. The methods used in this paper are descriptive method, historical method, and comparative analysis method. The results of the study showed that traditional Chinese culture is a mediator of cooperation between states, for it is based on harmony, justice and wisdom. The author of the article concludes that time has no power to destroy the traditional Chinese culture, which constantly lives in the thoughts, feelings and deeds of the Chinese people and will put not only future generations of Chinese, but also representatives of other nations on the true way. 

Key words: culture, traditional Chinese culture, People's Republic of China, "Belt and Road", Xi Jinping.


Shi Ke

Soft power of culture as a tool of China's influence in the international arena

Nowadays the concept of “soft power” has been increasingly integrated into China’s diplomatic strategy and foreign policy. In order to become an active player in the international arena, it is not enough for China to use only hard power. Soft power in its Chinese interpretation is the reason why China is gradually becoming a leader in the international arena. There are many manifestations of Chinese soft power. But the most important one is culture. This article attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of Chinese cultural soft power through two tools that can be called public diplomacy and intercultural communication strategies: the Confucius Institute and the mass communication media. By examining these two soft power tools, the author of the article concludes that soft power can play a significant role in shaping China's image in the international arena.

Key words: soft power, culture, international relations, public diplomacy, Confucius Institute, mass media.


Frunzeeva Z.N.

Mairambek kyzy Adina

Brusilovskii D.A.

Socio–philosophical aspects of mind control in the information society

The article is devoted to the socio–philosophical aspects of mind control in the information society. Purpose of the study: socio–philosophical understanding of the specifics of mind control in the information society. Research methods: scientific abstraction, generalisation, synthesis, method of ascent from abstract to concrete, theoretical analysis of literature, method of philosophical justification. It is shown that the socio-philosophical foundations of consciousness management in the information society should be studied in the context of the main features of the information and network society. Control of consciousness in the information society is mediated by the properties of information and information and communication processes that unfold in the network information and communication space. Consciousness management in the network society provides cultural and information security. Information and communication processes in network interaction have a significant impact on changes in spiritual, sociocultural and ideological attitudes of individual and collective consciousness. The greatest controlling influence in information management of consciousness has the subject that possesses knowledge and disseminates it - the decision through communication channels. It is concluded that the mechanisms for controlling individual and collective consciousness in a network society are based on information–psychological, network and image technologies for controlling consciousness. Network management technologies in modern society have access to the consciousness, subconscious and collective unconscious of subjects of the information and communication space. The specificity of network management technologies provides the ability to program the consciousness of subjects of network interaction at the level of the value–target subsystem of management communication and thus influence the transformation of public consciousness. The authors of the article paid special attention to the principles of building the information system of society, its transformation and digitalisation.

Key words: information society, digital globalization, consciousness, management consciousness, information, information management, network technologies.


Kordas O.M.

The essence of the mask in the concrete metaphysics of P.A. Florensky

In the concrete metaphysics of the Russian theologian and philosopher P.A. Florensky combines a religious, philosophical and cultural studies approach to understanding culture in its spiritual and material integrity. The core of this integrity is the symbol, manifested in artistic reality and religious experience. In the article, through reference to the symbolic triad of P.A. Florensky’s “icon-painted face / face / image”, as well as the categories of vision and visibility, reveals the ambivalent nature of the mask phenomenon. An appeal to Florensky’s work “Iconostasis” shows the different paths the development of the mask in culture took. Depending on the ideological choice of the individual, preference for the spiritual or worldly, the mask can either reveal the timeless essence of the personality, which is manifested in the face and icon, or hide, replace the essence, then the mask turns into a mask.

Key words: P.A. Florensky, concrete metaphysics, mask, icon-painted face, face, guise.


Guo Shixing

Aesthetic education of a trumpeter at a University

The article examines the key role of aesthetic education in the training of trumpeters at the university level. Throughout the 80-90s, traditional education in the field of trumpet playing in Russia mainly focused on the classical repertoire, neglecting the developing stylistic trends in music and the requirements of modern society. However, with the entry into the Bologna Process in 2003, universities realized the urgent need to modernize education in the field of trumpet playing in accordance with the requirements of the modern era.

This article examines the transformation of education in the field of trumpet playing, describes how universities in Russia have expanded their curricula to include a wide range of musical genres and styles, integrated music history and assessment courses, promoted interdisciplinary cooperation, conducted seminars on interpretation and expressiveness, and introduced modern technologies.

The importance of aesthetic education for trumpeters is explained, its role in increasing artistic sensitivity, understanding the historical and cultural context of music, promoting universality, increasing audience engagement and opening doors to a variety of career opportunities is emphasized. Aesthetic education goes beyond technical mastery, educating comprehensively developed musicians who breathe life into the notes they perform, fascinate the audience and leave an indelible mark on the world of music.

Key words: learning to play the trumpet, aesthetic education, music program, master classes in interpretation, versatile musicians, modern technologies.


Gabdrakhmanov E.T.

Social conflict - object of research in social philosophy

From the standpoint of social philosophy, the article reveals the content of the conflict, examines the main elements of social conflict, and traces its influence on the processes of social change. Content analysis of Russian and foreign literature made it possible to analyze the understanding of social conflict in society through historical stages, to identify the main philosophers who made a significant contribution to the study of the phenomenon of “social conflict”. The causes of occurrence and stages of development of social conflicts are analyzed. The main strategies for resolving social conflicts are highlighted.

Key words: social conflict, conflict theory, conflict escalation, globalization, types of social conflicts, stages of conflict, conflict resolution strategies.


Azaryan S.G.

The role of television in the modern worldview of society

In the article, based on the understanding of television as the central institution for the formation of a public and personal worldview, the author analyzes the origins of the dichotomy of uncertainty in the future, dictated by the ideological platform of postmodernism and optimism, as an expression of the idea of freedom and relativity of any systematized world order system. The author argues that the course of development of civilization has progressively led to the emergence of postmodern ideas in the depths of classical philosophy. K. Marx's doctrinal platform, based on a materialistic understanding of the course of world history, basically had a message for the emergence in subsequent theories, for the rejection of a complete and understandable theory in explaining the world as a system. Theorists of the philosophy of postmodernism consider the word, which is important as a semantic unit, as the basis for perception of the surrounding reality. Therefore, the text acts as a combination of semantic and axeological meanings. The subjective nature of information perception by a modern person in the light of innovative perception of life is not exceptional, but acts as a pattern of general subjectivity. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about manipulation as a phenomenon of modern media. In modern life, it is the television screen that is the guide to the reality of postmodernism.

Key words: mass media, philosophy of television, transformation of worldview, emergence of postmodernism ideas, postmodern worldview, inculturation, compensation of resources.


Atorin R.Y.

The relevance of the social fuctions of religion

The formation of the national ideal in modern Russia takes place taking into account the historically established type of traditional culture, historical memory and self-awareness of society. The formation of Russian civilization took place in close connection with the archetype of religiosity and the influence it had on the development of the national spirit. The formation of a new social ideal is associated with a return to the values of traditional culture, which, in turn, is unthinkable without religiosity and is largely based on the latter, and therefore it is necessary to identify the relevance of those functions of religion that somehow, directly or indirectly contribute to the birth of this ideal.

The article presents a religious and socio-philosophical excursion into how the influence of religiosity on society and an individual is carried out and how religion, as a social phenomenon, performs its functions.

Key words: religion, religiosity, religious culture, society, social functions of religion.


Bormotova T.M.

Political sentiments as a resource for motivating Russians’ behavior on the Internet

The article, based on the results of empirical research, analyzes the political sentiments of Russian citizens, the motivation of their behavior on the Internet, and the factors shaping their political position. The dominant types of information that have a greater influence on the formation of political views in different social groups are described. The forms of interaction of Internet users in social networks and their influence on changes in political sentiments are analyzed.

Key words: political sentiments, political motivation, political factors, political content, political behavior.


Turkulets S.E.

Listopadova E.V.

Meretskaya N.A.

Marginalization as a form of social stigmatization

The article attempts to present the main socio-humanitarian theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of marginality. Based on the analysis of theoretical sources, social-philosophical, sociological, psychological, theoretical-legal and cultural approaches are distinguished. A comparison is made of the concepts of marginalization and social stigma. It is argued that marginalization is, in fact, one of the forms of social stigmatization, that is, the “stigmatization” of individuals who, due to various circumstances, find themselves “outside” their usual social environment. An opinion is given about a positive assessment of marginalization as a source of social innovation. It is noted that personal, public and state security, as well as the prospects for the development of Russian society as a whole, depend on understanding the nature, essence, meaning and social consequences of marginalization and social stigmatization.

Key words: marginality, marginalization, social process, social stigmatization, social exclusion, adaptation.


Garanina A.B.

Modern trends in the education of foreign students: the role of the educational environment of the university in sociocultural adaptation

The article analyses the role of the educational environment of the university as one of the key factors of successful socialization of foreign students in the learning process. The author considers a modern university not only as a source of knowledge, but also as an educational space in which students adapt to new conditions for them and master the norms of behaviour in Russian society. According to the author, in addition to academic training, foreign students need to create conditions that will fully contribute to their successful adaptation to the new cultural and historical environment and the formation of a positive attitude towards Russian education, culture and society as a whole.

Key words: university educational environment, socialization and integration, general cultural context, organizational and psychological aspects.


Zotova A.A.

Tikhomirova N.A.

Special events as a key factor in raising public awareness of charitable foundations' activities

Special events are an effective tool for raising awareness of an organization's activities. The case with the practice of charitable foundations is not an exception. It should be taken into account that these associations in the framework of modern development of society are considered as the most important component of support for those in need. However, not every foundation is able to financially sustain itself in the long term. This problem, of course, can be solved through the expedient use of special events by charitable foundations to raise awareness of their activities. Thus, the relevance of the study is related to the reasonable use of special events as a tool to raise awareness of the activities of foundations in the field of medicine and therapeutic and preventive actions in the framework of modern social development.

Key words: special events, charitable foundations, non-profit organizations, target audience, public relations, special events tools, effectiveness of special events.


Mylnikova E.M.

Kudina M.V.

Yakupova O.V.

Shardakova I.S.

Features of work motivation from the position of sociological analysis

Issues of motivation, and in particular work motivation, are presented at a fairly high quality level in many studies. Approaches to determining the essence of work motivation vary depending on the scientific direction within which this concept is considered. Also, the view regarding the topic of work motivation may be different, since it is necessary to take into account the time period during which this issue is being studied. The authors of this article conducted a study of the characteristics of work motivation from the position of sociological analysis, which made it possible to identify two main determinants of this process. From the point of view of sociological diagnostics, work motivation can be characterized not only as an internal motivation of the employee himself, but also as an external influence on the part of the employer. The identified features of work motivation can be used by managers of organizations, companies and/or enterprises that occupy various management positions (according to the management hierarchy) as a basis for developing a personnel motivation model.

Key words: work motivation, personal motivation, motives, needs, interests, values, motivating influences, social roles, need disposition.


Proskuryakov R.A.

Smart city: sociology of color perception

In the context of new types of urban communities emerging today, which differently assess the active changes observed in modern lifestyles, the need for a comprehensive study of the concept of “Smart City” and its perception increases. Sociology, therefore, faces the challenge of expanding interdisciplinary research in order to more fully assess the ongoing situation. Most sociological studies of the Smart City concept are aimed at identifying citizens’ assessment of the potential and actual level of comfort and convenience of life in a new type of city, the management of the economy and infrastructure of which is carried out on a digital basis. The use of a color test in studying the image of a “Smart City” opens up new opportunities for understanding ongoing processes.

Key words: smart city, smart person, smart leader, smart things, virtual world.


Seleverstov R.E.

Tkach E.N.

Russian mentality: main features and objective factors of their formation

The article presents the main (basic) features of the Russian mentality, describes the objective factors under the influence of which they were formed during the historical development of Russia. It is noted that in the process of the upcoming spiritual and moral revival of Russian society, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. The Russian mentality is understood as a set of stable life attitudes and behavior patterns formed in the process of historical development of Russia. Only strategies formulated through the prism of mentality will make it possible, on the one hand, to reveal further identified mechanisms of Russia’s development, and, on the other hand, to prevent the practice of social experimentation, leading to negative and sometimes tragic consequences.

Key words: mentality, natural-geographical and geopolitical factor, confessional choice, statehood, patriotism, conciliarity, collectivism, social justice.


Khabarova O.L.

Vronskaya N.G.

Zipunnikova T.A.

Zhuravleva I.A.

The study of understanding the role of a healthy lifestyle in maintaining the health of University students

Conducting surveys is an important tool for obtaining information and making informed decisions in various fields. This article deals with the problem of preserving the health of students, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The statistical data on students' awareness of the state of health, compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle and the prevalence of bad habits are presented.

Key words: healthy lifestyle, students, health status, questionnaire, awareness, bad habits.


Zhao Hui

Educational inequality in modern Chinese society

China, as the largest country in Asia and one of the leading economic powers in the world, has made significant strides in education in recent years, ensuring universal access to basic education and expanding higher education opportunities. Nevertheless, despite these achievements, educational inequality remains a serious problem affecting the opportunities and life prospects of the country's citizens. Consequently, the problem of inequality of access to quality education remains relevant. In this article, we will look at the main manifestations and causes of educational inequality in modern Chinese society, as well as discuss the measures taken by the government and society to eliminate it.

The purpose of the work: to investigate the main factors causing educational inequality in modern Chinese society and identify their consequences.


- identify the causes of inequality in China's education sector;

- to reveal the consequences of educational inequality;

- identify measures to eliminate inequality.

Methods and methodology: methods of comparison, comparison, generalization, research methodology, justification, analysis.

Research results: The Chinese government plays an important role in using technology to reduce educational inequality, and continued investment in this area can lead to a more just and prosperous society for all.

Key words: educational inequality, causes, consequences.


Shalagina E.V.

Mentoring in education: attitudes of young teachers (based on applied research materials)

The article analyzes the situation of personnel shortage in the education system through the issues of securing young teachers in the profession. Mentoring is traditionally included in the arsenal of basic adaptation mechanisms that contribute to the effective passage of the most difficult period in a teaching career - the initial one. However, in modern conditions, forms, methods, and techniques of mentoring support must take into account the needs of a young specialist and be based on his real deficits. The author describes ideas about the positive and negative aspects of today's mentoring practices, based on the results of an applied sociological study conducted in the Ural region in 2021-2022.

Key words: young teacher, consolidation in the profession, professional adaptation, mentoring.




Atorin R.Y., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the State University of Managemen.

Azaryan S.G., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Cultural Activities. Krasnodar State Institute of Culture.

Bormotova T.M., Doctor of Social Sciences, Associate Professor. Russian State Social University.

Brusilovskii D.A., Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department for the Development of International Research Communications "IlimGrad". Kyrgyz–Russian Slavic University.

Danilov V.L., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theology, Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Faculty of History, Theology and International Relations, Dostoevsky Omsk State University.

Frunzeeva Z.N., Postgraduate student. Kyrgyz–Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin.

Gabdrakhmanov E.T., Graduate Student. Ufa University of Science and Technology.

Garanina A.B., Senior Lecturer. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration of the Russian Federation.

Gorbunova K.A., Lecturer at the Department of Universal History, Faculty of History, Theology and International Relations, Dostoevsky Omsk State University.

Guo Shixing, Graduate Student. Vladimir State University, Vladimir.

Khabarova O.L., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Pacific State University.

Kordas O.M., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor. Department of Theology, Philosophy and Cultural Studies. Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky.

Kudina M.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm National Research Polytechnic University», Perm.

Listopadova E.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk.

Liu Xu, Graduate student. Siberian Federal University.

Li Zhi, Graduate student Institute of Design and Arts of Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.

Mairambek kyzy Adina, Postgraduate student. Institute of Philosophy named after. Academician A.A. Altmyshbaeva National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Medvedko S.L., Candidate of History (PhD). Russian State University for the Humanities.

Meretskaya N.A., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines, Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk.

Mylnikova E.M., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm National Research Polytechnic University», Perm.

Proskuryakov R.A., Graduate Student. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration of the Russian Federation.

Seleverstov R.E., Associate Professor, Candidate of Рhilosophical Sciences, Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.

Shalagina E.V., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Cultural Studies. Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg.

Shardakova I.S., Head of Department. Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Perm Territory for the city of Perm, Perm.

Shi Ke, Graduate student. Siberian Federal University.

Tikhomirova N.A., Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov.

Tkach E.N., Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.

Turkulets S.E., Doctor of philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk.

Vronskaya N.G., Senior lecturer. Far Eastern Federal University.

Yakupova O.V., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management and Marketing. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm National Research Polytechnic University», Perm.

Zhao Hui, Graduate Student. Department of Theoretical and Special Sociology named after M.A. Budanova.

Zhuravleva I.A., Senior lecturer. Far Eastern Federal University.

Zipunnikova T.A., Senior lecturer. Far Eastern Federal University.

Zotova A.A., Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov.