Ryabovа E.L. The journal mission and Russia-Italy dialogue
Abbyasov R.R. Social doctrine and its role in religion: the theoretical and methodological aspect
Rybakov S.V. On the issue of the worldview potential of Russian religious philosophy
Ilyukhina V.V. Evolution of the social and philosophical catholic doctrine
Bogatov N.V. Orthodoxy as an institution for building a culture of conflict interaction
Dzutsev K.V. Religious education in secondary general schools in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation: pros and cons
Kazmina A.G. New epoch images in the Russian art of the 20th century
Belova D.N. The Notion of Love in the Cultural and Moral Perspective
Iseeva E.R. System continuity in the development of society: the role of socio-cultural traditions
Smirnov S.S. Semiotics and psychoanalysis in cinematography
Sharova M.A. Philosophical and psychological views of S.S. Gogotsky (analysis of the work «The psychology Program»)
Kabidenova Z.D., Risbekova S.S. Religious conversion and national identity
Yuri Bashmet International Music Festival in Italy
Abbyasov R.R.
Social doctrine and its role in religion: the theoretical and methodological aspect
The article is devoted to the consideration of the place and role of social doctrine in the structure of religion at the present stage. The analysis carried out in the article shows that social doctrine is not only a set of ideas about social reality based on doctrinal dogmas, from the point of view of a particular religious tradition, but also it performs a number of important functions without which it is practically impossible for religious organizations to carry out their activities. The author concludes that all traditional religions on the territory of the Russian Federation today have policy documents covering social issues.
Keywords: religion, social teaching, Islam, social doctrine, Muslims.
Rybakov S.V.
On the issue of the worldview potential of Russian religious philosophy
The article analyzes the most significant traditions of Russian religious philosophy. They are connected with problems of worldview. It was noted that the most important component of the methodology on which the activity of the Russian religious and philosophical school was based was special attention to spiritual and moral issues.
Keywords: Russian religious philosophy, religious factor, Orthodoxy, worldview, cultural and historical identity, spirituality, morality.
Ilyukhina V.V.
Evolution of the social and philosophical catholic doctrine
The article examines the evolution of the social doctrine of the Catholic Church from the time it was created to the period of the pontificate of John Paul II. The chronological scope of the article is determined by the dynamics of the development of the social doctrine of the Church and its peculiarities. The author concludes that the birth of social doctrine of Catholicism took place long before 1891, when Pope Leo XIII released the encyclical "Rerum Novarum" ("On the nature of things"). Already in the teachings of Thomas Aquinas we find the beginnings of social doctrine, which later received its development and consolidation in the official documents of the Catholic Church.
Keywords: social doctrine, Catholic Church, Catholicism, Leo XIII, Thomas Aquinas.
Bogatov N.V.
Orthodoxy as an institution for building a culture of conflict interaction
This article explores the role of the Russian Orthodox Church as a potential mediator in the settlement of interethnic conflicts. The author defines mediation as one of the most effective ways of third-party intervention in international conflicts. In the context of this study, mediation is considered from the point of view of settling interethnic conflicts, since ethnic communities living in the territory of certain states are very resistant to changes and contain a certain sense of belonging related to the general blood relationship. Consequently, in the clash of two or more ethnic groups, the conflict is characterized by its duration and the complexity of the settlement, becoming catastrophic and hitting the structure of the parties involved at all levels of its existence.
Based on the primary data and using modern knowledge in the field of conflictology and the peacemaking process, the author defines the main causes and factors of interethnic conflicts, as well as the criteria for the effectiveness of the peacekeeping activities of the Russian Orthodox Church, which make it possible to act as a potential mediator.
As a result of the research, a paradigm of effective mediation and settlement of interethnic conflicts is suggested, in the context of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church or other religious organizations. The proposed paradigm allows us to take into account the various factors and causes of conflicts, to effectively manage them and at the same time to strengthen the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Keywords: conflict, mediation, factors of interethnic conflicts, Russian Orthodox Church.
Dzutsev K.V.
Religious education in secondary general schools in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation: pros and cons
The article is based on the materials of ethnosociological research conducted in the summer of 2016 by the North Ossetian Department of Social Studies of the Institute for Socio-Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in conjunction with the North Ossetian State University named after. K.L. Khetagurov in the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation. The sample size was 1200 people, including 50 experts (journalists, scientists, officials, members of political parties, cultural workers, religious figures, lawyers).
Keywords: multi-confessional society, world outlook, monotheistic religion, morality, average Russian, world religions, world outlook, information space, religious education, tolerance.
Kazmina A.G.
New epoch images in the Russian art of the 20th century
The article is dedicated to the development of the new realistic art in the post-revolutionary epoch. The author analyzes the art works of the outstanding Soviet painters ‒ Yury Pimenov and Alexander Labas. Y. Pimenov (1903-1977) was one of the interesting and productive painters of the Soviet art. His art formed the range of themes that interested the artist during his professional life. First of all his paintings demonstrate the images of his contemporaries ‒ Soviet people. An important part of Y. Pimenov’s heritage is the people’s everyday life topics. On the contrary, A. Labas (1900- 1983) considered that the future of the country depends on the scientific and technological progress. He admired aeronautical, mechanical and railway engineering. He is interested in everything that is moving and flying. But, in spite of the different approaches to the creation of the country’s chronicle these painters demonstrate the astonishing and many-sided image of the Soviet epoch going down in history.
Keywords: Soviet art, painting, realism, Y. Pimenov, A. Labas, movement, rhythm, airship, airplane.
Belova D.N.
The Notion of Love in the Cultural and Moral Perspective
This work addresses love as an overall feeling that brings together the energies of all the love types: sex, eros, agape, and that is pre-eminently based on morality. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the change in the perception of different love forms, particularly eros and agape in connection with the female image transformation in the fine arts starting from the Renaissance era and to the present day. The study is based on the scientific principles of comparative analysis focusing on philosophical and pictorial art materials where iconological, iconographical, hermeneutical and cultural, and historical methods were used. The study reveals special features that shaped the notion of love based on specific philosophic and cultural context. The matter of particular focus is the connection of female image to psychological, culturological and philosophical love aspects including the sophian understanding of love. The work highlights the fact that love instead of being seen as a driving force has nowadays been shrunk down to the issue of relationship between a man and a woman which destroys the fundamentals of love due to the contradictions between sex, eros and spirituality amid transformations in the society and persistent striving for tolerance. Scientific novelty of the work lies in drawing attention to the predominant role of a woman both in love and in supporting moral principles and religious feelings.
Keywords: eros, agape, religion, femalehood, profane love, sacred love, sexuality, morality, altruism, femininity, personality issues.
Iseeva E.R.
System continuity in the development of society: the role of socio-cultural traditions
The role of the socio-cultural tradition in the processes of the reproduction of society as a systematic integrity is considered in the article in the philosophical perspective.
In this article the functional role which in the self-control providing system continuity in development of society is played by sociocultural tradition is considered.
The tradition belongs to the concepts which are widely used in social science not having, however, any standard value. In the article the functional and the standard roles of tradition are considered.
The difficult open system is in constant information exchange with the external environment surrounding it, therefore any new information for self-preservation and self-development of system can potentially be both "useful", and "harmful".
Tradition, accumulating the previous experience of existence of society in this external (natural and social) surrounding, contains the information allowing though, of course, to a certain extent of reliability, to make the selection of all newly arriving information on criteria and make the preservations of integrity of the system, and to introduce the changes which could be necessary for further development.
Keywords: society, system, socio-cultural tradition, systemic continuity, information, sign system.
Smirnov S.S.
Semiotics and psychoanalysis in cinematography
This work is devoted to the study of the mutual influence of psychoanalysis, semiotics and cinematography. With obvious differences between psychoanalysis and cinematography, there are many connections revealed in the research of the worldview and the individual inner world by the cinema methods. Semiotics considers cinematography as a specific sign system. The absence of opened sign units in films compels viewers by association and intuitively to search for the natural meanings, hidden in the text of the film.
Keywords: semiotics, psychoanalysis, cinematography.
Sharova M.A.
Philosophical and psychological views of S.S. Gogotsky (analysis of the work «The psychology Program»)
The article is devoted to the system of philosophical synthetism of S. S. Gogotskogo in terms of combining considerations of philosophical and psychological knowledge on issues of analysis: the inner world of the man, conscious processes of sensory activities, ideas, thinking. It is shown that the philosophical and psychological views were developed by him in an idealistic way and were aimed to bridge the gap between the categories of essence and phenomenon of individual human existence.
Keywords: S.S. Gogotsky, philosophy, psychology, the soul, consciousness, concept formation, thinking, intellect, judgment, reason.
Kabidenova Z.D.
Risbekova S.S.
Religious conversion and national identity
This article explores women’s attitude to the religious transformation that has been taking place in the Kazakh society during the independence period. Relying on a pilot qualitative research, we present an in-depth analysis of interviews and a focus group survey with a number of women participants. This study touched upon the issues of ethnic and religious identity, and religious conversion in Islamic community. The data highlight the fear of new religious cults, strong support of the state as a societal protector, conservatism and reluctance to accept new forms of Islamic identity, as a certain degree of Islamophobia. It is despite of the fact that the interviewed participants identify themselves as Muslims. The majority of interviewed participants are believers and have their strong sense of religious belonging.
Keywords: Kazakhstan, identity, Islam, women, religious conversion.
Abbyasov R.R., First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Mufti of the Moscow Region, Chairman of the Moscow Region Spiritual Administration of Muslims, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Belova D.N., Candidate of Philosophical sciences, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
Bogatov N.V., Master of Theology.
Dzutsev K.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Head of the North Ossetian Social Research Center, Institute of Socio-Political Studies, Head of the Department of sociology of K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University, Vladikavkaz.
Ilyukhina V.V., Post-graduate student of the department of state-confessional Relations of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Iseeva E.R., Post-graduate student, Department of Philosophy Ufa state technical petroleum University.
Kabidenova Z.D., Graduate Student (Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi).
Kazmina A.G., Doctoral Student, Metropolitan Pedagogical University, Beijing.
Risbekova S.S., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi).
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the history Deparment of Russian Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg).
Sharova M.A., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of philosophy and sociology, Institute of History and Law (Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University).
Smirnov S.S., Graduate Student of Department of Philosophy of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University).