Komleva V.V. Religious institutions as regulators of the moral paradigm in geopolitics
Ternovaya L.O. The unity of the choir is the unity of souls
Hainickaya E.A. Modern pilgrimage and religious tourism in the Jewish Autonomous Region (based on the example of Eparchial Women's Monastery)
Liu Fangfei Confucianism as a vector of the formation of diplomacy on the example of China
Ilyukhina V.V. Evolution of the social and philosophical catholic doctrine
Zimin P.G. Theology as a factor of political regularities
Kasatkin P.I. Education in the context of the philosophy of culture: from new times to modern times
Ivakin G.A. "So that no one in the Union would have reason to challenge the authority of the Congress ...": "Dubrovinsky" Congress of the Union of Russian People
Sun Yan Strategy "One belt is one way" in the socio-cultural and economic cooperation between China and Russia and its impact on the development of processes in intercultural communication and the dialogue of cultures
Palamarenko E.V. Christian presence in the State of Israel on the example of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem: challenges and prospects
Isaev V.A., Filonik A.O., Morozov V.I. Problems in adaptation of the oil and gas mining industry in the Gulf monarchies to the current conditions
Morozov V.M., Nosenko T.V., Krylov A.V. The dynamics of the conflict between Israel and the Hamas organization in the period 2014-2016
Ternovaya L.O.
The unity of the choir is the unity of souls
Choral singing has been known since ancient times. In religious and secular traditions, it always played the role of uniting people. Singing in the choir not only gave the person the opportunity to feel their unity with the surrounding people and nature, but gave new strength.
Therefore, during the years of military trials outstanding works for the choir were born. But the choir also called for peace. And now choral singing is one of the directions of international cooperation.
Keywords: choir, church music, national anthem, choral movement, international cooperation.
Hainickaya E.A.
Modern pilgrimage and religious tourism in the Jewish Autonomous Region (based on the example of Eparchial Women's Monastery)
The article describes the traditional forms of religious tourism and pilgrimage. The general causes of the pilgrimages, their goals. This article describes the cases of pilgrimage by the example of St. Innocent Orthodox Women's Monastery in the JAR. St. Innocent Orthodox Women's Monastery is the only monastery in the Jewish Autonomous Region, in the region which has never been such a religious institution. Naturally, this fact determines the specificity of women's monastery. The monastery had to overcome financial difficulties, to organize their activities based on their own experiences and experiences of other Orthodox monasteries. The principal activities of the Orthodox monasteries are: religious (spiritual), missionary, cultural and educational, social, charitable. Religious tourism and pilgrimage are a shining example of cultural and educational activities. Since the St. Innocent Orthodox Women's Monastery is the only monastery in the JAR, then naturally it attracts people who make pilgrimages to the village Razdolnoe where it is located. There are monastery guided tours for pilgrims, when guides speak about the shrines and holy. Many pilgrims come after such trips in Razdolnoe and remain in the monastery for some time to live. The article presents the cases of pilgrimage not only by Orthodox Russia, but by the Catholics of Europe as well. The St. Innocent Orthodox Women's Monastery and Birobidzhan diocese actively cooperates with Far Eastern Khabarovsk diocese pilgrimage center.
Keywords: St. Innocent convent, JAR, pilgrimage, religious tourism, religious processions, Orthodoxy, Far Eastern Khabarovsk diocese pilgrim center.
Liu Fangfei
Confucianism as a vector of the formation of diplomacy on the example of China
The work is devoted to the connection between Confucian ideas and the diplomacy of the PRC. China officially states it "unswervingly pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. The paper analyzes China's Independent Foreign Policy of Peace and brings Confucian ideas out of it.
Keywords: Confucianism, China's foreign policy, Confucian ideas, diplomacy of PRC.
Ilyukhina V.V.
Evolution of the social and philosophical catholic doctrine
The article examines the evolution of the social doctrine of the Catholic Church from the time it was created to the period of the pontificate of John Paul II. The chronological scope of the article is determined by the dynamics of the development of the social doctrine of the Church and its peculiarities. The author concludes that the birth of social doctrine of Catholicism took place long before 1891, when Pope Leo XIII released the encyclical "Rerum Novarum" ("On the nature of things"). Already in the teachings of Thomas Aquinas we find the beginnings of social doctrine, which later received its development and consolidation in the official documents of the Catholic Church.
Keywords: social doctrine, Catholic Church, Catholicism, Leo XIII, Thomas Aquinas.
Zimin P.G.
Theology as a factor of political regularities
The article considers some problems regarding mutual influence theology and politics. The term political theology has spread in the 20th century thanks to K. Shmitt. In the work “Political Theology” he claimed the concept of the modern theory of the state to be secularized theology. This work concerned the Western States. However, nowadays the connection of politics and theology in so-called “political Islam” is presented by the West as unique phenomenon. The article makes an attempt to prove that this connection of politics and theology is not unique and concerns not only Islam, but modern neoliberalism as well.
Keywords: Islam, neo-liberalism, society, political Islam, religion, theology, civilization.
Kasatkin P.I.
Education in the context of the philosophy of culture: from new times to modern times
The article attempts to understand the cultural and phylosophical evolution of the concept of "education" in the Modern Age, as well as the postmodern paradigm of social and cultural development that followed it. The author concludes that over the centuries education has received a different cultural philosophical connotation. This concerned both the praxeological and axiological aspects of education. To date, two tendencies in the development of education are clearly distinguishable, which can be traced through the prism of its comprehension by the philosophy of culture: globalistic-postmodern and humanitarian-traditional.
Keywords: education, culture philosophy, Modernity, postmodernism, culture, New time, Enlightenment, the evolution of education.
Ivakin G.A.
"So that no one in the Union would have reason to challenge the authority of the Congress ...": "Dubrovinsky" Congress of the Union of Russian People
The published documents reflect the discussion in the Black-Hundred environment on issues submitted for discussion at the Fifth NRC Congress, as well as the problems of its organization and conduct. Among them, notes and reports of the territorial departments of the Union, addressed to A.I. Dubrovin, in which the positions of their leadership are expressed, and also the growing disagreements in the Black-Hundred environment are reflected. The publication includes previously unpublished original documents, including manuscripts related to the preparation and holding of the Fifth All-Russian Congress of the Union of the Russian People, kept in the GA RF (F. 116. Op. 1. D. 14) for 1911.
Keywords: A.I. Dubrovin, N.E. Markov, the Union of the Russian people, the NRC, right-monarchism, the Black Hundreds.
Sun Yan
Strategy "One belt is one way" in the socio-cultural and economic cooperation between China and Russia and its impact on the development of processes in intercultural communication and the dialogue of cultures
The interaction of China and Russia is determined by geographical location and historical development. The Chinese initiative, The economic belt and the Silk Road is not just a transit and transport land route directed to Central and West Asia, Central and Eastern Europe and the Silk Road of the sea - to South-East Asia.Tthis is a complex geostrategic plan for the economic and socio-cultural development of a number of foreign states , which includes numerous cooperation projects in the field of infrastructure, industry, culture, trade and services that will ensure stable and safe environment for the development of intercultural relations and dialogue of cultures. Therefore, the problem of modern understanding of the processes of intercultural interaction and dialogue of cultures by scientists of China and Russia is relevant in connection with the fact of China's implementation of the economic strategy "One belt - one way".
Keywords: one belt - one way, economic and sociocultural relations, border area, culture, education, tourism industry, initiative, strategy, dialogue of cultures, intercultural communication.
Palamarenko E.V.
Christian presence in the State of Israel on the example of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem: challenges and prospects
The Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem is the oldest representation of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. Acting since 1847 in the Holy Land, the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem was an eyewitness of the change in the forms of political structure in Palestine. The fate of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem is associated with seven decades of prosperity, when its property grew and Russia's authority in the Middle East grew. Over the expansion of its presence came seven decades associated with the loss of many infrastructure facilities, the dampening of previously large-scale activities and the reduction of the main tasks to preserve the remaining property, which was looked after by the pilgrims who had left the prerevolutionary time. The collapse of the Soviet Union, freed the church from the shackles of constant supervision, made travel abroad unhindered. The Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem received a new life, expressed in the previously unknown influx of pilgrims and the expansion of their responsibilities, when the traditional duties associated with prayer for Russia and the organization of pilgrimage added concern for the Russian-speaking population permanently residing in Palestine, who came to Israel as repatriates or who created families in their new homeland. At present, the main tasks of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem are activities aimed at preserving the property left after the deprivations of the Soviet era, organizing a pilgrimage at a qualitatively new level, and spiritual nourishment of Russian-speaking Christians. The author's reflections on the existing phase of the Arab-Israeli confrontation and its correlation with the religions of Palestine, as well as on the necessary intensification of the activities of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem in the most promising areas: cultural, religious, and tourist.
Keywords: Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, Holy Land, Israel, Palestine, Jerusalem, repatriation, Arab-Israeli conflict, Russians in Israel.
Isaev V.A.
Filonik A.O.
Morozov V.I.
Problems in adaptation of the oil and gas mining industry in the Gulf monarchies to the current conditions
The main subject of the article is the study of the oil and gas extracting industry in the Arabian monarchies of the Persian Gulf area. This industry is of a special importance of the economy of these countries as it is exactly a branch that determines now their economic development, ensures mighty financial support to their political independence and sets up the monarchies on a very special place in the whole developing world. Here is the reason that indentifies the deep interest of the Arabian monarchies not only to the development of the energy complex in those countries but also to work for its adaptation to the current conditions of the economic situation rapidly changing throughout the World.
Keywords: oil, gas, oil and gas industry, petrochemical and gasprocessing industry, Arab oil-extracting countries of the Persian Gulf area, the Arabian monarchies.
Morozov V.M.
Nosenko T.V.
Krylov A.V.
The dynamics of the conflict between Israel and the Hamas organization in the period 2014-2016
Standoff between the State of Israel and the radical organization HAMAS is part of the Palestinian-Israeli and Arab-Israeli conflicts. The establishment of control of HAMAS over the Gaza Strip has augmented this standoff. The author considers the events of 2014-2016 in the Palestinian arena. In 2014, Israel conducted the operations of significant scale. Potential of escalation of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is persisting currently. Situation in military sphere and socio-economic situation in the Gaza Strip are conditioning potential of escalation of the conflict in the Palestinian arena. Socio-economic situation in the Gaza Strip generated the levers for de-escalation of the conflict. The author pays attention to possible Israeli conquest of the Gaza Strip. Significant reduction of potential of escalation of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is the urgent and difficult task for international community. Now even «routine» outbreaks of tension in the zone of the standoff are requiring close attention.
Keywords: Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the State of Israel, HAMAS, «Islamic Jihad», the Gaza Strip, operation «Protective Edge», potential of escalation of the conflict.
Filonik A.O., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Hainickaya E.A., Graduate Student of the FGBOU VPO “Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University”, Assistant, Department of History and Archival.
Isaev V.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Ilyukhina V.V., Post-graduate student of the department of state-confessional Relations of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Academy of Folk Economy and public service Under the President of the Russian Federation.
Kasatkin P.I., Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of World Political Process, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), MFA of Russia.
Komleva V.V., Doctor of Sociology, Dean of the Faculty of International Regional Studies and Regional Management of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Krylov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies of the Department of Diplomacy Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Liu Fangfei, Graduate Student of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy, Saint Petersburg University.
Morozov V.M., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Diplomacy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Nosenko T.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Department of Israel and Jewish Communities of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Palamarenko E.V., Post-graduate student of the Department of External Church Relations and Social Sciences, Cyril and Methodius School of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies.
Sun Yan, Graduate student, Associate Professor, Deputy dean for academic affairs, University of the Foreign languages.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Zimin P.G., Applicant of the Department of Comparative Political Science of Russian University of Peoples' Friendship.